The State Of Warlock (And All Classes)

In DF, the demonic core economy was much higher and consistent. I knew that when my dogs died I’d get 2 cores to get any movement out of the way. I knew that shortly after my tyrant window I’d have 4 dogs dying fairly close to each other and could plan accordingly. Now, it’s a crap shoot. Sometimes I’ll hold a core for movement but then rng will have me overcapping.

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That is not the ideal solution for Destro, because Destro currently, as has been pointed out by others earlier, plays fine and suffers only from a low raw output. Reworking it would be shooting themselves in the foot unless their intent is to make the spec play as poorly as the other two, damage tuning for them would be the ideal solution.

It would be ideal for Demo, or Affliction, because both of those suffer from similar issues in that any amount of movement – and there’s a lot of that this tier – tanks their damage. Something like making Drain Soul castable while moving, increasing the proc chance of Demonic Core from Dreadstalkers, making Tyrant instant cast, things like that would be necessary to bring them up to par.

And if you want to talk about fixing everything then go make that post instead of spouting puerile nonsense like this:

Because of course they keep trying, everybody keeps trying, and them trying isn’t any kind of argument against the class needing changes or in favor of the notion that the class is perfectly fine.
If you want to fix everything, but take exception when somebody brings up specific issues because it wouldn’t fix everything, you end up fixing nothing.

Edit: What a worthless exchange this has been.

I’m not fixing anything. Blizz is, or isn’t :rofl: Feel free to be pissed at them. I am only here to chat.

What’s the build demo locks are using to top meters all of a sudden

All the changes they’ve made to Demo since DF has been absolutely dogwater. Wonder if they are in their “we’d rather you not play Demo” era again.

Probably preparing a third spec for dung hunters.

This is prolly going to come off as a little racist and I embrace that.

OP, I was not expecting to find a panda posting on the name Stinkypig.

It was my knee-jerk when I came into the thread.

“Whoa, Stinkypig is a panda??”

I’ve forgotten everything else as to why I am here right now.

You might wanna re examine that again

I may be doing something vastly wrong, but. I love my Hellcaller Aff. Sadly, it feels like numbers do not pop that often.

In Soul Rot windows I can slam 1m in a crit with MR. Outside of it, I hit for… 300-400k, tops, on a crit?

It is a weird discrepancy. Adding even how awful it is to swap targets with Aff, it just feels like I am constantly losing DPS.

Hells, I cleared Zekvir ?? on Destro because I couldnt kill adds with Aff. The needed time to ramp Dots again, and then burst, takes way too long in a high mobility fight.

Warlocks are middle of the pack currently. What’s the complaint specifically?

Hellcaller Affliction relies on mobs to be alive for an insanely long time compared to every other spec/hero talent to get value.

It’ll probably get REALLY good in later tiers, but for now it’s just got the same problem that every Affliction iteration has had for a while in that when you can dump your resources it spikes VERY high but there’s no consistent way to generate those resources back after you dump it.

Whereas Soul Harvester completely solves that problem by making Affliction basically a resourceless-spec again by drowning you in Nightfall/Crescendo/Soul Shards compared to Hellcaller.

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False. If you look at the raid and mythic+ stats I provided you can see it certainly isn’t in the middle of the pack.

When 10 specs are averaging within <60k of each other…

Purely anecdotal. The logs I’ve provided already show otherwise. This demonstrates how little you know about balancing at end game.

You shared heroic logs, which tbh, is where I looked away

Ele being FoTM and the spec is so boring. I thought it got a redesign. I’m bored to tears. Feels like a clunky overtuned mess

I shared heroic raid logs because its the most tangible end game raiding content available. A tiny fraction of the playerbase participates / clears Mythic raiding.
But since you want to talk Mythic Raid. Sure! Lets talk Mythic Raid.

Heres some log results from the highest sims (there are PLENTY more on other specs to compare to aswell, but lets just go with best specs vs warlock for a comparrison):

  • Ulgrax - 2,377,905.3 Rogue
  • Bloodhound - 2,801,495.1 Rogue
  • Silkran - 2,185,242.3 Rogue
  • Rasha’nan - 2,831,510.8 Rogue
  • Broodtwister - 4,218,576.0 Shaman
  • Nexus - 2,410,893.0 Rogue
  • Silken Court - 3,073,802.0 Rogue
  • Queen Ans - 1,552,858.3 Evoker

Now lets see how the best warlocks in the WORLD fair:

  • Ulgrax - 1,744,924.7 avg
  • Bloodhound - 1,568,755.1 Demo
  • Silkran - 1,356,423.5 Destro
  • Rasha’nan - 1,791,901.9 Demo
  • Broodtwister - 2,668,278.9 Demo
  • Nexus - 1,357,509.5 Demo
  • Silken Court - 2,188,125.5 Aff
  • Queen Ans - 1,505,524.0 Destro

Now lets see the difference

Boss Name Overall Best Performing DPS Spec Warlock Best Performing Spec DPS Difference %
Ulgrax 2,377,905.3 1,744,924.7 632,980.6 36.28
Bloodhound 2,801,495.1 1,568,755.1 1,232,740.0 78.58
Silkran 2,185,242.3 1,356,423.5 828,818.8 61.10
Rasha’nan 2,831,510.8 1,791,901.9 1,039,608.9 58.02
Broodtwister 4,218,576.0 2,668,278.9 1,550,297.1 58.10
Nexus 2,410,893.0 1,357,509.5 1,053,383.5 77.60
Silken Court 3,073,802.0 2,188,125.5 885,676.5 40.48
Queen Ans 1,552,858.3 1,505,524.0 47,334.3 3.14

This isn’t just an instance of Rogues being overtuned. There are plenty of logs that show Hunters, Frost DK, Enh Shaman, Arcane Mage + Other specs far ahead. I’d say the only fight that is an outlier where we sim well and have agency is Silken Court with two targets up (99% of the fight) for perma dots, but thats strictly for affliction and still nowhere close to Rogue.

Does this look like its performs close to the top contenders? What you’re seeing is DPS avg differences over 500k-1.5mil. Ansurek logs are limited since there are so few clears - but once more Ansurek logs come out with the recent buffs to other classes, I assure you will see this gap only widened.

60k dps difference? You’re not just down right wrong, you’re stupid.


TBF, not disagreeing but you gotta get rid of Outlaw Rogues from your data. They’re currently bugged and doing ridiculous amounts more because they could do an exploit that let them spam 5CP spenders.

Presumably their logs will be purged if they haven’t been already.

didnt read but buff shaman pls

You’re not wrong, but theres a lot of other specs performing at high levels aswell where the gap is far far greater than a mere 60k (which the data was in response to). I just went with the top positions rather than have to filter out everything.