The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

Shut up Shasani

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Basically this - which is why I’ve ignored that poster / never engaged w them

I just see people being falsely accused of lying when they say they are shasani / Micah and I am inclined to have a “well thats not true Ellen” moment bcz ppl saying that aren’t lying.

I don’t really feel the need to troll them though but like if you’re lying / calling others liars I feel its free reign to correct that point at least if there are new convo participants (like curse) who wasn’t aware etc.

But to that end it’s like what ever at least a prime example of once again asking for battle tags on the forums.


Well, I bet not that Skarm guy- he’s clearly a completely honest person with almost no ego, and would never ever try to trick someone about his identity by switching to an alt and sockpuppeting! We should all appreciate him much more than we do!


Yea, really! I wish I could meet him in real life because I just know he’s THAT great!


…wait, you CAN just hop from alt to alt and like all your own posts? That actually works? Is that not against forum rules? Should it be?


Nope, because the WoW Forums is the most cess-y of the Blizzard cesspool forums.

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Wish people stopped derailing the topic.


The writers are either lazy or disinterested in the subject; or the higher ups who determine what time/money gets allocated where are disinterested in the subject, so the writers don’t do it regardless of their own interest/enthusiasm/talent for the subject.


What I wanted from the House Stormsong lore:

What I got, for the third time:

It’s extremely boring how they made basically every Human Kingdom just different versions of England, from Arthurian, to Victorian, to Cornwall with an emphasis on maritime focus.

Warhammer at least ripped off different countries/cultures when they made their fantasy-history human kingdoms.

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That wouldn’t work here because WOW from the onset has always used POC = Monster Races

not necessarily, races have influences from multiple different cultures, I mean orcs draw primarily on alot from germanic tribes from around the roman empire as well as african and viking cultures. I’ve noticed alot of the presumptions you use about the races cultures has the horde only represented by non-European and more ethnic cultures while denying the Alliance have any themselves have any cultures of POC.

it seems evident that you simply want the Alliance to only have ties back to only european/American cultures and the horde Ethnic ones simply so you can paint the Alliance as racist bad guys.

The problem with Humans in the setting is they have never really fleshed out many of them other than the Gilneas and kultirians. They could make any of the other nations more racially diverse than they have previously blizzard just needs to spend the time to do it. I mean they spent the time to flesh out the Horde clans lets get that amount of dedication to the humans.

I mean they should have flavours of different cultures on both factions so that if people want to play either Horde or Alliance they can see elements of their own cultures on both sides.

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There is an exception to this, Dalaran. Pretty certain it took its architectural cue from the Ottomans.

As for why it ended this way, blame the fact that video games were very limited back in the day and warcraft 2 basically had nothing except a fantasy medieval flare for humans, so warcraft humans evolved from that starting point. Heck, there was no “dwarven/elvish” architecture. Everything was just generic medieval human.

I miss Antonidas’ turban. The shower cap was a fatal downgrade.

I literally wrote all the inspiration sections for each race on wowpedia, and you can thoroughly check how you are wrong for NElves and Draenei

Which I remind you, are monster races

No that undermines the basis of the game tbh

Having a Black Kingdom of Blacklandia based on Africa and Latin America or something like the Trolls would allow trash lore

And leans into the garbage desire of Black Humans to come from Not Eastern Kingdoms

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Even if they wanted to do that, its about 20 years too late now. That all the human nations are eurocentric was established way back in the RTS games.


Also the irony in suggesting that there isn’t enough diversity in Europe to allow for visible cultural distinction especially if you borrow from different periods of history lmao

Such a deep lack of self respect

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There has been nothing determined about alot of the cultures of alot of the human nations or their different physical appearances. Saying that the humans only get to have european based cutltures is a very narrow outlook especially when the horde races get to be a melting pot of different cultures blended together.

The Kultirans in BFA got 2 completely different faiths introduced when they were fleshed out with a completely different looking human model. There is nothing to say they couldn’t do something similar with people from arathi or alterac especially considering they were known to operate differently to other nations and look different.

All we want is the same sort of variety and personality that the Horde races have gotten. People are constantly complaining how boring humans are in WOW, lets make them more interesting.

To be fair here, most of those that say Europe doesn’t have these cultural distinctions are probably from the US.
I’m not saying it as a bad thing, just as a way to point out that they might not be knowledgable enough about the European countries and the differences these have.

Wouldn’t be surprised to be honest, as there are also cases that bring this to the extreme (not saying it’s happening here, by the way), and take it the step further to confidently state the SUPREMELY stupid and ignorant statement that “White people have no culture”.
And this, I’ve heard from both white and PoC.

That’s why I don’t think it’s a matter of “self respect”, simply a case of not being knowledgeable enough about certain things. Which is completely fine on itself, and easily fixed.