The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

Given I wrote that over a couple of hours when I wasn’t busy at work yea… I like to imagine people for who it is their literal job could do at least equal that.


I’ll probably swap Lordaeron and Stromgarde. As Stromgarde is the ‘successor’ kingdom to the old Arathor kingdom. Much in the same way the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzatine Empire) was for the Roman Empire. To point that the ERE viewed itself as the true Roman Empire. Given that the western Roman Empire collapsed relatively quickly. And we all know how the HRE wasn’t holy, roman nor an empire. Which would fit Lordaeron better imo.


That’s precisely why I went with HRE for Strom though as the Holy Arathian Empire:

  1. It’s not Holy = It’s not the birthplace of the Church of Light, that’s Lordaeron (I’d do a thing where Lordaeron City was the Head of Church while Strom was the Head of State during the Arathian Empire)
  2. It’s not Roman = It’s not truly the original Strom
  3. It’s not an Empire = I’d like for all the Human Kingdoms, including Dalaran, and replacing Lordaeron with Stormheim (Vrykul), to rejoin as a sort of Federation with Strom as the Head of State therein similar to how the HRE was IRL, which wasn’t really imperial to begin with since the “Emperor” had to go convince each separate kingdom to recognize him following local protocols lmao (eg German Prince voting, Castillian consensus, etc)

Yeah I can see that.

It’s just I can see the people of the Kingdom of Stromgarde having the same view as those from the ERE. In that they are still citizens of the Arathorian Empire and not some separate kingdom / empire. Considering that they lived in the lands of the Arathorian Empire and didn’t migrate to other areas to find different Kingdoms (i.e. Lordaeron in the North and Stormwind in the South).

Which is par of the course. As just like in real life, nearly every kingdom wanted to claim that they were the true Roman Empire. From the WRE, ERE, HRE and even Russia at one point iirc. So I can see the various human Kingdoms claim that they are the true successor state to the Arathorian Empire. Imagine if the ‘what if the orcs didn’t invade Azeroth’ was about that. All of these Kingdoms fighting each other over who is the true Arathorian Empire.

Which is even funnier when you factor in the fact that Ogres (mainly the Gorian Empire) are meant to be the Roman Empire equivalent in WoW.


I mean WoW writing is nothing but tropes and even the ‘richer’ lore is just different shades of Hogwarts houses

It’d have each claim as such:

  • Stormwind claims to being the Arathian successor cuz it’s the most powerful and last surviving non neutral kingdom
  • Strom claims due to being the center of the Holy Arathian Empire (Federation) and being at the Seat of Arathor (Strom part 2)
  • Lordaeron claims the title because they were the Second Capital and Religious Capital of the Arathian Empire, with local autonomy, the Western Arathian Empire so to speak
  • Gilneas claims because Goldrinn led the humans to Strom as a blessing but blessed Gilneas with his might as Worgen (I’d do a thing where Gilneans claims Arathor was a Worgen)
  • Alterac claims it because Lordaeron is Horde and Strom is fallen and Alterac was the THIRD city in the Septarchy and one of the 3 original tribes

Dalaran and Kul Tiras mind their business lmao

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I went with Prussia for Strom because of the militaristic angle, tbh. I always think of Strom as a might makes right sort of place.

and I just like the idea of there being distinct religious sects of the church of the Holy Light. I don’t think that Blizzard uses divisions of faith as much as they should.


I like this idea. “While most states have an army, the Strom army has a state” feels very fitting.


All I got to know is where is the Australian representation. I want my kangaroo mount.

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I’ve always saw them as being a a mix Vikings/Vrykul + Scottish. Like out of any of the human kingdom’s i can see their warriors wearing the typical “Braveheart” Warpaint.

But the humans actually have a great culture and lore, the problem is that the only human nation that is still strong is Stormwind, so its normal that the majority of human related content is from humans from Stormwind. However you have plenty of stories around the people of Lordaeron, specially considering the Scarlet Crusade, Argent Dawn, etc.
Dont forget the kingdom of Kultiras, who has its own culture inspired on Portugal.

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I have wondered about the Spanish type Human stuff. Specifically, Don Carlos. But more generally, the term “Don” is used often in the names of items. As if there was some Spanish themed area where there would be knights or gentry using that title. Don Carlos was in Old Hillsbrad.

Just something I wondered. I suppose in Spanish speaking countries, it stands out less.

