The state of Cata Pre Patch

The devs were obviously rushed. WOTLK player numbers were likely plummeting (lol week 28+ ICC) and instead of releasing Cata closer to the end of August like their original plan was (based on the original fine print for the cata upgrades in the shop), they were told to get ready for a May launch instead. They’re missing roughly 3 months of time that they obviously needed to get the game into a playable state.

Old Blizzard leadership would have delayed the launch and acknowledged that they needed more time to put some finishing touches on the patch so it’s playable. New Blizzard leadership only cares about their shareholders and their bottom line (lol we have your sub money who cares if you can’t play the game you’re paying for) instead of the quality of their games. I’m not saying that the devs don’t care, I’m saying that the devs were forced to adhere to an unrealistic timetable for the release.

Now we get a patch that is completely unplayable instead. The devs are likely working overtime to address the issues that they either knew about but couldn’t fix in time or didn’t know existed entirely. We’ll be fortunate if the the game is actually playable by the launch date in three weeks. Who knows how many more issues will pop up as soon as people can enter cata zones?

Expect to be compensated exactly 0 days for being unable to play the cata prepatch, because you can play SoD, vanilla classic, retail, or plunderstorm or w/e it’s called.


Late-capitalism’s MO. Take everything. Give nothing. It’s all about maintaining a delicate balance between unrestricted greed and pushing the customers too far. When they do cross that line, they are forced to backtrack. Like their war on flying, or EA fixing Battlefront 2 to make it work without microtransactions, or lootboxes being scrutinized for the gambling they are.


Porkwater not read. Porkwater say truth

:cut_of_meat: :ocean:


My lunch run was not stable. A few dumps.

Annoying but not rage worthy.

On atiesh and whitemane it looked like half the server was in tmog dude building lol. That node is probably having server gerbils curse in several languages at once.

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Yeah they are staying up overnight to fix things reported months ago lol.

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they were still flippin w/ stuff in ptr right before launch lol.
like ppl were saying they things were gettin updated like an hr before launch.
games not baked all the way and they prolly shoulda had an extended maintenance.
this is completely different than going from tbc to wrath since the entire game changed im shocked they didnt get ours chars deleted in transition lol.

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They should have kept this in the oven for a few more weeks and roll out like they did back then,

first the system changes/ Elemental Unrest

then the full shattering


First time ? Did you not play TBC Classic ? or Wrath Classic ?

No one reads these forums. You are far more likely to get eyeballs on your problem on twitter.

They tested it for a month, can’t you tell? Everything is fiiine.

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I know for sure what Aggrend ISNT doing (Annual Scourge events on ERA)

There is absolutely no evidence of this.

I thought it was just me, but it wasn’t. Like, back when Cata was live, things weren’t as bugged as they are now with Cata Classic. Like, there is far more bugs in Cata classic than there was in the entire history of WoW… Just with the way it feels.

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Dam that must suck for the 3 people playing Cata.


Lol, someone hasn’t even logged on before claiming only 3 people are playing Cata.


goblins everrrrywhere.

Don’t worry - SoD is bugged as hec too

Dam is there even less?


I could not even see the tmog dude on atiesh or whitemane.

You’d go top down view and move mouse till to you got a lock on him lol. Click quick to get to tmog menus lol.

because they dont care. cata is an afterthought to keep whatever subs they have going. They rushed this out. It’s obvious as they didnt even mention anything about the skipping of phases of the prepatch or WHY they skipped it , literally radio silence thinking we wont know/ wouldnt figure it out. That alone is a huge red flag. IDC really though back to priv server for me.