The sadness that was Wildstar

I still have some friends who will recount their fond memories (and I’m not being sarcastic, they would be saying it with how much fun they had playing it), of spending hours and hours farming placeholder mobs, for the actual one they needed to kill to spawn, for a chance of that to drop things for their epic *.5 weapons.

All I could think is I’m glad you had fun doing that, because for me that is a big no thanks.

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Yeah that’s truthfully what has allowed wow to thrive like it has honestly, yet right now its hanging itself with all the retconning. All the failed systems they keep adding every time they re-invent the wheel for a new expansion. With a plethora of poor balancing and bugs galore that have existed for months now. They seem to just be in complete double down mode, similar to wildstar, and its not working well at all for the game currently.

Lol I can imagine.

I can remember the corpse drags people had to do, especially inside dungeons. Iirc the Froglok dungeon was one of the worst because you had a mixture of live mobs and the undead ones who could see through invisible. Drag your corpse a few yards, get aggro’ed and die. Rinse and repeat losing experience every time you died.

Lower Guk was like 30 levels higher than Upper Guk. I loved that about EQ. They intentionally mixed high level mobs near low level mobs to instill a sense of dread or fear. Think Kithicor woods at night.

Blizzard never had the nerve for that.

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Is there a reason you have such a hate hard on for this game? Seems anytime somebody brings it up you tend to dump on it and the people who remotely enjoyed it.

It’s just pathetic in my opinion when people pretend other games are way better than they actually were as a sort of “gotcha” to WoW. It’s very telegraphed and 3head IMO.

This nails the real demise of Wild Star which was its potential audience was the WoW player base, who were socially linked to others that prevented them from dropping WoW, even if they wanted to.

If you are going to strike at the king, you better not miss.

That was actually one of the things I really liked about it. Rather than go for the super realistic style of something like ESO, it went for something that might have been the charming love child of WoW. And Overwatch reminds me a bit of it, so I wouldn’t say it wasn’t an ‘adult’ game, just a different game.

I never got a character up to a level of raiding but I think it was more that they decided to go the 40 person raid group style of early WoW Vanilla, as if that was the ideal. While it might work for Classic WoW because of the nostalgia, it didn’t seem to work that well in a new game, in a world where other games were branching out into flex raid numbers and where there just weren’t enough people in the game to make those raids work.