The State Of Warlock (And All Classes)

I love my Diabolist.

Sure I don’t do mythics or raiding but for me and what I’m doing it runs fairly well and I like how it feels.

Nerf DKs again, they need to be humbled some more.

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Nah they’ll get buffed with blizzards 2024 logic of making great specs even better.

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Look, locks players like myself aren’t demanding to be number one on damage meter, we’re just bad spot due low dps numbers and raid mechanics is really unfriendly to locks because they’re all mobile encounters.

Diabolist Destro feels the smoothest the spec has played since MoP days.

Just needs MoP numbers to go with it. Jk…unless?


All 3 specs are super fun to play, visuals etc… we just need buffs

Well, fun in a vacuum.
It’s pretty aggravating to have to move just as you want to cast tyrant, ensuring your dogs and vilefiend run out, your imps start to die off, and you watch hundreds of thousands of dps vanish into thin air.

I wish they would just delete paladins

It also just doesn’t solve the issue of a class not performing well.

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Remember that one time they actually did?

i think you are misunderstanding me. its one thing to expect, and another thing altogether to continue to expect. i think its a completely reasonable expectation to hope a class will have a decent spec. but when that doesnt happen, it becomes your responsibility to focus on what you can control. certainly offer feedback, but at some point we have to take personal responsibility for doing something about the situation that we cant change

Or blizzard could just stop making 1 class have 3 specs that are S tier?

And yet somehow there are warlocks who still pull over 3k for an IO score and are smashing 14s. Maybe we could hire them to teach a class on how to Warlock so others will not struggle.

Also, hello!

That’s my memory, yes.

Their 3k IO score are mostly due to priest PI and aug evoker.

Those are arbitrary inflated numbers and not something lock can possibly achieve on their own accord. Other classes are certainly achieving higher 3k with greater ease.

But since YOU brought up Mythic+, you can see that not a single warlock, not even the best Warlock in the world has ever timed a +15, except for 1 instance of a single DB, Mist and Ara. Demo is even worse with only 1 +14 ever cleared. They perform even WORSE in raid.

The class overall is rife with problems and to suggest otherwise is just being blatantly disingenuous.


Warlock and Monk are both rough atm. Yet somehow all of them keep trying. I get that Warlock is not the glass cannon it used to be, but even Rogues are doing worse, and we are not seeing 500 rogue buff threads.

People continuing to play is no argument against them getting buffs, nor an argument that the class isn’t performing sub par compared to others.

So then let’s add all classes underperforming to the same 20% flat buff and tweak from there.

That doesn’t actually solve anything for any class that isn’t only suffering from low raw output.
And why, when talking about a specific class, must we then include every other class?
What is this nonsense where a specific issue cannot be addressed while other issues exist?
You are, in fact, free to make threads about the other classes if you wish you know.

Specific issue: Underperformance
Ideal solution: Rework the class
Optimal outcome: all classes feel viable

I am more of a fix it globally, rather than locally person. Monks, Locks, Rogues are all hot garbage atm, and every other class has at least one spec that sucks and is never touched. Why not approach it wholistically and simply spend the time to make every character and class useful? I’m sure most healers in this expac would rather play their favorite healer instead of Resto Shammy just so they can progress.