The State Of Warlock (And All Classes)

And there it is. Nobody should be listening to the rantings and ravings of a 565 ilvl Lock that has yet to participate in any end game content. How can you possibly understand how the class performs at an end game level if you have yet to attempt it? Get your item level up, jump in a heroic/mythic raid and see how you fair.


I really miss the guy that was responsible for MoP lock design, too bad he wasn’t great at navigating the world of corporate gaming and got himself fired :disappointed_relieved:


The only mechanical change I’d like for Destro is the reversion of the recent Diabolist nerf. That’s a massive headscratcher of a change because the problem they wanted to “fix” had been fixed months ago! Nobody was using RoF to cycle demons on ST.

It just makes RoF feel worse to push in AoE situations, especially after they removed the Soulshard generation from Inferno making it feel gigabad to press in AoE.

Apart from that, buff it so it isn’t doing Aug tier DPS and we’re golden.

Also a Cataclysm + Vile Taint CDR (with less damage to compensate) so resource management in AoE situations doesn’t feel gigatrash please and thank you.


Tyrant should be able to cast when moving.
Demonic Calling can stack 2x and now affects Summon Vilefiend.
Dogs/Vilefiend guarantee core. Demonbolt damage reduced to compensate.

Giving a stack or two of Crescendo when you use Malevolence would be welcome. Because yeah, Soul Harvester feels insanely good because it lets you do Affliction stuff more, whereas Hellcaller has the same problem every other modern iteration of Affliction has where you use your resources and that feels good but then the only way to get them back is via RNG and that just feels miserable.

Bro is smoking the same crack that the Devs are.

Diabolist Demonology isn’t even the best spec that uses that Hero Talent. Destro is way better with Diabolist mechanically because every spender can trigger the Demons which feels insanely smooth to play (especially with Shadowburn being good) whereas Demo has to make the choice between spending shards on dogs/vilefiend, or ripping a 1-2 shard HoG to cycle their demon which feels REALLY bad.


is just basing their entire opinion on how bad they are at shadow. Their 584 level 80 damage is comparable to my 519 level 70 damage.



10 characters

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I am a much better Warlock than Shadow Priest I won’t deny that.

Which is why you just can’t use only those datapoints to determine balance, because you’re adding the massive variable of how good the player is at the class.


It’s also a lot easier to be good at Warlock than Shadow Priest, skill floor and ceilings are very real thing and the main point of contention I made in my post comparing the two.

Skill floor/skill ceiling is a different conversation from balance.

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Play. Another. Class.
You’re guaranteed to have at least one warlock in every raid. Mythic+ is a disaster right now. I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this season. But you really should take this time to learn other classes. Get good at 5 classes and see how little you care about things like this.

Telling people to shutup and reroll only encourages a lack of class diversity which isn’t healthy for the game. I don’t think its unreasonable to expect your class to have ONE spec perform above the middle line.


Your raid groups must have some absolutely trash dps players if you believe that DiabDemo is S tier.

Either that or you are high as a kite.

Its B tier in M+ and trash tier in raid.


Having some specs be simpler than others is an intentional design decision, but it’s not an excuse for lackluster balance.

I’d wager a lot of people who play one class do so because they enjoy how their specs flow and just want to see them given the same attention others are receiving. I respect the people who are more heavily invested in parsing and class tier lists and are more willing to change what they play. But, as someone who mainly plays destruction for the vibe of the spec, it’d be nice to not have to divest myself from my favorite spec/class just to play at the same level as my peers.

In any case, it is honestly baffling and pretty poor optics to not include the forthcoming tuning with the patch itself. Hopefully we get some good ones next week :crossed_fingers:

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Not by an amount worth crying about, though.

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I love my Demo Warlock in delves though. Underwater breathing and a pet trivializes a lot of the mechanics.

it is only a matter of time, until my raid team decides our mythic raid team doesnt need second warlock, we both performed near 90~95 overall percentile and it hurts thinking about who will be benched

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We’re lucky that the utility saves us a spot in raids. Unfortunately this utility doesn’t translate in Mythic+ the way that lust and S+ damage pumpers do.

Sadly Warlocks are still paying the Xelnath tax.


As far as I can remember, even going back to Cata and WoTLK, Warlocks have had low DPS.


You being serious brah? No way right

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