The server identity concept isn't worth the problems that causes the game

They just need to add cross-realm play for PvE (raids/dungeons) and I think classic would be good again. Anyone who gatekeeps being able to play the game has holes in their head. It’s either this or allow people to have paid-xfers to ANY server as they please

Yes you are. You think all conversations will be exactly the same regardless of the content, the people participating, where the conversation is had, etc.

  1. I only debunk people with fauly logic and weak arguments.
  2. I have over 9k posts. Of course I don’t remember everyone’s weak arguments.

When it is appropriate and correct to do so, yes.

Yes, I am. I’m the one trying to redirect you away from your personal attacks to discussing the actual game. Sadly, you seem incapable of doing so, which makes this unproductive for both of us. With so little time left in Wrath and so little time to fight for RDF, it does not seem wise to waste it insulting others that you need to convince.

Oh well though, your choice.

LOL… no. i can remember conversations going back years with people.

Kelliste is right. If you have debated with him on the same avatar in any of those 9450 posts you ABSOULTELY should remember doing so.

The forum is correct about your MO now so there’s no need for me to inform anyone these days which is awesome to see.

Besides the identity of pve pvp, I agree.

Really? What have I left out then?

Your conversations are all exactly the same.

No you just troll people until you inevitably leave to someone else.

How do you know someones argument is weak when you havent had a conversation with them or even remember having them?

And how do you know its appropriate? You do it even when there are evidence contrary. Like 1 person using the tool and no one else actually looking for the dungeon. Yes people have presented you with that evidence and you just say its their crappy attitude. Even if I went on my new server on a character I had to get a name change for that I could almost guarantee I wouldnt get into a regular heroic within an hour or longer. There is no reputation to be bad because its a blank slate.

No you really arent. You are trying to guide a nonsensical “conversation” into the direction that you want to go so you can say its my fault.

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You remember every person you’ve ever replied to? I doubt that.

Did you even read the conversation? Where did I say I don’t remember besting Kelliste in debate?

Not the forum, just people that have been bested by me multiple times before. I wonder why that is.

And the reason you believe this is because you do not understand nuance and context.

Asking you a question you are incapable of answering =/= trolling.

Because I’ve read their argument? I only declare an argument is weak after I’ve read it.

With the use of logic my dear Kelliste. Logic, evidence, data, and fact. Have you heard of them?

Yes, I am. So can you answer my question, which is about the game, or are you incapable of doing so?

Oh no no no… Its not something I believe, I know this about you.

No asking the same question over and over to multiple people that inevitably end with you saying “maybe people just dont want to group with you because I dont have that problem” is trolling.

Except you dont read their argument or you would be able to recall them. You say you cant even recall what people say so you cant say their arguments are weak. You have such poor argument its just sad at this point. You dont even know what context and nuance is.

Yes, I have heard of them, and logic dictates that based on your previous behavior with not only myself but others is that your conversation leads to you just saying its my fault I cant find a group. Oh… I guess you didnt see that coming.

You havent asked any questions about the game.

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