The server identity concept isn't worth the problems that causes the game

More baseless accusations and still unable to answer any of my questions.

I can see why they have chosen to listen to me instead.

Have I said it here in this thread?

You said “Back to…” indicating that I have said anything like that in this thread. I’m asking you where I have said that. Please quote it.

No, I’m called a troll because I disagree with people and prove them wrong and they have no other rebuttals. This is very different.

Please do not pretend to know anything about my gameplay habits. Try asking instead of assuming.

I really don’t need to.

Right, I can see why Blizzard has chosen to listen to me instead then. Making assumptions about others is not how you convince anyone of anything.

He said while making an assumption.

Haven’t made any assumptions, only stating facts. I trust you know the difference.

They arent baseless because i have already interacted with you once before and others have as well and your argument boils down to "your reputation and attitude is bad and thats why no one wants to group with you.

Again its your MO. Oh and that bs “they listen to me” garbage that was inevitably coming.

With servers dying other than mega servers, they shouldnt have listened to you and your bad ideas. I wonder how many people are looking for any heroics on my new server i was forced to go to because my server went from like 3k to under 100 in a couple of weeks.

Yes, your accusations of me trolling across multiple characters is baseless, unless you have proof of it at all. Which you do not, it’s just an accusation you throw out because you are incapable of answering the question I asked you and have no other form of argumentation here.

Accusations, especially ones as baseless as yours, do not function as suitable replacements for arguments, which is why you have been unconvincing thus far.

No, its not baseless. Your MO is so blatant its as easy as pointing out a dog from a lineup of cats.

Yes it is, you have no proof of it at all, so it’s completely baseless, a conspiracy you made up to distract from the fact that you do not have a logical argument here and are incapable of answering my questions.

Funny how that only works for you, not the other people in the thread who can tell you that what you’re describing simply isn’t a thing that’s happening in the game.

And hasn’t for all of classic.

What questions?

Questions like

That is in response to me saying I couldnt find heroic groups. Its blatantly obvious you want to blame people for not being able to find groups. Its your MO, your calling card if you will. Quit acting dumb.

That’s because my facts are backed by data, evidence, and logic. That’s what makes a fact a fact.

When things are based off feelings and hunches, those would be assumptions, which is what you’ve displayed.

What are you referencing here? What have I described? How is it not a thing in the game?

Please keep up, you’ve missed several of my questions, but let’s focus on the most relevant one:

This one.

How is that “blatantly obvious”? Why would I even bother asking the question in the first place if all I wanted to do was blame others?

I’m asking because I’d like to know your answer to it. Please do not project your thoughts onto me.

Its called an MO or modus operandi. Its your way of operating. They will answer your nonsensical setup, and then you will say “well I get into heroics just fine, and in like 1 minute, it must be you who people dont want to group with”. Its how you operate.

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Yeah sure, let’s just throw all context and nuance out the window, how someone acts in one context will how they act in every other context either. Why do you think the context and nuance of conversation doesn’t matter? Do you think every conversation is exactly the same and it will unfold in the same exact way? What would be the point of this thread if that’s the case?

Ah, so you’re making an assumption and projecting your insecurity onto me, without knowing what I’d say. Are you here for discussion or not? What’s the point of replying to me if you believe you know what I’m going to say anyway?

Im not throwing anything out, im taking your past actions and applying it to now. Maybe you should work on your reputation.

How? We’re all pointing out how your stories simply don’t match up with how the game actually is.

Literally all you have to disprove your “data”, “evidence” and “logic” is log into the game and try to get a pug HC going.

Yes you are, you are throwing out simple concepts such as context and nuance. You think every conversation is exactly the same. If that’s the case, I’ve already debunked your arguments on RDF multiple times before, what would be the point in future conversations?

I’m not really concerned with what people think of me on a video game forum, I’m here to discuss the game. I am especially not concerned with those that are disgruntled with the fact that I’ve bested them in debate before.

If you’re not here to discuss the topic at hand, and would rather unconvincingly attempt to direct attention onto me and my character, I should let you know that neither me NOR Blizzard is interested in that. But hey, if that’s your only method, good luck getting RDF like that I suppose.

What stories? What story have I told? How does it not match up with “how the game actually is”?

Ah, so something completely anecdotal. That’s not convincing in the slightest.

And without a hint of self-awareness too.

Care to elaborate then?

No, im not. And with you every conversation is exactly the same. Again your MO.

Because you are bored and you dont know who you have responded to because you do it with EVERYONE and you havent debunked any arguments. You just blame the player for their experience being crappy and pat yourself on the back.

No you arent.