The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

In all seriousness. I’m not a problem for the WoW Bipoc community. Or even Baal. I don’t care about him or his twitter drama. All this was started by a guy I unfriended (Doness) who became angry about it and went to Baal for help getting revenge. I don’t want to fight with anyone, least of all you and if the community needs a break from me then you will get your wish. I rarely post here anymore, this forum community is extreemly misogynistic.

Curse that’s renautus on yet another alt

Just block and ignore

And Zerde, your liking those posts when you damn well saw the ugly, vile things Renautus said about me in the last month and hell last year shows your true colors


Look, Ren or Myth or whatever you call yourself on a given day… who even cares what stone those people face at when they worship?

I do not give a flying F word about what cross or pile of bones or whisper in the wind these people pretend to give a care about.

I wonder why you use the faith people profess as a cudgel.

Notice she is once again lying about my religion

Reporting lmao


I’m sorry you guys been dealing with this. I don’t even know anyone involved in this drama and even I’m embarrassed.

Sane people generally try to do their best to avoid people they dislike, online or otherwise. It’s even easier online now that many sites have ways to block/ignore what others post

Easier said than done.

One of the people keeps posting on different Alts to fan flames. “Sane” people may choose to ignore one posting Alt, but then they dragged into the gutter by another posting Alt.

Heck, man up - or woman up - or they up - and just say what you mean with conviction.

I think the misbegotten part of this Ren/Myth Troller is that it is afraid of its own shadow. Why even bother posting on an Alt when the script is so rote.

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Which is what I find extremely bizarre actually. It serves no purpose, and the people who this Ren keeps attacking clearly want nothing to do with them.

Stalking peoples twitter accounts to try and find any ammunition to use is probably the creepiest part for me. What sane person does this? In the end, we’re all strangers on the internet. None of us know each other for the most part.

Whatever happen to old the old phrase Let bygones be bygones and moving on with ones life?

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I didn’t have much to add to this thread, besides one post restating what others said, but it’s very telling that I was brought up in an unrelated conversation. I’m one of the least interesting people in human history.

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Oh, you made a friend. Maybe look into the friends you make…

this one seems to drag your name through the mud when they want to insult the religions of other people.

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The sea stuff remembers Portugal during the modern age and still Kul Tiras is very different from the other human nations.

Lol then actually do that instead of saying that you’ll do that.

I literally don’t care if you want to post or not post, you’re a grown woman, you can decide those things for yourself. But then there’s also accountability and how there are certain lines you just don’t cross with drama and you crossed those several times with how you lie, use those lies to try to attack people personally, or manipulate friendships to make yourself look better without any regard to how those people would feel.

Then you act personally offended when people defend themselves, as if you expect to basically talk smack about everyone without any consequence. So don’t act surprised when people are suspicious and don’t trust you. You’ve given everyone a reason to not trust you based on things you typed with your own hands. Not your tired and exhausted go-to defense of “oh those 3 brown guys manipulated everyone.”

Long story short: It’s on you to change things yourself, no one else is going to give you that luxury. You’ve squandered that benefit of the doubt.


Honestly, all I know is both of you have decided to fight each other on twitter for element knows what reason. I dont particular care and as said a while ago you both should probably put each other on ignore(also PS i didnt even know it was her, unlike you guys I am not bothering to check who’s alt is who’s)

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She’s been spreading lies on the forums first and then twitter claiming I’ve lied about my ethnic/religious heritage (first claiming I am Actually AfAm/Egyptian Muslim, then that I was White, now she’s seemingly back to claiming I’m Muslim), then saying that I deserve the 200+ death threats I got over the past year, then saying absolutely disgusting things about my intra-family dynamics and struggles I’ve had growing up including mocking a nosejob I got as a teenager because I was tired of bullying from half of my family. I could go on.

So no. She’s choosing to constantly lie and slander me in every conceivable way in multiple social platforms and I am defending myself.

I do have her on ignore; a mod already deleted the post where she tried to say I was Muslim yet again on this very thread.


Weren’t you the same person constantly clogging up the community lounge thread with corn syrup over what good buddies you are with this clown?

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Doness, you’re not safe either.

What are you talking about?

I don’t even know any of you here. Bit of a weird tanget don’t you think?

No, Shasani.

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And who’s that?

Yeah, real natural. I’m convinced.

Bizarre behavior attacking someone you don’t even know. But you know, I’m not shocked such things still happen.

You can either accept that I’m not the person you want to me to be and we will get along just fine, or you can continue with hostile attitude for no reason.

I been getting along with everyone just fine, until now. So I honestly don’t know what you’re basing your hostility off of currently