The state of Cata Pre Patch

we dont even know whos working on cata classic. there has been no dev interviews or anything


At least you could switch specs im lv 25 and lost avenger shield i gotta respec everytime it happens :frowning:

Yuuuuuup Blizzard!

hilarious that profession abilities can’t be used because there’s class abilities blocking them :dracthyr_crylaugh:

good job SoD dev’s… good job… :man_facepalming:

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Me and my friend made worgans and the first quest for his priest to train and use his flash heal is bugged cause he trained the spell and it never went into his spell book. So no we cant progress. He can make a new one but RIP Netherweave bags.

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literally has a second definition which means figuratively now. Slang do be like that tho.
(I mostly agree with you though, the problems aren’t that bad. I did a few heroics last night, did some archeology with the boys, and am looking forward to raiding on thursday even if no more hot fixes come into play. But if you’re going to be pedantic and attack his use of “literally”, I’m going to be pedantic back :stuck_out_tongue: )

Did he try making a macro? Other people had similar issues and it lets them cast with a macro (the spell is just hidden in the book or something).

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when avenger’s shield disappeared on me, the macro did not work.

Losing spec specific abilities I think is a different bug. You actually unlearn them and have to swap specs or respec to get them back.

Not seeing basic spells at lower levels like flash heal and rejuv I think is a different problem.

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I mean, thus far it hasn’t ever really cost them players, so no real worry there it seems

Okay. This one is on me. I’m an idiot. The launcher was taking me to the pre-BC classic rather than this one. So my bad.

Yah it’s sad. 3rd party companies have better quality of blizzard games than blizzard does.

My spellbook is a mess.

I specced my druid into resto, tree of life never showed up in the spellbook, even after swapping back and forth between promary and secondary talents. I know i can make a macro but i generally dont use macros for different forms. Logging out and back in never fixed anything either.

Logged into my shaman, did ICC25 achiev run with the guild, class played correctly after a couple talent swaps and logging out and back in. BQL wouldnt bite anyone, luckily we didnt need the extra dmg for her.
Logged out and checked some other toons, logged back onto my shaman and chain lightning had a 3 sec CD now that i couldnt ever get to go away.

When trying to transmog my warrior, the display pane just shows him holding a small axe and nothing in the off-hand, the transmog will actually change to what i select, just cant see it on the vendor pane.

Guild chat doesnt appear in the chat window.

My hunters pet went from having 20k to 6k.

You don’t have to pretend to be blind to protect your ego. It’s OK to admit a multi-billion dollar corporation got one over you. It happens to the best of us.

And why did I log in and have the full set of Twighlight Cultist gear as a mog, already earned for the entire body when last time in original Cata, it was only 3 pieces and was rather hard to get it was grey level cloth gear that only just recently in retail became able to mog into.

But finally, FINALLY my shammy totem bar has not glitched for quite some time in game.

Like I have been over 10 hours without a glitch on it which is a new record for Blizzard classic dev team. I used to multibox shams back in original WoW and even in Cata. Never had a bar glitch back then.

Because you paid for it.

Shouldn’t be possible was my point. Last time, we had to earn it.

Tripping The Rifts should have started by now.

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The company makes so many expansions and, in your own words, none of them were riddled with “game breaking” bugs but the company tries something new and has some issues, which were all fixed in less than two days.

Anyone who knows at least a little about modding/coding would understand it’s a miracle that happened at all. You guys are just crazy sometimes.

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