The Story Team will Troll the Night Elves

Apparently it is to some :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

Camp Taurajo and the Purge of Dalaran and the reactions to them is why I have the opinion the Horde’s collective Psyche could never handle the likes of Southshore, Theramore, or Teldrassil.

(This is not to say I think the Alliance’s collective Psyche handled them well. The declining Alliance playerbase isn’t just due to raiding racials afterall and the decline started with Cata.)


I think people take this game too seriously in general, especially the faction LARPing. You’d think some of these things happened for real, and the posters were there for it, the way things carry on. Fortunately, players don’t write the story. Horde playerbase didn’t decide to be supervillains (again). Alliance playerbase didn’t decide to just kinda put up with it (again) and /fingerwag (again).

As these things tend to go, it will resolve the same: Horde loses the few NPCs it has left, Alliance NPCs get more demi-gods who can’t free themselves from Anduin’s Apathetic Altruism.

In summary: players should hang this on the writing instead of other players.


I dunno that that’s really trolling them though. I think her playing a part in fixing the problem that she created is probably a good thing.

That is if you care at all about Night elves anymore, not sure why you would.

Sheer literal bloody-minded stubborness.

Edit: an accurate reflection of both night elves and the writing team response.

So are certain people going to apologize for subjecting us to their fatalistic headcanon?

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Congratulations on your assumption being correct!

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This entire expansion was an alliance and nelf wank fest putting nelves as the morally superior golden children once again and everybody reasonable knew that sylvanas was not going to be redeemed nor forgiven.

World of Nelfcraft continues, lol. :man_shrugging:


If you’re going to sit there and actually think this story was any good, especially for Night elves or their fans… Well you really are out of touch. :wolf:


Night elf fans are not possible to please. This I know to be true. :fox_face:


That’s just….like your opinion man :wolf:



You’re not wrong :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean…

But when are we gonna get justice for Camp T tho?

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The horde killed the person responsible for it though :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, but see, that’s not justice for Camp T. Like, let’s compare the events from that picture with Camp T. Ok? Ok.

Look, we told the guys carrying the toxic blight waste to be careful. But they were orc peons, and they thought they saw a nice place to nap. And orc peons, when they see a nice place to nap? They drop what they’re doing and run to the nap-spot. That’s all that happened there, and those orc peons? They died in the toxic blight spill too! Where’s there justice??

Honestly, I don’t even know why you guys are mad about this. We’d been knocking on those big doors since Vanilla, and nobody answered!! Then we found out about the worgen problem, and we were trying to help!! We remember Vanilla worgen. We remember how mean they were. So we just wanted to clear them out for you so that the next time we knocked on the doors, maybe you’d answer.

That was all Garrosh 10,000%. He piloted the airship, he threw the mana bomb overboard. We were told we were in Theramore to help evacuate it before a tidal wave summoned by Jaina wiped the city off the map!! We were helping!! But then Garry throws his bomb, and you know? Maybe you don’t because nobody told you, but Garrosh? He didn’t even tell us to evacuate ourselves!! He just dropped the bomb and said “so long, suckahs!!!”

That’s all Genn. He was mad about something, don’t know what, and tried to be an assassin. Then he smashed Sylvanas’s lamp. She’s afriad of the dark, you sicko!! What’s up with this cruelty, Genn?!? Totally unbcalled for, Sylvanas did nothing wrong at this point.

The Gathering
Oh, come on, we all know Calia set this up. Blame her.

DARKshore? Sylvanas? Afraid of the dark?? This is such an easy misunderstanding as well. She thought you’d appreciate it if she lit a small, controlled fire to help with that “dark” problem in Darkshore. Maybe the fear of the dark caused her to get a tiny bit carried away! We said we’re sorry.

Since when is it wrong to blow up your own city when people are wrongly invading it over a silly misunderstanding? Maybe the Alliance should stop committing crimes against the innocent Horde if you don’t want us to blow up our own cities.

Nope, not ringing any bells. You sure you didn’t mean Brendan’s Camp?

Valley of Eternal Blossoms
Ok, again, this was all just Garrosh. I don’t know what he was thinking here.

Since when is mining in unclaimed land even a bad thing? Alliance do it to!! Now you’re just being silly.

As you can clearly see, Camp T is the biggest travesty of justice in all of Warcraft’s history. And we simply want a token appeasement, a small gesture following Horde traditions to give justice to the fallen.

Per Horde tradition, this appeasement can take the form of the heads of every soldier or civilian to ever set foot in the Barrens, three Alliance zones, one Alliance capital city, and 85% of an expansion’s Alliance storyline. Also a written apology from Anduin for making us commit any ALLEGEDLY evil deeds we may have done in the last thirty seven years, or the next one hundred and fifteen.

Thank you.


Best I can offer is two half eaten tacos, a stale bagel, two donuts from ten years ago, a slobbered on tennis ball and some stale coffee. It’s my best offer :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:


Listen… TM and southshore were fine. But then, as a part of the Alliance acceptance of DKs, every sexy Draenei DK that joined the alliance had to take their OP starting zone blues and slaughter anyone in Tarren Mills, focusing first on Bat Handlers and anyone with an exclamation mark on their head. Thats why the horde had to respond.

A lot of people don’t know about that quest.


But, I mean… I suppose we’ll settle for Anduin personally helping Sylvanas with her pennance.

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