The descendants of Lordaeron are never going to get their city back are they?
Absolute permanent cannon fodder state with no Defias reconciliation/redemption right?
Why are they even occupying Gilneas? It has never been Lordaeron territory.
Are we ever going to see the 11 heroes
expanded upon?
They just took it back, during their heritage armor questline.
What makes you think they are occupying Gilneas? Everything I saw says it was rogue forsaken?
I don’t understand this thread.
Apparently there is a lot of dead scarlet assets strewn about gilneas on PTR And I am making sweeping assumptions about low hanging fruit cannonfodder factions.
That’s kinda what they do, ressurect and survive.
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The undead are false claimants to Lordaeron.
You would think with how often members of the Scarlet Crusade end up being slaughtered in mass that that fact alone would make new recruits go: “Hang on, maybe I shouldn’t…” at this stage.
they quite literally are Lordaeronian.
no-one has a stronger claim
found some lvl 70 unknown blue checker box items in stromglen village
also greymane manor there are 2 npc at the front of the steps cleaning the area
greymane seneschal new npc
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Death to the undead, Lordaeron belong to humanity!
We are???
That’s funny I haven’t been there since Cata and still have several living in Undercity.
I mean I think living in Gil would be alot cooler asthetically but we’re not 
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Maybe in a Return to Lordaeron expansion they can revamp scarlet monestary into a raid. Make it way bigger and add an underground catacombs area.
“The undead have no claim on Lordaeron!”
The undead in question: Were born, raised, killed, and raised again in Lordaeron.
Me on the Forums on a normal day: (Sips
Me on the Forums when people are talking about the Scarlet Crusade:

I am wondering if it was Calia’s institance the Forsaken withdraw from Gilneas that left the power vacuum for years the Scarlet Crusade filled. Her kindness might of let them build up and launch the attack seen in the heritage quest line. So she might of cost Forsaken (un)lives, which her detractors on the desolate council could lambast her for.
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No one can fault her for that, Im sure even the characters in universe think of the Scarlet Crusade more of a nuisance than an actual threat at this point. Its like pest control in the starter zone.
There is a rather slim chance that the scarlet brotherhood decided to rally behind her since she basically is the last of the menethil legacy.
Incredibly slim chance because she’s undead, but I want a redemption arc for my homies in red.
Is it too much to ask for actual zealous paladins on the side of good that aren’t lightborn?
I just want my scarlet crusade war hammer witch hunters/inquisition
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