The state of Cata Pre Patch

I don’t think they care anymore.

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Hilariously enough I can’t provide a link to a Blizzard website of all places, so if you take the (dot) parts out and replace them with actual periods you can see where I’m getting my information.


If you scroll down to the game bundles section the first point of the fine print under the game bundles reads:

¹ Cataclysm Classic launches on or before August 31, 2024.

You could argue that the above point means nothing and that it’s all subjective, which you wouldn’t be wrong about. But your point would only hold if the Cata prepatch was released in a playable state. They could have potentially had up to three months more time to work on fixing bugs before releasing the Cata prepatch. Instead, they (leadership/management) chose this week to release the dumpster fire that is the current patch.

It’s one thing to release content early if it’s finished and in a presentable state, but it’s an entirely different thing to release content where you have remove access to battlegrounds because level 10s are leveling to 70 after winning one WSG and people lose their specialization abilities and passives after logging out (in addition to the many other bugs/issues currently in the game). If you don’t consider that evidence of the expansion prepatch being rushed then I doubt I could convince you otherwise, assuming that you have good intentions.

I’m willing to give the classic dev team the benefit of the doubt and believe that they were told by their higher ups to release the patch in its current state and fix any bugs after the release. Blizzard would rather get immediate sub revenue from returning players who are excited for Cata than wait a few weeks for the devs to ensure that everything is working properly.


which is funny because sod is in an incredibly sorry state that has been getting nearly 0 quality assurance testing on updates. team is so overwhelmed im surprised they havent just shut down and delayed everything

what other than the patch releasing in a blatantly broken state? quite literally nothing works. UI is totally FUBAR, spells broken, stats broken, bgs broken, honor broken, hell you cant even leave dungeon groups.

I realize that this is rather outside of the point you’re trying to make, but in case it does help someone. An old trick to get around that situation is to /tar the NPC by name. And then to have interact with NPC keybound so that you don’t have to right click on them for success.

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Anyone that was on the beta knew this was exactly how this was going to go down for at least a month plus.

The same bugs would sit there build after build after build. Reporting bugs lead to nothing. We recieved zero communication. I would run from broken quest to broken quest around the world each build. No change. Join an instance group. Oh, still cannot leave without a script… sound familiar? Oh the pet bar isnt working right still? Gotta switch between all your specs to get you spells? Spells disappear? Yup. All known about for a lonnnnnng time and reported as bugs.

A cope among the shills arose that a mythical hidden and magical build of the beta was being launched. Blizzard just didnt want to deploy it. For whatever reason. That anyone with concerns need not be worried or was stupid. “Do you even beta” or “first time on a beta” became the shill clap back. A cult of really strange people defended this crap. They deserve a little bit of the thanks for this at least.


When people complain they tend to exaggerate so I doubted it was as bad as people claimed. But you were right. I played the first day of every expansion from BC to BfA and it’s never been nearly this bad.


Mine was mostly UI bugs. My game crashed on learning peofessons. But the overall feel of the application isn’t stable. Hell, the launcher crashed updating it before I even played it.

uhh missing spells, spells being unlearnt after re-logging, cant leave parties, guild chat broken, pretty game breaking to me - stop kissing blizzards backend and wake up


When Disney World closes a ride they reopen when they see fit, charge you full price for admission to the park and expect you to just ride other rides…

Blizzard would like you to try out their Retail, hardcore, era and SoD rides! :rofl:

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Sounds like they probably had a small team of their less important developers. Kind of like reforged.

Just think about what you are saying. You are saying that absolutely nothing works. Either you don’t understand what “literally” means or you are not playing anything because “quite literally nothing works” And yet I have levelled my worgen to level 14 so I guess that eliminates option 2.

many of these bugs i have reported and sent in bug reports during the beta. Heck it took them 2 months just to add disenchant as an ability for enchanting and it took 7 weeks to get the shark working in the starting goblin zone.


It’s been pretty buggy for sure. Hopefully things are more ironed out before full launch.


This is “full launch”. The pre-patch is suppose to ‘set the stage’ for why the expansion is happening (lore and such).

you should replace “such” with “shareholders”

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i think they made the mistake of announcing a deadline too soon and rushed the hell outa it when they just werent ready and this happened thinking they could be ready. all these mistakes arent the product of a happy an smooth release especially content thats already been done ~14 some years ago. iirc cata back then went so much smoother cause they had the appropriate time


Well, yes, but I’m referring to ‘in game’ reasons.

Like we had the Scourge Invasion to prime us for heading to Northrend. Because it was clear Arthas (as the Lich King) had now become an immediate threat.

But Kalimer is suggesting we treat this like an Open Beta with no Character Wipe ‘when it releases’; aka ‘a soft launch’. – It’s not. This is the full release, and it’s apparently a crapshow.

Full release deez nuts. Got’em.

It really isn’t, btw.

SoD and retail are the only important thing at this time for blizz. Kinda real obvious after the the state cata was released in yesterday. I mean its unplayable for me. I wonder how long it will take the one or two interns they have working on cata to get it up to where it should have been on release?

One week? Two? A month? This is amazing really that cata was turned loose on paying customers in the shape its in.

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