The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

Outside of a throwaway line in Chronicles vol 1, most of the Light - Human relation is through Tyr. The Order of the Silver Hand is named after Tyr and his silver hand after all.

Although you could say that over the generations the connection was lost to time. At least that is what I gathered from the three questlines that involved Tyrs Tomb back in Legion (Arms Warrior → Shadow Priest → Holy Paladin).

I feel like a missed opportunity atm is with Tyr potentially coming back, (as hinted in the Silver Promise questline where we make a lookalike body), the order of the Silver Hand should’ve got some flavour text or some involvement in the Human Heritage questline.


I would love to see more about that then, and how tyr connects to the light as well.


Same here. Along with Odyn as they both have used the light in the past. Even though Odyn got his powers from Aman’thul (alongside Highkeeper Ra). While Tyr got his from Aggramar. So maybe Aggramar also has a connection to the Light as well.

I would also have the connection extend to Dwarfs and maybe Gnomes as well. Since Tyr was a titan keeper and Dwarfs are all about that.

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It doesn’t even have to be the titan that taught them magic, Perhaps An’she taught the keepers/tauren and then then tyr passed it onto humans.

Alright guys. Again, there is no rebranding, magical mind wiping, ulterior motives and or secrets. I’m fine with everyone privately thinking I am someone else.

But I will reiterate this yet again, I am not and never will be Shasani or this Micah. And I kindly ask everyone to stop harassing me over it. It’s a really ugly look for you guys. I’ve been getting along with everyone just fine.

But it appears to me, that this Lannister and Ruthus have an agenda and seek to cause unnecessary drama where none existed previously. Which in of itself, is sad and really shows how immature both of them are. You can talk about it as much as you want, but it will never be true.

Now that’s been firmly established, again I remind you, can we kindly get back on topic and continue the discussion on why the humans and stormwind in general feels shallow?

All of those characters i’m tired of seeing right now. I like Jaina and Genn but honestly i think we’ve seen way too much of them. Jaina’s flip flopping personality doesn’t help either. Part of me wishes they would have kept Katherine as the Lord Admiral or even gave the position to Tandred since he has faded into irrelevancy. I’d prefer if Jaina simply rebuilt Theramore and ruled that as her city. Maybe as a Kul Tiran colony. I’d love to see Theramore rebuilt but using the Kul Tiran assets. It would be a great thing to see an Alliance settlement rebuilt for once and getting Kul Tiran assets out in the old world.

Even when it specifically when it comes to Gilnean Humans/Worgen, they’re really in a similar boar to the regular humans. Genn is really the only one who shows up to do anything and sometimes we’ll see Tess. I have no idea what their refusal to use Darius Crowley is. He was a cool character in the Worgen starter zone and for the most part he was a good character in Silverpine. But then he’s pretty much never heard of again. You wouldn’t even know who this guy was if you didn’t roll a Worgen in their original starter zone.

There’s also Ivar Bloodfang but he’s a bit rare to see as well.


Talk to Renaustus about it, Shasani. :wolf:

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Go find your friend. Im not them. I do feel bad that you feel the need to act the current way you’re acting.

It’s an ugly look for you. Should really consider changing how you interact with strangers in the future

We aren’t friends, Shasani. I made that clear to you already. Talk to Renaustus about it. If you feel bad, tell us why you thought being her yapping runt dog was so important and why we should believe you’re not just taking notes for her now. If you’re just here to lie, which is all you’ve done so far, don’t expect me to corroborate your cover story.

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Simply put, Ed Greenwood is a better world-builder. He’s also been writing stuff in his setting for over fifty years.

The Warcraft franchise only develops lore to be a thin, cosmetic spackle over whatever mechanics they wish to justify. Humanity’s lore is a case in point.

In Faerun, they are spread across a Eurasia-sized landmass, and have been for tens of thousands of years - so of course there are diverse nations with their own languages, history and customs.

Azeroth has all human societies being descendants or developments of the old kingdom of Arathor. Stromgarde was it’s direct, lineal descendant, with Stormwind a southern colony.

Lordaeron was a rival successor state, that initially led a secessionist movement of human realms from Arathi dominion, and eventually became preeminent.

The rest are satellite states - Gilneas, Kul Tiras, Dalaran, Alterac. These got fleshed out to give a little extra color to Warcraft II, in parallel to Orc clans.

Compare Night Elves, who have one culture, and it doesn’t look as thin.

But the fact is, lore in Warcraft has always been an inch deep. It’s simply not a high priority for them - hence endless retcons, re-writes, and jettisoning old lore when it no longer applies.


And as I explained numerous times now, which apparently is flying over peoples head like a lead bullet, I am not, nor will I ever be this Micah or Shasani.

Now, if you insist on keeping this up, I will report this as continued harassment. Hopefully we’re on the same page now, because this toxic and asinine behavior from the two of you needs to end

What you are hoping to achieve by the continued harassment of someone you don’t and never will know on any level? Honestly, this whole situation with you and Ruthus is beyond staggering with how obsessed you both are with someone who quite explicitly told you numerous times now they are not the person who you think they are.

This is not funny, it’s not cute, it’s definitely something I do not find entertaining in any shape or form. And if it continues, I’ll report it as harassment and we’ll see where it goes from there.

Have a nice day and I do hope you take this serious. It’s a promise. I will report if you two continue

Lie about what exactly? Have any evidence to back up your incoherent claims? I do feel bad that you had to make up an entire fictional scenario just now to try and prove some incoherent conspiracy theory you have.

You’re the same poster that has posted here under the names Micah and Shasani. If you want to report people after evading blocks to spread lies, good luck with it.

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Look it’s evident the WoW PVP Alt Checker systems aren’t wrong and you can go in to remove specific alts. We saw the list before that character was removed, simple as.

I think it’s simply that Micah is ashamed of their siding with That User for the past few months (especially after they “forgave” a false accusation of sexual harassment from That User) and so rather than apologize publicly on any of their established posting characters (which noticeably have mysteriously disappeared from the forums) they are posting on an alt to avoid shame.

Which is fine. Cringe, but fine.

Eventually the forums will likely change to Bnet based Single User for posting and the truth will be revealed revealed of who is whose alt across this entire forum.


All they had to do when confronted was tell the truth or slink off. Instead they lie and now they want to threaten. Shame isn’t a noble quality here, and their handling of it is far from fine.

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I mean this is the modus operandi of most posters in here, ergo the widespread use of alt jumping or even account jumping when posting, replying, or even giving likes

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Pretty pathetic.

Again, this bears repeating for 100th time now and honestly, I’m tired of repeating this over and over again. But the ONLY two characters will you find on my account currently are this current toon and a lvl 10 Dark Iron Paladin. As I already calmly explained numerous times now, I had a gnome priest that I am no longer interested in playing anymore.

I will not and refuse to apology for someone else’s behavior. Not hiding anything. Now again, everyone can simply accept this very simple fact and move on. Or you can continue this asinine train of thought.

All it’s doing is making you guys look immature and toxic. I’m not interested in your personal beefs with anyone else here nor do I wish to engage in such behavior. Now, can we move on? Or will this weird obession, that has no evidence or merit behind it, continue to derail this thread because some people can not handle nor grasp simple truths?

Idc either way, we have a screenshot of what the checker originally said, as I said, the truth will eventually come out when they eventually change the forums to Single User Posting™

I truly do not care what the truth is because it will eventually be revealed regardless of what anyone says


When or if the forums ever do switch and everyone only finds the two characters that I mentioned, I will be expecting a formal apology from the people who falsely accused me.