Well I certainly can’t argue against your head canon.
But canonically they are still operational in Northrend in New Hearthglenn and presumably Onslaught Harbor.
I also explained how their numbers could’ve grown, and also noted even that isn’t necessary as again- population does not matter in this setting. There’s always just enough of whoever for whatever plot point.
During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the remnants of the Scarlet Crusade in Lordaeron regrouped at the Monastery under the command of High Commander Goodchilde, they were soon assaulted by the Knights of the Ebon Blade who totally wiped them out, in order to resurrect Sally Whitemane as a member of their new Four Horsemen. In Northrend, while the Scarlet Onslaught was largely dismantled and originally stated to be the replacement for the Crusade, New Hearthglen continues to operate, even though it has lost the majority of its leadership and its goals have been dashed away
They’re a shadow of an organization my guy. Whatever headcannon you want to use to justify how they could get new members is just that, it’s your own headcannon has no basis in the the lore.
There is a small resurgent group who claim to be menethil loyalists, but that’s it. There’s always going to be small pockets of them around. They will likely never be the threat they once were
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Also, Benedikt. The Scarlet Renegades, are lead by Joseph the Crazed. The same Joseph the Crazed who I speculate, wrote the Scarlet Brotherhood pamphlets.
The Scarlet Renegades are the Scarlet Brotherhood, not confirmed, that’s just my speculation, but this whole conversation goes full circle to what I bought up above at the start of this conversation. There’s no trusting the Scarlet Renegades, or whatever branch is left, because we know the Scarlet Brotherhood is still a radical organization.
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You mean like say a small book club of Blood Elves?
Something like that. They’ll show up as the story needs them, so we can mass slaughter them.
Point being, they’re not a legitimate threat anymore. Their entire leadership is dead or undead and any plans they had are largely done with.
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Believe it or not I address that in the original post.
The point is if they actually ever do intend to revisit Gilneas, that’ll also necessitate a remake of Silverpine as well, as the two zones are intertwined in the current questline there.
And for there to be content, there must be things for the Worgen and Forsaken to kill. Presuming they’re not going to immediately throw us into yet another go nowhere faction conflict, it can’t be eachother this time. So we need a mutual enemy.
And the Scarlets are a ready made villain iconic to the franchise who have a loathing of both the Worgen and Forsaken.
There will have been at least 5 years between now and then. Probably more as I doubt they’ll be revisiting Gilneas in Dragonflight. Giving the Scarlets more than enough time to amass numbers through any number of methods.
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The worgen have plenty of content blizz could use. From political factions loyal to Greymane vs those loyal to gilneas itself, the yettins, etc.
It’s the forsaken that largely would suffer from not having an actual enemy to fight, outside the scarlets or ivars pack who wants to wipe out the forsaken
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It will take time for the Scarlets hiding in the ranks of Gilneas to be exposed. They are going to be moles until the Gilneans come to the conclusion they are being sabotaged from within. They don’t have the luxury of kniwing about the Scarlet Brotherhood plot like we do. They will find out once the trap springs.
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So. A civil war between those loyal to the rightful king of Gilneas. And… those loyal not to the government of Gilneas but the abstract concept of it?
And some giants as dumb as the rocks they throw at you that seem to be a minor native nuisance?
Far more engaging than the worgen, who hate the forsaken mind you, suddenly forgetting or forgiving what the forsaken did at gilneas and teldrassil and beating up a radical organization that’s not even relevant anymore
I mean that’s where the story is going between Genn’s change of heart, Sylvanas leaving the building and Calia being pretty reasonable.
They also said as much numerous times before and yet fringe groups of Scarlets still pop up, generally speaking don’t take statements like this at face value the Scarlets are basically Blizzard’s most reused punching bag.
The Scarlet Crusade is defunct, so defunct that it’s a running joke. There’s a Quartermaster for the Scarlets at the Darkmoon Faire who sells Scarlet themed t-mog, and the running joke is she’s doing it to raise money for the broke Crusade. They want to reform to wipe all undead off the face of the planet, so they have not changed their tune. Also you can ask the blonde female quartermaster if she’s actually a Dreadlord. Take from that what you will.
He’s still wary of calia and the forsaken mind you
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Oh I’m not doubting the Crusade at this point is but a mockery and shadow of itself, its why I say fringe groups versus directly saying their comparable to what they were pre-cata.
I guess my whole point was just about how the Scarlet Renegades appear to have morphed into the Scarlet Brotherhood. I have no other interest in the Scarlet Crusade outside of this singular plot point, because it’s currently the only relevant Crusade plot. The plot that wants to unseat Turalyon in favor of Deathwing’s son, the Heir of Lordaeron.
Yeah but there’s no reason to be. The Forsaken never wanted Gilneas. Garrosh forced that attack. And it’s implied if he didn’t quietly hope the Forsaken would be wiped out in the attempt, he at least didn’t mind that as an outcome.
Otherwise the Forsaken really haven’t been particularly aggressive with the living not hostile to them. They’re neighbors with the Argents without inncident. Likewise they live among the Sin’Dorei, Forest Trolls and Tauren just fine in Tranquillen, Revantusk Village and the Pools of Vision. Presumably they didn’t start gobbling down Orcs during their extended stay in Orgrimmar either.
Really it’s just humans who try to kill them on sight they’ve been merciless to of their own accord. Which hardly seems unreasonable given the standards of the setting. The Elywnians straight up put dead dragonmaw Orcs on pikes. Ya gotta let mfers know you’re not playing around out here.
The Scarlet Onslaught launching a war of attrition against the Alliance would be like a housecat trying to overpower a lion.
Exactly. And people are already starting to get sick of seeing them.
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Why do you insist on talking about this as if I’m talking about Lichtenstein invading China?
This is a setting where entire armies literally step out’ve thin air with such clockwork regularity that it’s hardly even worth remarking about. I’ve offered suggestions on how it could be explained, but really it doesn’t need to be.
I suppose with the power of plot armor or bad writing it could be done. It does need to be if you want a good story. Your suggestions have merit, I just think if that’s what we saw in the game - another huge army pulled out of the butt - it’d be a bad idea.