The server identity concept isn't worth the problems that causes the game

What is server identity if the server is dead or becomes dead? The moment you hit cap it’s just a name You have a name You may have no to do raiding,Dungeons,pvp Auction Houses empty.

What other choice do you have to transfer then and that’s twenty five dollars per character This is another one of those things That random dungeon finder would help As long as its cross realm I think it should be cross faction too Personally but you know My opinion.

I say they should link all the auction houses And if someone’s on your friends list you should be able to do anything with them and yes before. Everyone says. That’s retail just because it’s retail doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea.

And before everybody said put server identity If you’re not on a mega server it’s a constant roulette and allah the mega servers especially the big ones.

You can even make characters on And for those that are guessing but what about world PVP make war mode For those that want it they can have it.

Because all that’s gonna happen this is gonna keep happening till people get burnt out and quit.

I say if someone’s on your friend’s list it doesn’t matter What’s server they’re on you should be able to do anything with them At least that’s my opinion and if you’re not going to do that link the auction houses.

There should be no restriction On that we are past the point where that actually matters as far as the whole little niche community means 90% of time that means the server is almost Dead and everybody has to transfer.

And all it takes Is one big Guild leaving and the whole server dies We’ve seen it over and over and over again.


It hasn’t meant a damned thing in classic anyway, servers are too large and server transfers have been too readily available.

The concept of server identity hasn’t been a thing since pre cross realm bgs.


We’re very different people now yeah you’re completely right? I mean I wouldn’t go as far Ever since cross round battlegrounds it hasn’t meant anything however.

I would say I think as I said The whole server identity Concept causes nothing but problems for the player base and just causes people to burn out or quit especially with no rfd.

I say If you have someone on your friends list it shouldn’t matter what character or service They’re on you should be able to do everything with them except maybe join a guild cause cross over guilds would be a little bit weird aside from that everything.

We know they have the tech they can do it in retail And even cross faction guilds are coming I just don’t think restrictions to divide players is necessary anymore.

go back to retail if you want your anti-social game features

So you’re saying if you level up a character and the entire server dies having to pay Twenty five dollars consistently possibly more every single time is a good game mechanic right ?

Making an accessible game hardcore through Gear score is a social interaction oh yeah inv Really big friend making conversations while you’re pulling the entire room.

And people requiring 4k Gear score for heroics when realistically you don’t even half of that So do tell me where this social interaction come in Especially knowing the fact people don’t even recruit through dungeons anymore. Let’s be real they do it through Logs and parses which isn’t good but it’s how people do things.

So you tell me How is speaking two words and having to run to the dungeon Just for someone to look at your gear score For low level content They’re not even saying anything to you and just booting you from the group when you’ve ran there social ?

My opinion has always been that server identity was a byproduct of lack of sophistication of the internet and gaming back when the game released. When wow came out, people played the race/class combo that looked good to them, and they picked whatever server sounded cool or just based on the type of server it was and that was that.

With all the help sites and guides etc, now it is obviously more common to just play whatever the meta is, and play on the big server with everyone else. I don’t think anything Blizzard did killed server identity, I think they reacted to a changing player base that killed server identity themselves.


Oh sweet summer child, do you really crave the current socializing going on in WoW Classic 5 mans? Or what has been going on there since day 1?

Are you so desperate for the acknowledgement of another human being that you simply refuse to see that people spent the better part of vanilla classic afking in dungeons getting boosted instead of actually playing them?

Just say hi to the checkout person the next time you go shopping, it’ll top any social interaction you’ve had in classic 5 mans.

Since you’re just copy/pasting responses, you get copy/paste responses back.



Yeah you’re not wrong? I also think Servers are just an outdated idea We’re very different people now like I said before it’s the same bad concept as gear score.

Blizzard can open the doors as wide as they want. But if the reality is if the player base makes it hardcore it will be hardcore.

Unless there’s something in the game like rfd And no LFR Is not the same thing at all I mean again I think you are correct though however I do think blizzard could have done some things to Help and the fact that they’ve seen what’s been going on and doing Nothing is irritating .Most people want RFD.

And that’s a fact just Make it cross server and cross faction How I’ve always felt Restrictions on people playing together just make the game worse.

Mankrik poster…they ahve the numbers to see decent pops all 24 hours of the day.

its smaller servers at 0300 their local time one sees the limits to this social experiment.

and transfer is not always an option. I tried atiesh and know at 0300 (its local cali time) its about as dead as OB really. all the 9 to 5’ers are in bed then.

grobb is locked to transfer. as is bene.

now whitemane was open thankfully. I did move horde there… and megaserves do make the social experiment work better. if you can get them. whitemane is not truly mega to be locked. its a mini mega server I guess lol.

Blizzard supposedly don’t like mega servers. Fine. However, from all the choices that have been made with classic megaservers are the only outcome. With Layering supporting more people playing on the same server at once and no cross server connectivity there is no reason at all to roll a character on a lower population server unless you like not being able to run pug dungeons/raids ever.

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I don’t know who you are talking to when you talk about the few of us who are about server identity. There are only a few people that care about server identity type things at all now on these forums. One of them being me, to where I clearly have different definitions of what’s important to the point that I may as well have come from another planet and be speaking a different language than almost everyone on here. It wasn’t always this way but it is now.

Outside of that there are people who do care about Grobbulus. Specifically.

