The State Of Warlock (And All Classes)

I’m seeing a lot of people say “Warlock is fine” “A warlock in my raid topped charts etc”

I wanted to show some data which really shines in a light on how much the class as whole is struggling.

Apologies as you’ll need to remove the space to see the link.

Mythic+ 10
imgur .com/a/yVNgKht

Heroic Raid
imgur .com/QU6CQVi

No other class is struggling overall as much as Lock is right now. Some classes have MULTIPLE specs performing at a top level and they recieved further buffs to that spec or their others. While I understand not every class can be at the top, why does one have to struggle so much across the board? Other classes have specs that are struggling - but they usually have a top performing other spec to play.

Specs that are performing at a high level

  • Hunter - Beast Mastery
  • Rogue - Assassination + Subtlety
  • Shaman - Elemental, Enhancement AND Resto
  • Evoker - Preservation and Augmentation
  • Warrior - Protection

Specs that are performing at a mid-above mid level, still higher than locks

  • Monk - Has been struggling all season but 11.0.5 buffs should see Mistweaver be a strong choice
  • Demon Hunter - Vengence started the season strong, Havoc is doing okay
  • Mage - Arcane / Fire have had their chance to shine and have been strong all season until recent nerfs
  • Paladin - 11.0.5 buffs should see the specs reach high performing levels, further logs will need to come
  • Priest - Disc (Strong choice), but overall not performing great either

So why is Warlock struggling so much?

The answers lies in

  • Undertuned DPS numbered that need to be dramatically brought in line with our classes
  • This season is a movement centric season both in raid and in Mythic+. Warlock struggles to have on demand dps with movement (something that demonology REALLY struggles with)
  • Talents which should be baseline
  • Having a W̶a̶r̶l̶o̶c̶k̶ Mage dev too preoccupied with mages to give Warlock the time and attention it needs
  • 11.0.5 left Warlocks with a hero talent nerf and an icon update when it needed more attention more than any other class

If Warlock was a more popular class like Paladin you’d see MANY more threads about this.

Blizzard, we’re almost halfway through the season and by the time any meaningful changes come through nobody will participating in Mythic+ and Raiding.

Our class has been riddled with bugs (some which still exist to this day) and numbers that don’t match the amount of setup effort all season long.

I understand changes for other classes are in the works - but it feels like too little, too late. Please ensure all classes have a viable fighting chance at the start of next season.


Quite happy with the warlock changes announced. I like the idea - for Aff - of massive dps boosts to abilities that aren’t Malefic Rapture and Soul Rot - should make us feel much better in between Soul Rot windows.

Destro buffs are good as well - the buff to all the core abilities should make non-Shadowburn builds potentially more viable.

Demo I’m the least experienced at… but they seem to have ided the big issue of crap mobility.


What a time to be a mail armor class tbh

This has always been my issue with Warlocks. The moment there’s movement, Warlock’s DPS nosedives.


It’s why you’re seeing most Warlocks are running destruction. Its the only spec that you can still do SOMETHING with shadowburn/conflagrate/RoF on the go. Shame it sims so poorly.


And they gave Hellcaller Destro an instant cast Immolate. But yeah too bad Diabolist looks like it’s better than Hellcaller.


This is Blizz, They don’t know what to do with Warlocks, I’m half-expecting someday for them to just ax the Class, once that happens I’m Out! And I’ve hid all my gold and treasures someplace, you just have to find it!


I’m not surprised. I’m not sure they know what they want for classes that are not Paladin or Mage.


Tell me where you stash is!

We’d rather you didn’t play Warlock


Where’d the notion that disc isn’t doing well come from lol, they’re the second highest healer on key logs

Spec specific stuff:

Destro: Really just needs numbers. Gameplay for the spec is fine, has a number of viable builds

Demo: Slight increase to Core economy to help with movement, and Grimoire being enough of a DPS upgrade to be worth taking over a passive would be nice.

Aff: Add something to Hellcaller Aff to increase resource gen, because as it stands now the extra resource from Soul Harvester is the only thing that makes Aff fun.

Generic class stuff:
Dropping a few 2 point nodes to 1 point to give us effectively 2 extra points would be greatly appreciated. As it stands now, 90% of the time you only ever change 1 point depending on what you’re doing, so freeing up 2 points would add some needed flexibility.


I said it was a strong choice. But its worth mentioning that holy and shadow aren’t doing well.

It being well-known that all Brewmasters and Windwalkers are ready to become healers on a moment’s notice.


Flat out wrong. Diabolist Demo is S tier and the most fleshed out class in the game. You are the most useful class in all situations and provide the most utility across the board and in all categories. Period. And you have the audacity to cry in General about your class.

Priests (Shadow) don’t bring their complaints here and we have almost 10 talent requirements higher than Warlock and do about 30% less dps while providing zero utility (I don’t want to hear a word about PI, delete it like SE deleted Kaiten) and cannot even keep up with the group, all while dealing with a clunky and hamfisted rotation that punishes the player for pressing buttons.

Sit back down in the back of the class, and be quiet. You are at the back of the line and none should even look at you until this entire trilogy is over.

You can quite literally summon nearly 100 demons. Just by doing your rotation of 3 buttons. I’m mad.


Nerf Assassination rogue it does way too much damage compared to others.

What Demo and Destro are lacking is numbers.

No log indicates what you’re saying is close to accurate. “You’re wrong because I said so” is not a valid point of view.

Demonology sims the highest but performs the worst because of its inability to use their rotation in a movement centric season. Please don’t be so disingenuous.

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My 565 demo does about 30% more dps than my 596 Priest.

Then that’s a skill issue with you playing priest.

statistics say that Shadow is about 4% ahead of Destro/Demo, and 8% ahead of Aff on ST.