The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

who is my other alt?

Wait, why is it a “Strawman” if someone made Varian’s mother mixed race?
That’s not what a strawman is.
The joke seems to me like it’s making fun of people who would get mad over that fact instead of not caring like a normal person.


Just adding the mother? Not at all but its a dead end. All you are adding is another wrynn to an already crowded wrynn dynasty and it does nothing to alleviate the shallowness of the Human lore which is centered on Wrynns day in and day out. Even in the heritage quest it was about how super awesome the wrynns are.

To actually affect the change i talked about before the twitter trolls got in heat here, you would also change Varian and Andiun as well just to add that “At least one noble family that isn’t white” in the current line up.

Which is an insane solution due to the fact that how much content is around on these characters that clearly look white as Baal has the habit of reminding us and the evils that that means.

So… its a dumb idea. Whether its just the grandma or her boys.
Better to you know… develop other kingdoms and other houses to flesh out the human lore which is incredibly shallow.
And yeah sue me I want some PoC noble houses because why not?

But that’s not why people are talking about that. People moved onto the subject of POC people in different kingdoms and noble families. Hence why involving Varian into the equation.

I do not believe anyone is arguing with this statement, sorry if there was or, if I came off as if I was this is not the case.

Ok gonna focus on this. You seem to be conflating the issue of making certain races of humans come from certain kingdoms, versus adding PoC noble houses.

I’m not sure how I strawmanned you. I brought up the example of Varian’s mother in the Warcraft movie because she was a PoC noble. If you want non-white noble houses, I have zero issues with it and think it would be great.


I basically started the conversation on other noble houses.
I know exactly what is being talked about,

Varian was brought up as a strawman argument of why this idea wouln’t work. And why it wouldn’t work has already been explained.

Then why is it that anytime its suggested we develop it further we get swarmed by the Twitter trolls? If my idea is bad.
Ok, no harm done. Tell me why its bad or why its good and lets have a fun conversation.

Instead I get sub zero IQ takes about “Hur hur what if we made varian black”. Its just so dumb.

As I said they would be all over EK, ruling over different domains. Which is something I saw was being vehemently disagreed with.

Its literally the same thing my guy.

IDK, I’m not active on wow twitter all that often. Maybe it’s because they legitimately have disagreements with your ideas or the way you present them, or maybe they aren’t genuine at all. It’s kind’ve weird for you to assume that everyone on the forums would be aware of whatever drama’s been happening there if it’s something you’re having that much of a problem with.

Maybe this is because I don’t have the whole picture here, but I legitimately don’t think it’s that bad of an idea. Sure it wont represent the majority of black or mixed race people, but there are white passing mixed race people that might feel nice about having Varian and Anduin as examples.

That’s not how it went though. You said you wanted non-white noble houses. I completely agreed with you, and brought up the fact that Varian’s mom was played by a WoC in the Warcraft Movie. I don’t think you knew that. I thought it was relevant to bring up. I wasn’t trying to insult you or anything. I asked you if you thought it was a good idea for the Wrynn’s to be mixed-race, because again, you are the one who brought up nonwhite noble houses, which I am all for. I tried to have an actual discussion and meant no hostility.

I mean you can have nonwhite noble houses living in certain areas of the kingdom, without necessarily saying all black people are from that part of the kingdom. I think that’s where the confusion started. You want both of those things?

Trust me you are entering this chat because I have reached my boiling point. Constantly saying thing, recorrecting the same thing and then just get hit by the dumbess takes on purpose or not.

It wears you down man, it wears you down.

I never watched that movie no. And yeah I explained how it wouldn’t work. And then the edge lords came in and lost my s

Yes and no. You would have a diverse mix up of humans everywhere but naturaly making a certain House be from somewhere would naturally indicate thats where they “originate” you are adding unique identities to the different aspects of the Humans without getting into the nitty and gritty of how humans “evolved”

Imagine world revamp and in the Mountains of Alteract zone there is a reconstructed Alteract kingdom. They got a noble house, there is a royal castle, there is town and most of the NPCs look like Asian humans. They have the same quirks as SW humans, same knightly armor, nothing else unique about them, no samurai armor/sword. They are literally in a reskin of SW humans but its in Alteract’s colors.

What conclusions do you draw?

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I’m sorry I come off that way. I don’t know you or remember who you are, I just noticed you’ve been having a particular kind of reaction that seems unnecessary and jumping to conclusions from my perspective.

Completely understandable. I don’t hold it against you, I always let the trolls get to me.
No pun intended.

You literally decided to start drama and start attacking other groups of people who have said nothing about you earlier in this thread:

Now you’re playing victim and acting like ‘Twitter trolls’ are out to get you when it’s you having some sort of imagined fight with yourself and throwing a tantrum and having to deal with the consequences of your attacks.

I fully agree with Human lore development. But you really need to prepare yourself a nice cup of tea and relax. You entered here finding trouble and found it. Take ownership of yourself.


Haha I never said they are out to get me personally but their incredibly idiotic takes and blatant trolling.
The first 100 posts of this very thread were posts about how generic everything about human lore is and how it should stay that way since other races seem to have all the claim for anything beyond puddle deep.

Troll posts such as Baal’s “Lol lets make Varian and Andiun black as a way of sticking it to the Alliance players” Then we had Lannis suggest that anyone that doesn’t like it is of course a racist.

Are you going to tell me which alts I am supposedly hopping on in?

cringe bro.

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Human lore in Warcraft:
Needs less Anduin, Turalyon, and Jaina.
Needs more types like Daelin Proudmoore, Garithos, and Scarlet Crusade shenanigans.


Just gonna post my various long winded body of suggestions for Human Lore Development and let y’all be the judge :roll_eyes:


Personally I think it needs more characters who AREN’T blatantly idealistic heroes (“We should always be at peace, because peace is always good.”) or foaming bigoted villains (“EXTERMINATE THE SUBHUMANS!”), but believe in peace OR war for rational, well-explained, pragmatic reasons.

Hell, BOTH factions, let alone each individual races, need more ACTUAL moral greyness.


Not sure how you want any of this to be present in the game.

Looks like a glossary I would find at the back of a book trying to add more context to the world I am trying to understand. How is Jaina having Elf ancestry going to be inserted in leveling? Do we give her a DNA test and read out the results?

None of this even expands what the House of nobles are. Who are these nobles? What titles to they hold? I mean they caused momma Andiun’s death. They were instrumental in Onyxia’s plots until we unmasked her.

As for the worgen, they are pretty much set in stone now just as Blood Elves went from demon magic addicts to red shade high elves.
4/10 but its better than what you have been posting on this thread.

Don’t be bitter, be better <3

K Sounds good.

I mean, you just want everybody to have a good story right? Intentional griefing has nothing to do with the intention behind your ideas :melting_face: