The Spy Addon

Looks like you don’t realize this addon still exists in BFA lol

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Doesn’t make you obsolete at all. I play a feral druid. Won’t effect me at all in world PvP. I travel around in stealth, so it won’t even alert anyone anyways lol.

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No one cares about retail. This is Classic.

It’s been around since I’ve played which was BC.

Addon isnt game breaking, you’re just crying because you cant gank properly :slight_smile:


You mean like the game intended?
You retail customers sure love easy mode and things that are not like the game intended.

Clearing MC with less then 40 and no fire resist.

Games sure is easymode alright.

if you don’t hesitate on your opener nothing changes for you

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You could solo deadmines as a level 12 in retail.
You can’t even solo it at 40 in Classic.
Go play your easy mode.

Have and done it.

Seal of light does wonders.

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I play stealth.

This addon does not impede my ganking.

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Now you’re comparing something that is being soloed as level 12, with something that needs effort as a level 40.
Get it why talking with retail customers like you is a waste of time?
Completely waste of time.

Bruh, do you even read your own comments lmao

must be a private server kid, bunch of you are idiots anyway :laughing:


You said classic is easy mode.
Yet you are here, Why? Stay in retail.

And since you can’t get thing without explanation.
Deadmines in retail can be soloed by a 12 level.
There are videos on you tube.
In classic you’re having difficulty doing it, even as a 40 level.

Which proves that retail is super easy mode.

You are failing in all levels of this argument.
Both in content, and in presence on this forum, since you shouldn’t be here is you considered Classic easier and inferior to retail.

Retail is on line, go play there if you believe what you’re saying.
But you don’t.
You’re just a troll.

Doubt it.

outdated prob.

no you dont.

so is this game. i just enjoy this more.

nah man that you, in crying over an addon thinking everyone in the game actually runs this.

fun fact, I dont.

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Yeal well so is retail.
Outdated or not it can be done.
Saying that retail is harder than Classic is pure trolling.

And again, If you think so GO PLAY RETAIL.

Where have I said that at all??

No, i posted facts.

You havent refuted them (because you cant, because youre wrong).

I fully accept your tacit admission of losing the argument and total ignorance of what the Add-On actually does.

All youd have to do is take a ten second video showing Spy magically tracking someone throuh stealth. Post it up. Prove me wrong, otherwise, shut your rectal cavity.

Like I said, it never fails.
Talking to retail customers is ALWAYS a waste of time.
No more replies.

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That shows nothing that i’ve said retail was harder then classic, you are delusional AF man.

For the record, BOTH games are easy.

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Mind you, retail IS harder than classic, but only because classic is brain dead easy.