This kind of feels like their MO. Particularly post Cata where there’s whole questlines that are nothing but movie references. To a frankly insufferable degree.
Like having archeology trainers called Harrison Jones and Beloc dressed like the Indiana Jones characters would be cute as an Easter Egg. But whole questlines is where stuff gets grating fast.
As for Pandaria I’ve only completed the first zone Hordeside and as I’m not particularly well versed in Chinese culture about all I can say was “an attempt was made”.
The Pandarians are better fleshed out than some of even the OG playable races and have a believable society. I liked for example how the monasteries were impressive but were also visibly suffering from the compliancy and favoritism of masters. I got a distinct sense that while these places are far from helpless, they’re in for a rude awakening if a genuine threat comes knocking on the door. Which is all but guaranteed to happen seeing as you’re a RPG adventurer.
Though I can easily see how it’d get annoying if you’re actually familar with the culture. Particularly as it seems like everything revolves around martial arts. Which makes some sense in context seeing how the place is cursed by the Old Gods, so completely losing your cool can result in turning into a blob monster and the monks have the whole mental, spiritual and physical discipline thing going. Though I did start to wonder where the hell the rest of playable Pandaren classes even came from. I guess the Loremasters are a bit magey what with the magic libraries. But something like say a Fury Warrior seems a bit at odds with the vibes.
I got the distinct sense that this would be a bit like if there was an American themed region and everything was in orbit around cowboys. Though now that I say that - ya know I’ve heard worse ideas. Maybe they could be a new class. Instead of rage or focus you’ve a Yeehaw bar.