The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

Well, sorry to disappoint. I’m sure your friend will show up soon.

Arthenius, this showed up on my forum notifications because you technically quoted my post instead of hers. However, as I stated in my response to her, Monrowe/Renautus/Mithonic got that statistic by Googling: “how many Black people are in Brazil” and just quoted the top search result, which is a Wiki page, without bothering to read about it. It’s from a national census taken in 2010 with about 190,000 participants. What she didn’t read is that over half the survey participants identified as “predo” or “pardo” modeled after the IBGE’s Census System classification because it doesn’t serve her misinformed and ignorant arguments. You know, her MO is to lie and misrepresent. The census is cited as “Censo Demográfi co 2010 Características da população e dos domicílios Resultados do universo” but I can’t post url links so you’re gonna have to download the PDF listed in the citations of the “Afro-Brazilians” wiki page.

You could try replying or quoting her directly but she might have gotten banned for a gross, homophobic attack on Lannislight in one of her posts that was deleted. Or at least I hope she was banned. But she’ll probably be back on yet another alt to terrorize her favorite victims. I mean, she’s been doing it for over a year now.


Jeez, you people are so toxic. :roll_eyes:


What people?

Just from the way they type, I do not think Jacorios is Micha/Sashani. Their posting style is different. I don’t think Micah was capable of that curt biting tone. I have not seen them in a while, just pointing out I doubt they are Jacorios.

SHASANI my beloved

it was pointed out in a different thread by a Dif poster a gnome poster iirc that they checked that pvp alt checking website and they were in fact them

I went to check when it got pointed out by that gnome and screenshot what I saw to send to a friend cause I was like thats weird right lol

And by then that poster had removed their alts from that website (which anyone can do) and then tried to play it off like it had been a mistake.

At the end of the day I don’t really care… it doesn’t effect the threads I ignore them just like I did on their other characters and the convo flows fine, but the behavior / weird new persona RP thing they do when people have pointed it out I think throws some people for a loop.

But overall I feel like it is what it is, like we all know and can move accordingly but it doesn’t really need to effect multiple convos.


Nah they got Cursewords and that almost bought a little benefit of the doubt from me, thanks for the reminder once a weasel

To quote Elune : oh.

Shows what I know. I didn’t think they were the same because Micah lost his temper and blew up quick. Never really took things in stride.

Jacorios made me laugh when they said:

I guess I just liked the Bob the Builder mention. Still, Micah never really made me laugh much. Maybe they learned to have a sense of humor.

Imo, if they’re sticking to lore topics, not starting fights or getting into drama then just let them be. Antagonizing them like that isn’t right.


They’re not, they’re butting in to say “I DON’T KNOW ANYONE I’M SORRY” after being Ren’s cheerleader for weeks.

And then they tried to lie MORE. Turns out my hunches are better than alt tracker sites.

If his conscience is guilty enough to publicly condemn her, he should be honest about his hand in the whole charade.


Way to rub it in. I just remember Micah being emotional when they got into arguments and Jacorios seemed even keeled.

Micah would name change often but they never denied being who they were.

Color me tricked.

Yeah, I thought you were doing a misplaced call out. Sounds like you were spot on.

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If it’s any consolation I was gullible enough to believe I could ever be mistaken

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I think the rebrand came after they had defended slavery in Trengs thread, and said other questionable things so I do find that a way to avoid accountability personally, but I’m also the type of person to just ignore them and keep it moving.

I think it’s both.

I think it’s fine the original person who let people know - but after that keep it moving.

Baal kind of captured some of their points they made w his reply, and I think anyone arguing some of the things Baal called out - I don’t want to engage with, and I think its fine for people to think a RP rebrand is weird, but theres only so many times you can mention it in threads like once was enough.

But yeah I quoted Baal because I do feel its valid to think its in poor taste to avoid accountability for what Baal and others called out in their rebuttals.


Not going to lie I was just curious because they kept over-emphasizing how new they were. You know what they say about people who protest to much…

Yea personally the way I’d do it is I’ll just own up to it and say like “yes I made a new alt cause I want to distance myself from the drama and move on. That’s all I want to speak of the matter.” So I think it’s fine to raise the alarm but also be mindful not to be too aggressive.

Fair point. Basically you want honesty.

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Oh my. I had not been keeping up on that thread. The things you can miss. I thought it had been quiet around here. Guess it was going down in a thread I was not too interactive with.

Now I see why it has so many posts lol.

I guess of all the things I could say about Micah, I did not think they would lie about Alt posting. Figured they would just say so. Like :

I do not want to harp on him. I appreciate being corrected. I should have learned more before I defended people I do not know.

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on topic

I feel that there is a treasure trove of Human lore they could dive into, let see more about the migration of the Humans to the eastern kingdoms, Lets see the creation of the first human empire and the Troll wars, Lets see some of that original interaction between tyr and the first humans, lets see where humans got their faith in the light from.

Let us see the other nations of humans and explore more of their history.

Lets get back the Brotherhood of the Horse and the Conjurers from warcraft 1 and flesh out their lore.

Lets see the Silverhand come back and the Alliance and get some fleshed out lore for Humans paladins that isn’t linked back to Naaru.

Lets get some throwback to Lothar and the Line of arathor.

While Alot of people will probably Gawk lets get Lordearon back to the Alliance and have that kingdom back. Atleast ties the humans/Alliance back to the events in warcraft 2 & 3 as Stormwind wasn’t really a thing in those games.

They also keep mentioning that humans had these wars in the past or that the humans kingdoms would have fell into war if the Horde hadn’t shown up. Lets see more of that divisions between the different human nations.

Honestly I feel that most of the story is tied up in The Wrynns/Jaina/genn these days and their over representation in the story we can’t get anything else that is interesting.


World Building? I just heard the entire writing team scurry away.


Really? Goddammit, will we never be rid of them? (lays out Writing Team Motels into the corners of the kitchen)