The Scarlet Crusade: ITS SO OVER versus WE'RE SO BACK

I love the scarlets, would love for them to have a legitimate comeback and a new raid where they try to take a city like UC or Gilneas and we have to push them back, that whole area needs more action


Doesn’t seem too torturous for my Forsaken.

Well they can keep dreaming for sure, lol. Considering the Forsaken didn’t lose their lands after the last war. They are keeping the lands around UC.

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Because not all Forsaken are Lordaeron citizens, nor are all of them humans. That’s why there’s a Council and not Calia on a throne.

Nope. Not all.

Exactly. “Some.” Not all.

I don’t think living humans really care about Lordaeron anymore.

And no one’s getting UC back anyway as a functional city, so it’s kinda moot.

And that’s what makes it so funny.

So many here on forums keep fussing that they want it back so bad as humans and could have taken it back many times over since the start of what ruined it in the first place which was Arthas and his Scourge. Which not all of us were not a part of.


Welcome to GD. LOL


I’ve been aware of the the screaming memes here for years .

I just find it funny they act so high and mighty wanting it back now after how long lol


I just want to know where they’re all coming from. How does the Crusade sustain loss after loss and just keep popping up.

Primalists: same question. How are there like 40 million angsty shamen on the loose. How did they all get to the dragon isles? Do they have an armada or something?

Who are these people!


I think they are like a plague that pops up every now and then that we can’t get rid of.

I mean I had fun today helping The Silver Hand in Df but the Scarlet always seem to pop up out of nowhere for a short bit, we wreak havoc on them and then dissapear again.

I may or may not have had too much fun going after them again during the Heritage stuff. Felt like old times.


The spirit of Lordaeron endures and we breed like rabbits.


Gilneas is in the continent of Lordaeron just like Quel’thelas

I have my own issues with Varian, but are you seriously suggesting that Anduin being abducted was Greymane’s fault?? That’s reaching. But hey, you’re right, maybe he should have just started vomiting plague everywhere like the Forsaken lot likes to do when things don’t go their way.

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Well,it’s all right there in game so yeah

And again not all Forsaken were involved in that but as always being Alliance you want to lump all of us into that.

Except, you know, the people who are still actually alive


That is not a lot of people.

No no. All of them lived there in life.

I heard there was heresy afoot, I came as fast as I could


It has been its own separate kingdom since before the first war, and was never encroached upon by Lordaeron. Same with Stromgarde and Stormwind. Despite how the game tends to muddle humans together as one big happy family, humans are typically at odds with each other all the time.


right, all 5 of them that didn’t go full crazy and join the scarlets…