That’s pretty much it. Everyone else seems to not care about server identity at all and most of them care so little that they were completely blind to seeing it when Classic released, even though it was very obviously a thing to people who weren’t entirely self focused.

You can ask Blizzard for all this stuff, that part is ok, but you’ve made a lot of threads and not a lot you’ve suggested has happened. It’s ok you can keep trying but Blizzard does what they want and consistently focuses on worthless pet projects instead of anything that would actually improve the true quality or fun level of the game.

Of course make the suggestions but good luck with getting what you’re asking for. The chance of things like cross server auction house is almost nil. There’s a very small chance cross server PVE grouping will come but probably they will just keep offering free transfers off dying servers after however many months. Who knows.

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You have a point But at the very least it’s worth to try and on top of that. We do know they have done those things in dragonflight And like it or not they have been successful.

And we have seen them Willing to do some changes like well Heroic plus Buff Items in Ulduar and ret So it’s not like Changes are off the table but I would rather post and ask for stuff And keep talking about it then ignoring it.

And you’re right only time will tell if they actually do it or not Tell then I am going to keep trying And keep posting.

You can try but really putting it back on people who care about server communites isn’t the play. I care about things like community so much that the game become totally hollow to me so I haven’t played for three weeks. A lot of my friends who also care have quit too.

I’ve explained more elsewhere and won’t keep going but my point is that I understand you saying “Hey Blizzard, you said you care about server communities but you shouldn’t” however Blizzard already doesn’t. “The proof is in the pudding”. Blizzard cares about one thing and one thing only - Raiding.

These days you’re 10 times more likely to find people who don’t care about servers and this thread is proof of what I’m saying. Others in this thread very much don’t care and I’ll pretty much guarantee that I don’t care about whatever is fun for them in the game at all.

The people who Blizzard clearly does care about is those who are extremely self focused on things about their characters like gear and parses and things like that. These types of people primarily have a lot of drive based on wanting to improve their toons and they play far more for that drive than they do for other people. Other people are there for them to use and that’s mostly it. They pretty much are the polar opposite of people like me personality and otherwise. That is all ok but those of us who care about server communities are absolutely not them.

My point is that if you want to say “Hey Blizzard change this” then go after Blizzards very clear favorites and not those whose strongest wants have been completely neglected to the point where we are pretty much already gone.

Edit: Going back I think this is a spinoff from the RDF thread which is something that I have tried to be extremely respectful about and stay out of as I’m not passionate about it. Even though the respect I give to others is rarely reciprocated (not speaking about here necessarily but in general). Still I care about what I care about and it is unfortunate for me to go from talking to a group of people on here where I can relate to a good number to pretty much finding only the rare other like minded person. That’s my fault for sticking around but it still sucks and if someone goes off about how things that I care about don’t matter yeah it’s going to get me making posts like this being defensive about that thing. Don’t worry though. Blizzard doesn’t care at all as it is.


Since mentioned…I actually liked the x realm ah in retail.

its harder to price fix that. and if your server has no one even farming this crap…well now you got some ah supplies from others.

mail crafting has me appreciate that. sometimes there is jsut no bug parts or lizard scales for this.

I mean I see why. wandering around say tanaris for scorpid scales sucks. been there, done that. still doing it…

Why…I am looking to take that gold the 80’s made in wrath to skip it.

Expecting ‘server identity’ to be a thing [starting in August 2019] was never going to happen since *Classic *has literally 1/100th of the original playerbase.

Each server has/may have some unique story – such as Sulfuras Horde denying Alliance guild >Grizzly< a Scarab Lord title – but those are one-time events and are insufficient to hold a server to a unifying identity. RP servers are likely the closest exception to this, but having been on Grobb for over a year now, it’s not like there’s some undeniable, unmistakable in-your-face server identity that is ‘uniquely Grobbulus’.

Server identity might be bolstered by LFD/RDF because then players could still participate in their local server identity while having access to the entire playerbase for normal/heroic dungeons.

I wouldnt say that players should need to transfer servers for raiding, but transferring servers for raiding is something players have done since … Patch 1.12 or whatever.

thing is, based on my retail time, this more for serious raid. you want more. you want the serious mythic.

for that one may need to leave even MG for more competitive raid servers for alliance. MG is a larger pop size…but its not a server famed for hyper competitive mythic raiding communities (either faction).

No competitive mythic desires…one can stay there. lfr to heroic is x realm. Have at it. hell you can be on the “crap” new player servers if a you didn’t know any better as a new retail start and never leave them and get this.

classic’s issue is some are transfering (or need to) for basic level chill mode raid. that is a growing issue.

An issue hat may get worse going into cata. being real nice I will ahve cata a huge success…at the start.

all the “good” homes stay locked to transfer…its repeating wrath’s issues. and then it gets ugly.

or these servers will be slammed with people taking that cata boost deal most likely to flood it with boostie 80’s lol.

if discords exist to get retail to classic gold…I’d be very surprised there’d not be discords to get say OB gold to grobb gold or bene for boosties on them lol.

TBH server identity went out the window the moment they implemented transfers which was introduced all the way back in Classic. There’s a very small amount of people still playing on the server they originally rolled on.

Theres as much communication in retail as this. Gtfo with that

Seeing how poor AH performance was on a single realm at wrath’s launch, and how you still get “internal auction error” to this day, I really hope they don’t. The smaller realms should get connected like how they did on era, but the megas should be excluded.

this was never a thing to begin with

red tinted goggles