The server identity concept isn't worth the problems that causes the game

They confuse asking gs and such with “social”.

Which retail did remove. well raider io did help.

you don’t need stone gear check and chat in retail. t-mog makes it not useful. and you can e-stalk this quick.

raider io, well it tells alot about a player. before 1 word is spoken lol.

hell even pvp side we don’t need to ask for gear. If a hunter is the same HP I am it means one thing. they are full honor with 3 conquest pieces. its about the only way they have the vers to be X hp.

If more than me…they have more conquest. If less…less conquest.

how with t-mog we find our “weak gazelles”. ooof the dude’s hp is so low.

Fresh level cap, quests greens and some dungoen blue. or even decent pve’ers some mythic D/raid gear. they lack…2 pvp trinks for bonus and verse on gear some pieces.

Hi, target. One learns most/all classes hp bars in time.


It was never about server identity. It was about Blizz wanting to invest as little as possible into Classic while still charging for services like server transfers. Blizzard lies a lot. Kinda weird how people still hold out for them to be truthful.

Agreed. That thing about Blizzard caring about servers was a lie, one that i was hoping to be true just because I’m one of a handful of people who does care but I also knew that Blizzard caring probably wasn’t reality… and yes it wasn’t.

The truth is that those of us who care about things like server communities or identity are basically an endangered species yet the OP went at us instead of going after the overpopulated rabbits who are getting fed.

Your thread with the title of “This Class Is What Needs Buffing The Most!” was more addressing the real thing. Good work.

At the end of the day the people who are fed up will quit and the ones who find immense joy in running sims and looking at spreadsheets will continue to be happy because Blizzards actions show that in their perception Wrath Classic is perfect outside of raid tweaks and class balancing.

So just turn the game into retail

Got it.

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Who is actually winning in this iteration of Wrath Classic? I havent been on wrath classic in a while and when i was i couldnt find heroic groups.

So if the people wanting “server identity” whatever that nonsense means, isnt playing and those that want to quickly group for irrelevant content arent playing… Then whatever this classic “some changes” motto is failing.

My server just completely died in a matter of a week or so. Just got 100 dollars worth of free transfers and i still dont feel like plating and Wrath was my favorite expansion.

You can keep your server identity still. If you deem it of value, have at it.

It’s jsut others may not care as much.

I saw it in retail often.

“I was on this server when it was a pvp server in vanilla.” goes illidan or tich or a52.

okay…so what you are saying is your server identity is to ghost cap flags. yeah, that isn’t a good identity.

Illidan, tich, a52 etc…they ahve good players. and bad players. the bad players…don’t pick up greatness via osmosis lol.

same can be said even in classic. Bad players do not become great just by being on Grobb! there is no osmosis here lol.

also if mattering that much…heroic raid server only. my caveat for more x-realm in the future.

highest raid format, server only. just like retail. Mythic raid is server only, classis gets it too for heroic.

Raiders on the largest servers who like things like parsing.

Why don’t you go back to your pservers if you want “muh server identity” and “muh social experience” to be preserved?

I leveled this guy a few months ago, my server had a healthy population. I resubbed this week, and log in to a completely dead server. What a joke. Now I have to pay $25 just so there are more than 5 people logged on to play with?

Earthfury has free transfers to Eranikus in the shop. Take them.

Me, I’m having tons of fun still.

Hm. that’s odd. What do you think the reason for that is?

I agree with this. While I think most of us have nostalgia for the small town type server environments we had back in 2006, the truth is that they simply don’t work well with the modern player base. Those communities that everybody remembers from those servers? A large contributing factor to that was the fact that most players spent a lot of time in game. Back then, it wasn’t that unusual for a player to spend 5+ hours a night simply hanging out in game. I’m sure a lot of us can remember the names of people who were always in Barrens chat. But while I’m sure we all have those cherished memories, that time is gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. Back then, being able to be in a shared virtual space with people from all over the world was a novelty. Now, it’s the norm. Chromie was wrong. You really can’t go home again. Even if your old room was literally exactly the same as you left it, your perception of it will have changed. Similar thing here. Even if the game was literally exactly the same, we’re all different.

Bottom line. Let’s stop trying to recapture 2004-2010. Instead, let’s live in 2023 and accept that things are different now.

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No sir, keep the gameplay of classic with the quality of life that’s happened over the past 15 years.

How is this a hard concept to grasp?


Lol, back to trolling and trying to blame peoples attiutude on why they cant find a normal heroic group while disregarding all the evidence out there huh?

How sad.

Lets explain this to you again just to pile more dirt on top of your arguments grave, people have moved on to H+ where you get increased current badges which has made the heroic player pool so low that they might as well remove heroic dungeon difficulty completely. If it takes hours to find a group as a tank for a normal heroic and getting whispers for H+ it cannot be an “attitude” or reputation issue.

Quit with your bad arguments.

So basically no one. Got it.

More people doing H+ than doing normal heroic due to higher rewards for the daily. I’m sure people are still running normal H, just probably in guild/friend groups. obviously YMMV here based on server.

Adding a separate sign up in the LFG tool for each heroic variant would probably make normal heroic easier to find.

Back to calling people that ask you a simple question you cannot answer “trolls”.

Please quote where I did that. I will wait.

Cite the evidence. Again, I’ll wait.

Pause, can you even tell me what my argument is?

So no one is interested in running heroic? I fail to see the issue with that.

So run a H+ instead?

Haven’t made an argument yet. Please actually read my posts before replying to them.

I don’t think my realm is a mega realm (Pagle), it’s definitely very populated and there doesn’t really feel like there’s anything like what server identity used to be. So I can’t imagine the actual mega servers (those that experience queues on a regular basis) are any better. The server might have an identity in that “it’s a mega server” or “the actual PvP server”, but past that I just don’t see the server-spanning communities like we used to have when servers were thriving with 2500 people.

I think it’s important to understand here that while RDF is something a lot of people want, it is very contentious and should be considered separately from cross-realm. While traditionally the two came hand in hand, things have developed. Retail WoW has actually distanced itself from RDF (it just stops being relevant very early on in a character’s progression) but has wholly embraced cross-realm and even cross-faction.

If your intent is to solve the problem with connecting players together, even if they are on small servers, then cross-realm on it’s own is probably what you’re after. This can be integrated into the existing LFG tool and present an experience similar to retail, in that you can list and people can join you. Better yet we can just have the retail LFG tool (>.<).

If your agenda is to just push RDF though… well, that’s an opportunity missed, I guess.

You must troll so many people and hop around on characters you forget who you interact with.

Its your MO, you have said its peoples attitide or reputation multiple times

You’re getting called a troll cause there’s simply no way you actively play the game and hold the sentiments you do.

Or if you do, you never ever touch a pug.