The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

So… do I need further proof that Baal just wants to troll Alliance players rather than develop their lore for their fans or is this enough?

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It would be really funny to see, though.

That Blizzard intentionally trolls Alliance players why?
Or they waste resources to redo all cinematics with Andiun and Varian? One of them being dead?

I mean clearly half the people this whole thread have no interest or stake in the human lore. No real suggestions, ideas or genuine effort to improve the human lore in wow.

It’d only troll racists, not alliance players. Not that I think it should be the PURPOSE of an inclusion, but the meltdown people would have would be like an added bonus if it ever did happen.

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That’s why I was confused why they said Baal wanted to troll alliance players?

Why would anyone be upset that racist people were unhappy w a more diverse story


It wasn’t even Baal’s suggestion, too. It was part of Smallioz’s hypothetical about non-white nobles.


You think retconning Varian and Andiun and redoing every cinematic they have been so they appear PoC would only bother the racists?

You don’t think hypothetically instead of redoing old content for this new interpretation of Varian and Andiun could not have been spent on other kigdoms, other characters, leveling zones.

Nope, in a thread about how shallow the Human lore is, we need to focus on Andiun and Varian once again.
Not only that we are not even adding anything new, we are just redoing old content so they appear poc.
Truly this the lore developement the Human lore needs and anyone who disagrees is clearly a racist.

500 IQ level thinking here.
Its not at all trolling and griefing. /s

Its actually Doness’ strawman argument.
A strawman argument that the queen bee twitter drama provocator lached unto like a fly to hot turd.

Would not have to be necessary, whether you want to go the real-world route of how trait inheritance can be funky, or lean further into the “humans are all from magic rocks” fantasy angle and say that appearances can vary regardless of parentage.

This has nothing to do with the idiotic suggestion of retroactively changing Andiun and Varian into PoCs, and replacing every single piece of content they used to be in, as a way of fleshing out Human Lore which the title of this thread describes shallow.

Since you know… they barely have an identity besides how special Andiun is.

Didn’t they recently change Alexstraza’s skin tone and she looks more white now so it’s not that it can’t be done just that it hasn’t been done for POC representation

Dunno, I haven’t even begun playing Dragonflight. From the promotional art she looks the same as she always has been to me.
Just a new dress.

That’s because nobody suggested retroactively changing Varian’s and Anduin’s appearances. It was just about if Varian’s mother was of mixed race.

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Which I said ok, stick grandma wrynn in there.
But she doesn’t affect the changes I talk about, specifically about fleshing out human lore that is currently… shallow.

Because so far it seems all the people here more concerned about twitter swag don’t have any complaints about other noble houses that hail from different regions of EK being PoCs. Just strawmen arguments about “Lol wouldn’t it be funny if Varian was black? Lol, that would be funny lol”

Yeah super funny. Yolo

Are you not able to detect sarcasm or???


So… now its sarcasm? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah bro it was just a joke, I didn’t mean it.

Wish you had that laugh energy when it was originally said instead of going off into an entire tirade

I am just calling out BS, now do you have anything to add to the topic or nah? Just more riveting sarcasm?

Then when are you going to call yourself out

enlighten me twitter warrior #3

Nothing to enlighten sockpuppet #98340. I’m eagerly awaiting your next alt