The State Of Warlock (And All Classes)

Looks like Warlocks will finally get help. Hopefully it helps.

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At a quick glance:

Aff buffs are worth about 3.5-4% for Soul Harvester. Dunno how much for Hellcaller, a lot more than that.

Destro buffs are worth about 6.3% for the current iteration of Destro. (More on AoE and for Hellcaller obviously). But a sidenote is that it will probably change how Destro is built. If it kills the Shadowburn build (which I would be sad about) then it’d see a much bigger jump in numbers as we end up casting Chaos Bolt way more than we currently do. Between the RoF nerf for Diabolist and the buff to everything BUT Shadowburn, I could see Destro shifting to Hellcaller.

No idea how much the Demo build is gunna be with napkin math, but a reversion of the Dreadstalker core nerf is VERY welcome and it looks like we’ll have a very good 2 minute damage profile with GFG being turbo again.

I’ll wait for Kalamazi to actually figure out the real numbers on these buffs if we change our builds and whatnot.

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Nerf Fury warrior.

Been trying PvP on my lock for a while and it seems like we’re back to “play affliction with a healer or else you die before getting one spell out”. Else, you’ll have to deal with perma stuns, constant interrupt and people dancing around pillars to LoS you.

Like, thanks to the recent nerfs to utility, all abilities were turned into weaker versions of themselves (like Shadowfury with cast time and Drain Life turned useless).

Demonology gets the cake for worst because of how summoned demons are simply mechanically worse versions of DoTs. Not even saying there should be less casting, but there was a reason locks had all that surviability and control.

Destro, at least, got some nice bursts.

Say what you want about balance but I’m playing and gearing 6 level 80 toons and Destruction Warlock is by far the most fun of them all.

The damage increases are nice, but nicer is the return to form for Dreadstalkers’ core generation.
But other than that I don’t think it addresses the core issues of the spec since you’re still going to do a lot of standing still and casting, and if GFG becomes optimal it’s going to make the burst window that much tighter with hound/stalkers. It already simmed the highest if memory serves so it may not even matter if the gameplay doesn’t improve much as long as it just melts, which would be kind of lame.

The core issue of the spec is it is not designed by you, for you, your way. Geez… take the flippin WIN. At least they are doing SOMETHING :rofl:


:rofl: Sorry bout that… just this WHOLE COMMUNITY… I mean every change is another thing to gripe about. They are literally buffing from 20% - 125% giving huge damage increase and Deadstalkers is now guaranteed to generate a core. Like… you’ve all been BEGGING to stop feeling underpowered, so they bumped up the power… A LOT… and it is still just not good enough. blows my MIND LOL… I just had a complete, and not needed, overhaul on Prot Pally. So I made my changes and moved on.

Why are you getting so emotional over such milquetoast criticism.
I even said, if the damage buffs are enough it won’t matter and Demo will be the de facto pick despite gameplay issues.
My critique with Demo isn’t about their damage, it’s about their gameplay. My critique for Destro is about its damage, and you’ll notice I didn’t say a damn thing about it. Maybe because I thought it was all well and good.

It is emotion, but not the one you think. When you said:

and then went on to say

I could literally hear Dudley shouting about his number of gifts… like, come on… they are at least trying… and all they get from the people who should at least be somewhat happy that anything is being done is a /golfclap “Way to miss the core issue Blizz”. Maybe they just need to bring back Warlock builds from Cataclysm when you could pop off a one shot chaos bolt and were OP as heck. But something tells me that would not even satisfy most Warlocks. :rofl:

I came in so happy to say, “Hey ya’ll they listened” not realizing people would still be unhappy. No wonder they ignored warlocks for so long. They knew nothing they did would actually matter lol.

Dudley didn’t pay his parents to unwrap their gifts, live in their house or anything like that.
You are absolutely nuts to think this way, lmao.

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Ok, my analogy was bad. Doesn’t make you any less ungrateful for them at least making an attempt. They could have let locks rot til Midnight.

“Erberber bE gRaTeFuL, rabblerabblerabble”
Yeah, I’m gonna suck the toes of the billion dollar corp that I already pay to play the damn game for “making an attempt”.
Get real or get lost.

Your last few replies were nothing but moaning about my milquetoast criticism of changes, lmao.

As someone who has been very vocal about the state of lock - the changes are all very positive.

Demonology’s kit still needs to be re-examined and modernized for a movement heavy season (if this is the direction they intend to go next season) and thats not something thats resolved with bigger numbers.

None of the specs will become S+ pumpers with these changes, but you have to celebrate being bumped up from the bottom tier.


Oh hey. They actually buffed Warlocks. I’ll take it.


Your memory’s bad. They’ve spent the majority of their time in the spotlight. Notable exceptions are Cata through WoD (debatably just MoP) and now.

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Well, I’m going to go back to playing the game, and when the lock changes come through, I will dust him off and go for a spin. Complaining is not my thing on the forums. I’ll leave you to it.

Well said. :blue_heart:

How stupid do you feel right now with those incoming buffs?