The sadness that was Wildstar

Some years back a gaming friend of mine told me about a new game coming out called Wildstar. He said that a bunch of WoW developers had decided to create a new MMO with a space theme, linked me some promo vids and said he was going to give it a try.

I took a look at the vids and it looked great. Here is the one I think I watched:

If you watched this, wouldn’t you be intrigued and want to see more? I certainly was. But almost from the start there were problems. and the developers and Carbine Studios never addressed those issues in a timely or creative way. What could have been a hugely fun game died an unfortunate death. I left well before the end because I couldn’t justify paying a sub and the subscription model was cancelled way too late to save it.

I guess the point of my post is to hope that Blizzard doesn’t follow Carbine’s example. Please, Blizz, don’t ignore the issues that are doing ongoing damage to WoW to the point where it collapses under a lack of innovative and careful design.

PS: I see this post got moved to another forum. Is that happening for every post about another game?


Ironically, Carbine was partial WoW devs from back in the day.


I tried this game years ago. What a shame.

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It was pretty fun. I’m actually surprised it shut down when older games are still going.


RIP Wildstar. I actually really loved that game. I liked the story, the humour, the combat, and the housing. Poor game deserved better than it got.

I was there at the end when they shut it down. Devs and players gathered around in the same spot for a last few hours to say goodbye.


Its what happens when you release an unfinished game and don’t have enough content. PvP was in a bad state and the game never saw the release of Warplots. The game had super fun leveling and the housing was really deep and fun as heck. Combat was literally as smooth as wow, it was the only mmorpg that I ever played that legitimately felt as comfy as wow.

The world was unique and there were so many memorable zones, like the cyber forest with the robot tree, the badlands with the mecha bees, the lunar zone with moon gravity and the alien spaceship where you needed a space suit.

It’s launch seemed healthy and there was a ton of people playing at first, but when Blizz dropped a patch for MoP it sucked everyone out of it. There are few mmorpgs that I would pay money for another chance to play again and Wildstar is at the top of that list.

I started a new job at the time and my schedule was too harsh for me to play an mmorpg during that time, I regret not being able to spend more time in this amazing game world.


I remember how broken pvp was especially arena, balance and gearing issues. I did like the game but it wasn’t casual friendly in the time when blizz made more casual approach.

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I thought they did release Warplot stuff after a time, but it was kinda half implemented and barely worked. The population wasn’t there to support it anymore. I never PvPed, so I barely paid attention to any of that.


Dunno, its possible they eventually got released. It was probably after I put the game down with my new job. I didn’t return until the game was f2p and spent all my time leveling alts.

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I remember the devs having to nerf a raid because it was actually impossible to beat as released, and then mocking people afterward when they beat it.

I’m sure that gif they released is around somewhere.


Some of the classes were dope in that game

I think I played an esper and that was dope

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I thought it looked interesting, I enjoyed the humor it had towards it’s game. Sci-fi element looked cool but yeah, I could never get into it. Even tried a few times when it went F2P, don’t think I ever hit level 20.

You do make me want to go rewatch the WS - Death of a Game video again though.

i like the worled and story would be nice to see it come back it had some problems no doubt
but just trash caning the game was sad indeed

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Specifically, they were founded on the principle that WoW was too casual friendly when they simplified away things like hit rating. WildStar was going to be a game built by the hardcore, for the hardcore!

…Turns out there aren’t that many of those, and without filthy casuals, you go bankrupt. Whoops. I, too, hope Blizzard doesn’t follow that example.


heard it was pretty wild

Wildstar was always a game that didn’t seem to fully know what it wanted to be.

On the one hand it wanted to be this hardcore grindy raid game, but then it also had this silly cartoon like atmosphere and graphic style and it seemed to be one of those settings that didn’t take itself seriously, and didn’t want the player to either (Always felt like the game was looking at me going “nudge nugde! wink wink! eh? eh?”)

But then to contrast that it ALSO wanted to be an “adult” game. For example I remember the ding had this guy screaming out a swear word at you…but then it ALSO self censored that swear word.

I also recall it seemed to have a robust housing system, which again seems a bit at odds with a game that was trying to sell itself as this old school super hard grind to attune and super hard raids style game.

And then you had all these little system that added complexity, but were also ultimately kind of worthless.

In the end, I think it was just too all over the place, and that’s why I was never surprised when it got shuttered.

Still always sad to see a game go tho

I heard that the raids were to hard.

Wildstar had the best raids I’ve ever played in any MMO.

Nothing so far has come even close to their intensity and just how visceral the combat and mechanics perfectly flowed together. Even after many, many years since the game has been shut down.

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Never liked it & the combat was the main thing that killed it for me. I did get in to the beta, but didn’t last that long after its launch.