The state of Cata Pre Patch

I’m trying to understand why why why in the world would you release pre patch content where everything single thing is bugged. Spells not showing up in the right spell book are not there entirely. Guild chat a very essential part and core of wow doesn’t work Pet bars not active or not there you cant leave a party with out a special Script. Like who the hell approved this crap to launch. I’ve been with you guys from TBC up to Shadowlands where I took a break and came back for classic. Not once have I seen crap this bad in the actual gameplay where majority of things don’t work properly or as intended. Get your crap together and who ever is approving this garbage to be released this bad is not listening to the community or any one and should be fired.


3 words: Season of Discovery.


Porkwater try to warn people, cata bad

:cut_of_meat: :ocean:


Dude stop with the crap. It has nothing to do with Cata specifically, it has all to do with blizzard rushing their project


I’m assuming you didn’t read my post. So my response would be to read it.

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do you guys think they are making the devs work overtime tonight to fix everything?
maybe Aggrend is ordering them all pizza or something to keep up Morale

everyone please keep the energy positive


Blizzard don’t care about quality anymore.

I never understand that from a business point of view, rushing stuff. You might be eager to get the new thing out for sales, player engagement, etc, but isn’t there also something to be said for rushing it and turning off the playerbase?


this isn’t a positive experience. The Devs shouldn’t be working over time this isn’t on them its on who ever said yes to keep going with the date and timeline. I’m positive someone has told the person in charge of this crap show that’s its not ready to launch way in advance. This just shows they lack morality for their team and the consumer. This is strictly leadership. This is embarrassing. I would be embarrassed to release something like this.


You lot must have never played through an expansion launch before.


You would think they would have at least fixed the issues of super basic things like spells disappearing from your spellbook.

I had lost Penance as a disc priest and didn’t discover this until I was in a dungeon. Have to change specs back and forth to fix it (I hadn’t swapped when I lost it, I just lost it randomly or when re-logging possibly).

I can’t dispel friendly targets half the time for no apparent reason.

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I’ve played through every expansion launch and none have been as bad as this the worse thing happened to me was I couldn’t get through the portal for WOD. Everything else was log in issues I’ve never encountered so many bugs as I have on a pre patch like today


Blizzard boot licker detected

Ive played every expac release since original Wotlk and there has never been a release so riddled with game breaking bugs. the only thing close to it was 2019 classic with the disconnects/server queues - but the game itself was perfectly playable once you were in


Uh, nope, false, they actually moved their entire dev team to cata classic and it still released like this lol.

I’ve played on day 1 of every expansion launch and probably most pre-patches as well.

The expansion launch issues are usually server-stability issues.

The issues we’re having in this pre-patch are like early beta issues of basic spells not even being in your spellbook or massive UI issues like not being able to leave a dungeon without a macro.


Ive seen full dlc sized mods from the Nexus released with less bugs than this, and they usually have a hotfix within hours. not days for any found…
There are literal 15 year olds producing better scripted everything on their first attempts for far worse scripted games and on realllllly outdated hardware and a $0 budget.
Yall got hundreds of people and millions upon millions of dollars to dump into any one of them for results… yet cant hold a candle to a solo 15 y/o’s flame.
Thats pretty pathetic… No wonder as to why people laugh at your company and pirate your products for free… Ya’ll kinda deserve it.

I started during the prepatch of OG cata. wasnt even 1/10000th as bad as this. I have more stability with skyrim running 1000+ mods. You all shouldnt be at the level of Todd Howard laughing stock. But you made yourselves lower actually.
Blizzard, you deserve the scorn. All you gaming companies seem to be on this race to be as bad at what you do as possible. Its pathetic.

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I find it funny that the “conquest” tab in pvp has a message saying “Season 11 will start soon once Season 10 ends” or something. Lol

everyone who played the beta knew this would be happening. Countless of things that got addressed on the beta are still making it to the live game somehow. dont count on quality, count on quantity and enjoy your scripts to cast a single spell


*Season of DiscoverCard


And yet I have not found a single issue that is a gamebreaker.

why not last night then? this is just the beta client deployed to live without a care

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