The sadness that was Wildstar

From the little I played, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and style. The combat was fast paced. I’d love another solid sci-fi MMO to come around.

Are there any private servers popular for wildstar. I only ask because i bet there are none. I dont think this game really made any splash in the industry. Too late, too much the same as the established games.

I would play it today if i could however. Getting sick of the same 5 ancient mmorpgs…and new world is not looking promising.

All the females in that game had giant knockers…

Making a AAA game on a brand new IP is a terrible financial venture, let alone one in the MMORPG space.

EQ was a brilliant game and yet only scored about 300k concurrent subscribers at its height. WoW launched with Warcraft lore and that alone is really the reason it did so well. The PC gaming audience preceded its existence.

Figure if you’re making a PC MMORPG about 10k players to start with and a logical ceiling of 200k concurrent subscribers tops. For many years until you build the IP up.

Same. I watched that cinematic and thought “Ok… I still have no clue what it would look or feel like to actually play this game.”

I still remember all the hype around it, though.

Something Wildstar had that WoW currently lacks is stupid over the top fun.

Like you leveled up and there was a big guitar rift and the narrator said something like “Uh OH, Your enemies are going to “Shirt” their pants!” and of course it wasn’t “shirt” because it was not a game with childlike sensibilities like WoW. Another I remember is “RIGHT ON! Your getting to be a REAL BADASS!.. and not bad on the eyes either!” Game was full of stuff like this.

Kill an enemy, and they die.
Sneak attack an enemy with all your cooldowns and they EXPLODE INTO A GIANT PILE OF GORE AND GIBLETS!

WoW lacks that, though there were elements in earlier iterations of the game.

I think Wildstar was fun, I also think it’s a shame it ended.
Private Server project called “Nexus Forever” exists, but I don’t think it’s really up and running yet.

it got released, but oh boy the strategy was to turtle and barely happened because it needed 2 40 man premades at the beginning

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Reboot a dead MMO? Haha.

I really don’t know why people cling to the idea of bringing a dead MMO back. It seems like the antithesis of what a player SHOULD want. You should want something fresh and new - bringing back a dead MMO brings all the baggage that comes with it plus it won’t be fresh, but you still have to pump huge amounts of money into it to revitalize it.

I guess people have this fantasy that because A Realm Reborn happened, it can happen to their favorite dead MMO, but there’s a big difference between the 14th “main title” in a franchise getting a bump and a dead game from a defunct studio suddenly rising form the grave.

Like, realistically, “Swords and Sorcery, but also Space Cowboys” could be done ten thousand other ways.

Maybe, but it also sent a signal to the market that you shouldn’t neglect casual players. Like, it’s actually crazy to think about how Wildstar came out in WoW’s darkest hour, and Warlords of Draenor was STILL more casual friendly and fun. It’s really crazy to think about TBH.

Wildstar is what happens when a bunch of people think they want a hardcore game, without ever actually playing a hardcore game.

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It wasnt too bad, it had decent graphics, bright colorful environment that made the world’s pop,enjoyable quests and was pretty fun to play. I loved the quirks of the instances opening with intros that looked like the beginning act of black and white sci fi films from the 1950s/60s and the player housing was one of the best I’ve seen.

The only drawback was endgame for a while catered only to the hardcore camp of players which alienated the majority demographic from progressing save for the occasional PVP [which was decent but most people prefer to raid for their endgame] For some reason in particular MMOs,said hardcore camp seems hellbent on gatekeeping in turn eventually leading to the game and company shutting down.

I really, really miss this one. I loved my characters there even though I didn’t get too far in leveling. Just enough for housing and then I kept logging in to see other people’s creations.

The game really did have potential. This is coming from someone who doesn’t normally do other MMO’s.

Actually yes, except for WoD being more fun, but different opinions of what’s fun.

Wildstar was crazy over the top fun, but it was also 100% endgame focused.
Leveling was a blast, and the worldbuilding was top-notch. But after you hit max level you were stuck in raid-or-die, and those raids were RAAAAAAAAAAIDDDDDDDSSSSS!

It might get a reboot with Nexus Forever at some point.
I’d play it again with the right group of people.

LOTR Online would like to have a word with you. Also, Star Wars is on it’s how manyith reiteration?

This is one that really does need to come back. Make the graphics closer to what it is in those cinematics, give me my housing back, fix the end game issues, add player controlled flight because it’s an MMORPG set on a planet that you fly to from space…

Boom, got my attention.

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But The Old Republic is nothing like Star Wars Galaxies. They’re not remotely similar, like, at all, even remotely, aside from loosely sharing the same IP and even that aspect is a stretch.

Indeed. Nobody asked for hardcore 40-man raids, I assure you. The people who want 40-man raids are tired boomers who wanted easy Molten Core tier content where they could show up half-drunk and pick up some OP loot and beat up randoms.

It also boggles my mind that they did the “Tier 4 → Tier 5” thing with the swapping raid sizes. Absolutely insane. It’s like they heard about Burning Crusade second hand and decided that was cool, without realizing that was a NEGATIVE aspect - Burning Crusade is loved in spite of the weird janky raid size differences, not because of it.

You could honestly probably do a hardcore raiding MMO with like, an 8-10 person raid size and that would work pretty well. Why they went for 40-man hardcore raids I will never, ever, EVER understand. Insane.

I only remember a few things from wildstar.

It had a horrible UI, it had almost no customization , could not even equip daggers instead of those ugly claw weapons and I asked about it on the forums and was straight up told no on more options. It had generic quests , a lot of them similar to the mindless bonus quests you’d get in Rift by slaying some random beast… hey kill 20 more of those.

I couldn’t even make it to end game much less max lvl, it was boring. GW2 had already shown how lame action combat can be at least when its done by western devs. It felt like more of the same garbage to me. I also remember the TTK in pvp was ridiculously high, like pre-corruption bfa levels of boring.

It was nothing special, and I hear the attunements at max lvl were nothing to scoff at. The raids looked like bullet hell fights to me, may have been fun for a while but probably exhausting. Yeah making a MMO for pure hardcores just isn’t gonna be successful, even the most hardcore player probably wants to be casual and relax once ina while.

:] rip tho, I too was surprised when it shut down when plenty worse games are still live to this very day

I agree, Galaxies was actually better than Old Republic, I’m fairly certain Old Republic has gotten redone at least twice so far.

Wildstar was a neat game though.

Anytime I think about how grindy WoW is, I remember back to the days of Everquest.

WoW doesn’t have the equivalent to camping Plane of Hate at 3am in the morning, doesn’t have experience loss after a death, doesn’t have the threat of losing your corpse with all of your gear (thank Summon Corpse, I never did), running naked from your bind point to where your corpse is (which could be a 30 minute or longer run), getting on a list to camp a rare spawn point in a dungeon and waiting hours to get that camp, etc.

No way could I do that today.

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My ex roommate died one day in Permafrost right after we traveled four real life hours from Iceclad ocean. It was an epic rage quit.

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Thought the main issue with wildstar was the devs that doubled down on every aspect of the game. Which the main was that of they tuned everything to be super hard and not casual friendly at all. Which meant it catered heavily to the 1% of WoW players, and then told casuals to leave if they didn’t like it. Along with a plethora of bugs that they never addressed and instead left in the game.

I mean WoW isn’t like that at all currently cause blizzard should know better, oh wait…

WoW is like super easy or super hard. There’s no comfortable middle ground unless you prefer riding certain affix weeks which is what the coping casuals do.