Is that why you’re here?
I don’t post in retail forums because It’s easy as a web sim game.
I don’t play it, I don’t go annoy those who do.
Why are you here?
Go play your game.
To see crybabies like you quit over small things.
This addon provides nothing beyond what was already readily available in game. It merely streamlines the information that can be gleaned from the combat log and environmental awareness. Qq.
Ya, so cheating. Its true, yes its D@mn true!
Yeah, not seeing how it makes rogues “obsolete”… It doesn’t take you out of stealth or anything.
Anything that shows up in combat logs shows up in Spy.
I think it networks with other add ons as well. So alone it is pretty bad but combine it with other add ons and it is game breaking.
Those are your coordinates, the ones you were at when the name showed in your combat log. Not the coordinates of the other player.
We can tell who the 15 and under are. You chose a rogue so you could gank people and have it ez mode in your mind but actually went out there and got your butt handed to you over and over.
This addon that’s been around since the start in one way or another is your excuse for just not being as good as you thought you’d be.
Your replies are that of a spoiled rotten brat that doesn’t get his way. Your guild must love the great rep you’re giving them by having such a whiner among them.
Oh please. I’ve been playing since 2005, I have leveled all classes except a hunter.
EDIT, Oh and Paladin.
Rogue is not easy mode.
It’s just makes people nervous because a rogue jumps on you out of nowhere.
Saying that rogue is easy mode is laughable.
You’re just defending an addon because it makes the game easy mode for you.
I as well played a rogue from Vanilla to BfA, it was main. You just aren’t good at rogue if you think this addon stops you from being effective in PvP. You control the fight, you watch, you attack when it’s the smartest time to engage.
You have so many outs as a rogue to not only attack when you want but also to either get the hell out or just reset the entire fight. Vanish, Sprint, Gouge, Blind, Stun lock. Rogue is about patience. You clearly have none.
Btw, I also play a feral druid in Classic, I have no problem with this addon, since I know I can just stealth and walk away if I feel I don’t have the advantage. Welcome to the real world.
Just stop crying, you’re making yourself look worse every time you come back with one of the whiny replies.
WTH are you on about?
De facto it informs players about something they would have no idea about without the addon.
Otherwise they wouldn’t use it.
is common sense dead in these times?
It reduces my effectiveness in a way not intended by the game developers.
It actually just shows anything that a good PvPer would be able to see themselves if you make a combat window and select the info you want. Does it make it easier, without a doubt it does and why people use it.
If you’re in stealth and waiting in the shadows for someone they will never know you are there in the first place.
If the devs had an issue with it they would break the addon. But since it’s been in the game since 2005 in some version or another, I seriously doubt any amount of whining by some low skilled rogue is going to matter.
Common sense would say, adapt and deal with it. But I’m guessing you will continue to whine about something you aren’t going to change.
No more replies. You’re beyond childish.
Yeah, I’m the childish one.
Rogue IS easy mode, in world pvp. You have the massive advantage of picking your fights. If you’re not terrible, you’ll always win because you won’t engage if you won’t win.
It does announce stealth which is very helpful and gives the possible target a chance to fight back - throwing a flair, getting PW:Shield ready, more pvp oriented trinkets on etc. A good rogue can still very very easily win despite that, it is the bad rogues who complain.
You’re a freaking lock.
You just stand still click 2 buttons, and everything dies.
B* please.
The fact is that the players who use an addon that nerfs rogues are the ones without skills.
They need a 3d party software to make the game easier for them.
I’m the one playing the game as intended.
Funny that not only you and the others who defend this addon,
don’t have the skills to play the game in its pure form, not only you use a software that makes it easier for you,
you have the nerve to project to others your lack of skill.
… how does it do that?
You’ve never actually been able to answer that.
I already told you exactly how you can replicate what it does with the combat log. Which IS information any player who doesn’t want to get ganked is paying attention to.
Or they could just enter stealth well out of range of the combat log. And then you wouldn’t know they were there. At all.