The State Of Warlock (And All Classes)

No other class is struggling overall as much as Lock is right now

Monks. Monks are the worst class in the game.

False. Windwalker > All 3 Lock Specs in Raid.
Mistweaver is starting to sim better with the slew of buffs it recieved in 11.0.5

It is by far in a better position than locks. You should look at the logs, you might find it illuminating.

Have you checked out boomkin? They are doing aug levels of dmg in raid rn o.o,

I have. Balance performs EXCEPTIONALLY well in Mythic+, obviously less so in raid. Druid’s still have guardian druid (the best tank in the game) and feral just got a buff hotfix.

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Yeah. Nerf Hunters!


Saying to just reroll isn’t the way to solve the issue. People should be able to play what they enjoy and have a viable spec instead of all 3 being at the bottom.


Good Post. But doubt Devs care when “Warlocks” are mentioned.

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Give warlocks a tank spec

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\What about Infirmity being re-worked to 10 sec off VT CD, and 15 off PS (to eliminate the awkward waiting 15 sec with PS off CD the spec currently has), no other benefits?

For Destro, move Rain of Fire to baseline, put Cata where RoF is, then replace Cata with Cata CDR as a choice with Inferno?

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Give them anything at this point lol

20 CD Vile Taint/30 CD PS would be as the kids say, bussing.

Would fit into the Soul Rot windows so much better.

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Those logs are going to be taken down.

Outlaw had a massive bug which allowed them to build a Coup De Grace in Trickster and then swap to Fatebound, where they could use every Dispatch as if it consumed 5 or more Combo Points (regardless of where their actual combo points were at)

Outlaw is the outlier but there are other specs that are also performing at a far higher level than anything close to any warlock spec.

Yep, elemental is overtuned.

Beyond that? Meh

For the forst time in history.

Nerf mages.

Out of curiosity who do you think is currently the best heal spec?

For raid healing? They all seem pretty even with no one healer being extremely better than the other

Rsham is probably still the best healer to bring to m+ pugs because its easy to top people off from (healable) mistakes where your Disc or Fistweaver absolutely need you to play nearly perfect. Rdruids can’t miss uptime on Rejuv, etc.

But if everyone plays a good game? I think Disc voidweaver is the best because it brings PI and great damage to push the key along quickly

let me ask you a very simple question. the season has been out for what, like a month and a half now give or take? how much has your guys’ current approach worked in that time? the answer is zero. so you tell me, how is that a solution? how is it a solution to literally make zero progress?

if you worked at a job that one day just completely changed and became unprofitable, what would you do? there were hundreds of other companies doing the same thing making way more money you could go work for, but instead, you stay at the same place and complain about it lol. my point is that at some point, it is your responsibility to do something about the problem.

it is completely reasonable to expect yourselves to have a good spec. but it is not completely reasonable to continue playing it when you know its bad and there are tons of other options. the only feedback they actually listen to is people not playing something. they could care less about your complaints

Warlock is already one of the lowest played classes regardless of how well it performs. If it’s play rate influenced how often it’s tuned then it would get tuned very regularly.

Abandoning and ignoring glaring problems doesn’t solve anything.

To what extent? Warlock is already one of the least played classes so by your statement shouldn’t it already be garnering more attention?