Kul Tiras is just every sea faring nation ever. Nothing to do with Portugal. I rather compare Boralus to Hamburg.

Man, I agree with the title, but you’re just complaining about skin color and other phenotypal features. The kingdoms certainly need more development, but needing people who look different to come from somwhere else is just not necessary. That can be explained more easily without othering people.


I only disagree with that part of your post, São Paulo is the 3rd most diverse city in the world, only London and NY is more diverse in that sense.

No it isn’t.

Immigration to Brazil is not high because it is not part of the Global North

All standing ethnic diversity is due to previous moments of economic prowess on the global scale in the 19th and 20th centuries

Majority of current immigration to Brazil is Intra Regional ie from the rest of Latin America & The Caribbean due to within the periphery being near the top, same with Mexico and Argentina and such

The problem with this data you are using is that it is merely a time frame. Immigration are far-reaching movements, being denoted by movements that span centuries.

The population of São Paulo, as reported by a study in the journal Nature, is the most genetically diverse in the West by a large margin, mainly due to the fact that interracial marriages are normal in Brazil being more than 40% of all marriages, while in the US they are only 1%.

Brazil has the largest populations in the world hailing from Japan, Germany, the Middle East, Africa, Portugal, Ukraine and Russia.

As I understand your argument, you are merely using the percentage of a city’s current population that is made up of immigrants from other parts of the world.

The problem with this is that in the Global North, as you know very well, there is an immigration model based on cultural islands, in which the level of integration of immigrants in society is at least negligible, hence the problems involving xenophobia.

Another fact that I would point out in your argument is that if I understand correctly, you say that Brazil received immigrants from Latin America? I don’t know where you got this data from, but Brazil has received very few Latin American immigrants throughout its history.

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Brazil has as much cultural diversity as the United States


Genetic diversity doesn’t intrinsically indicate the presence of Foreign Ethnic Communities surviving

Which is my original point

Africa is extremely diverse genetically, as a continent is is singularly the most diverse continent as a whole, but Lagos and NYC have very different immigrant enclave histories and presences

That was the point of my original argument against Zerde insisting Stormwind isn’t specifically a Western Allegory but just “any diverse city”

Current immigration patterns are intra regional

So no, my original argument stands and Zerde is still wrong :sparkles:

Monrowe is in the same guild as Renautus so probably yet another Alt of hers so blocking


Brazil has a population of Black people that rivals African countries. The wiki article you posted, in the first paragraph, even explicitly states it should not be “confused” with the very important historical context of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and how more displaced Africans were brought to Brazil than any other nation in the world.

Furthermore, the Statistics section in the article you listed contradicts your point. Africans form the highest numbers in terms of demographics. It’s nothing like the US. You cannot compare to cultural diversity of the United States and erase the specific constructs of mestizaje, Latinidad, chattel slavery, settler-colonialism, Bahia, and AfroIndigeneity in Brazil. The cultural history, demographics, and consequences of migration patterns are not comparable.

To discuss immigration in the Americas without this crucial context of how immigration discourse often erases, obscures, and obfuscates the Afterlife of chattel slavery and Native Sovereignty in Brazil is egregious. It is not a “melting pot” of diverse immigrants like the US (which is a settler myth that is falsely ubiquitous even here). Using colonizer blood quantum logic and DNA percentages for miscegenation myths has long been a fascist tactic to perpetuate eugenics against displaced AfroIndigenous peoples and erase their struggles. AntiBlackness and the logics of miscegenation has been used through tribal enrollment laws to set the conditions of assimilation and structural oppression of Black and Native communities throughout the Western world, especially in Brazil. It’s 2023, and it’s time to leave the Anzaldúa-esque “mejorar la raza” ideologies behind! The colonizing construct of mestizaje is a sociological reality that erases AfroIndigenous struggles and liberation movements. Look to the political work of the Workers Party (PT) in Salvador, Bahia and AfroIndigenous leaders such as Vilma Reis who theorizes the decolonial frameworks that are very much alive in Brazil. It is an inspiration to the rest of the world. Whoever works to erase and misrepresent them: I hope the abolitionist spirit of Zumbi haunts you in your sleep paralysis.

Renautus/Mithonic, I guess you decided to come back and stalk, harass, antagonize Baal again on another alt. Aren’t you tired, Celie? Do you not feel any shame? I hope you receive the spiritual and clinical intervention you need. You’ve been terrorizing the Story forum for far too long and the fatigue is beyond so many of us.