“Hence Theocracy is the worst of all governments. If we must have a tyrant a robber barron is far better than an inquisitor. The baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity at some point may be sated; and since he dimly knows he is doing wrong he may possibly repent. But the inquisitor who mistakes his own cruelty and lust of power and fear for the voice of Heaven will torment us infinitely more because he torments us with the approval of his own conscience and his better impulses appear to him as temptations”
- C.S Lewis
Second only to Tirisfal the main thing I want to see rebuilt in the 5 year time jump is the Scarlet Crusade.
I do miss those guys. They were one of the best villain organizations in the setting and imo were the best human villains in the setting - period. Because they had an actual philosophy and worldview. Which is a pretty rare thing on Azeroth as most bad guys just want to burn, kill, enslave and/or devour everything because they’re pricks like that.
The best story in WoW imo is how we see the Argents surpass them because they have a superior ideology. The Scarlets are dogmatic, xenophobic and fanatical whereas the Argents embrace experimentation, welcome far flung foreigners like the Cenarion druids and even allow undead in their ranks. Their more open minded and flexible approach is what causes the Argents to triumph while the Scarlets wither.
But the thing about ideas is that the bad ones are just as bulletproof as the good ones.
We know from the Legion Priest Hall questline that the Scarlets are still operational in Northrend, and the Alex Jones tier fevered conspiracy theory pamphlets scattered around during the Battle of Lordaeron show they at least have a few agents and a printing press somewhere in Lordaeron.
But it’s been 5 years since an unleashed Scourge rampaged across Azeroth, and we know at the very least they ravaged Lakeshire. I suspect the Alliance would’ve had a rougher time with the loose Scourge. Most of their leaders with experience fighting them were either visiting or permanent residents of the Shadowlands. Making for a pretty ideal situation for the Scarlets to take advantage of.
So let’s say one way or another the Scarlets capitalized on this chaos and were able to rehabilitate their image in the hearts and minds of many humans as an organization that can get the job done. Some call their methods extreme but surely when the enemy is that unthinking and merciless there isn’t such a thing as going too far.
So we’ve a situation where the Scarlets have the sort of manpower not seen since the start of WoW. And they decide to launch a crusade on the northern EKs to reclaim those lost kingdoms of man from the wretched undead Forsaken and tameless Worgen beastmen.
I think this could be interesting in a lot of ways. For one it could give cause for the Gilneans to reevaluate the Worgen curse. The Scarlets aren’t exactly known for reason and patience. If you’re Gilnean you could be a worgen, and you’ve definitely at least aided and abetted the beastfolk which is cause enough to warrant a death sentence. Not to mention they always had those Harvest Witch blasphemers poking around. Probably best to kill them all and let the Light sort it out. If you’re going to be killed whether you have the curse or not, probably best to just have the curse as werewolves are a touch more challenging to lash to a pyre or fit a noose around.
As for the Forsaken this could illustrate to Calia why the Forsaken are as wary of their living cousins as they are. There is no misunderstanding with the Scarlets. To them it is irrelevant how noble or faithful or virtuous an undead might or might not be. They are undead and thusly deserve destruction. Full stop. It also of course gives Voss something to do and I’d also use this as an excuse to bring in the Scarlet Risen into the Forsaken.
I figure you’ve the Scarlets seize territory in Gilneas, Tirisfal and the Plaguelands. I figure they retake their Monastery as well as SFK, their old portion of Stratholme, and perhaps Tyr’s Hand. I’d also have a raid portal on the docks in Tyr’s Hand that would lead to an assault on Onslaught Harbor in Northrend.
And the big twist this time is there isn’t one. There’s no Dreadlords pulling the strings. I’d create a new character, let’s call him High Ecclesiarch Brimstone, because this game has never been subtle so why start now? Have him be a, fittingly enough, fire and brimstone preacher with the eventual intent to march across all of Azeroth and wipe out the aliens, savages, mutants and heretics. Figure you could have cherub like constructs that fly around blasting his raging sermons.
I also figure this could go a long way in establishing a less adversarial relationship between the Forsaken and Worgen. I presume relations will have normalized a bit in the half decade interim but nothing brings people together quite like a genocidal mutual enemy.
Plus I just feel it’d get back to Warcraft 3’s roots as a disobedient fairytale to have a scenario where blessed knights in shining armor are fighting horror movie villains, and it turns out the Halloweentown residents are the heroes of this story.
All in all the Scarlets are one of the better villains they’ve had in this setting and absolutely will have done the “Light Does Not Mean Good” trope far better than whatever they intend to do with the Naru and LForged. If they want us to have a Light based villain - let it be the Scarlets. WoW gets boring quick when it goes cosmic as the machinations of a glowing wind chime are not relatable. But deranged zealots heavenbent on sharing their faith at sword point? There isn’t a corner of this Earth that hasn’t known that problem at one point or another.
So I say bring the Scarlets back and let them be a reoccuring villain that pops up now and again. Not exactly as a headlining expansion villain roll. But they can definitely roll up to menace us in this or that zone for a patch. Plus it lets the horror themed factions go full Jason Voorhees on some squishy humans without any troublesome moral quandaries.