The RP Community Megathread

I like this idea! I’m pretty busy this weekend but I might see how we can work that out early next week when I have some free time.

Thanks for dropping by the thread and offering feedback, it’s very much appreciated :slight_smile:

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Halite posted a great thread about player housing, please go show your support!


Inline with what most people are talking about in regards to customization, I thought it was awesome when Brewmaster monks could walk with their staff on shoulder. I think it would be GREAT if casters could check a box somewhere in the UI to hold their weapon/stave while casting. I also think it makes sense that any character walking with their stave held in-hand, would not walk with it parallel to the ground, rather as one would walk with a stave in real life, perpendicular to the ground and touching the ground (like gandalf).

I also think it would be the bees knees if there was more customization among:

  • Druid forms
  • Death Knight pets
  • Shaman Elementals
  • Demon-hunters wings being out when not gliding
  • Monk Combat animations
  • Visible trinkets,
    • Skulls, trophies, books, etc. Displayed maybe around the belt, and collar.

I think the only things I really want are:

  • Upright Male Worgen.
  • Unlocking Blood Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves.
  • Inline with the above, unlocking all hairstyles for any race/faction.
  • Player housing, and guild housing.
  • I’m going to say it. I know people hate giving money to this game. But… More armour to buy at a good price. The Observer’s Ensemble is 27$ AUD Lower price items or at least a way for you to be able to get it in game. (without having to drop 200k+ Gold on a token) Via a token system or an achievement.

Honestly should unlock/share more hair styles across all races.

Draenei and Blood Elves share a lot of hair styles, meaning what if Lightforged Draenei got edgy Void Elf hair???

Also every race should get the LFD pixie cut, it’s perfect :weary: :ok_hand: chef’s kiss


I would like Hearthstone lore to become more and more canon due to how silly and off the rails it is. It genuinely just seems like a fun world full of fun nonsense and racial combos. I need HS Gadgetzan in my WoW.

I’d like more race/class combos as I don’t really enjoy forced racial norms and narrative vs. creating my own.

Xfaction guilds as I’m selfish and still want to do the ‘rent a character’ for folks that want bodies during their guild events. I don’t see it working if it’s one faction only.

I miss WRA and hope to see the next expansion be more grounded in Azeroth for RPers to enjoy and build stories off of.


An ooc (out of character) and ic (in character) chatting function for say/emote/yell. I have nothing against people harmlessly chatting oocly with friends in say/yell, but it can and has very quickly clogged up my chat feed even with the use of addons, like elephant, that keep a log of however many lines of text per chat window. It doesn’t feel constructive to drop people into my block list temporarily for this, and I don’t necessarily want to report people for spam if the spam is not intended. In the same vein, I think forcing this divide will make it easier for game moderators to see where someone is intentionally spamming. I think it would also clarify what falls under spammer in regards to roleplay servers specifically, easing the navigation for both player and GM investigating.

Additional notes-

  • Default non-rp cross realm players to ooc in this instance, give a pop up warning about guideline differences from pve/new servers vs rp when they cross realm over to non-current content zones. Some will say this will get annoying, the intent is to bludgeon the difference into non-rp people so they can’t act like they didn’t know better about griefing and spamming.
  • I added emote to the suggestion above specifically for the pvp bros that cross over, camp people in rp areas that are flagged for WM or pvp in general, and then spam a basic emote 10+ times in under five seconds.

Roleplay servers need to have a more visible, and specific guideline detailing what conduct is expected of those that join roleplay servers, and those that cross over onto one. I know it was mentioned above that we need human moderation for this, I whole heartedly agree, and I’ve read through another post mentioning what tickets and GM experiences have been like in regards to mentioning roleplay specifically. I unfortunately relate to quite a bit of what was said, and it absolutely feels like pulling teeth with trying to get GMs that understand what is going on or that will do anything about what happened/happens.

I would hope that having a guideline pop up, like suggested, would help GMs to easily action some of these issues as opposed to the nothing salad we get now. And as well, it would serve to give repeat offenders less wiggle room in avoiding getting actioned, because it wouldn’t be as ambiguous what counts as disrupting rp, spamming, etc.

Additional notes-

  • I generally mean basic things here like defining spam, disruption, griefing, and perhaps a return towards the care of naming conventions. Though the latter I only really take issue with when people have the sort of derogatory names that I cannot repeat here.
  • I cannot note enough the amount of times I’ve been suggested by a GM in a ticket to do something that is either not possible, or outdated. It’s frustrating that this has been a regular response over the past three years now, and I can only hope that some of the mentions of updating reporting tools etc for 9.2 start to at least help to alleviate what causes this on the CS side.

An opt-in play by the rules strictly RP only mode like warmode would be great. Not too sure how the goldshire crowd would fit into such a system …

An AH mount that is not an ugly dino would be more immersive for many. I am thinking a horse drawn carriage that could be crafted, skinned & upgraded over time like the Garrison AH. There could be simple pack mule version to start with, then a small farmer’s cart, upgradeable over several steps to an elegant horse drawn carriage for a successful city merchant. You could add attendants in entourage to provide services at max level, so a barber, purveyor of alcohol, providor or a trade good supplier as examples. In the future it could also have seasonal decorations addons for each of the holidays.

Please bring back player campsites. I want to log out at a small campsite when outside of city or town. It would also be nice to camp in the wilds while fishing & cooking.

+1 for player housing. Perhaps it could be at the inn or adjacent building where you set your an alternate hearth instead of a fixed location. There are lovely regions outside the capitals that could be frequented. It would be nice to move house if so inclined.

Kyrian wings should enable loyal members of the covenant to fly like a regular mount. It would satiate many a white knight fantasy.

I am not too keen on any of the suggested new races (?murlocs). Too fury or scaly & not high fantasy enough for my tastes. Playable dryads that can be mounted like a druid (legion companion model please, not shadowlands) or playable Valkyr perhaps?

A bard class with lots of flavor items & abilities.

More flavor items in general. I usually use my wayfarers bonfire when out & about. It has just the right ambience for my character. Other times I will use a raging bonfire (if I wish to be noticed). The little things matter.

Please fix hair & hats. I do not go bald when wearing a hat. I love hats but refuse to wear them due to this issue.

Some armor sets cut into hairstyles (The ABT priest set for example). Swords poking through cloaks are distracting too.

I am liking the thinking around forsaken that are drawn towards Calia Menethil. It would be interesting to see a split between those who choose the current state of play for forsaken, & the new redemption arc (as if they need it) adherents. Perhaps forsaken could choose a their preferred path & even city of residence in the future. Undercity is a marvel.


Competitive Roleplay.

I warn you, my Lore Per Second is in the dozens.


cursed or cool idk


Yes!! It’s perfect and so horribly cursed!!

Also repurpose void tentacles to just be Draenei hair tentacles!

Blizzard add me to the community group so I can just propose more cursed suggestions!!


gotta ungender hair too I’d look amazing


Implement jail as a moderation technique.

You misbehave and get reported and a GM reviews it (not automated) and if needed your room is ported to “jail”. You can’t hearth, can’t be summoned, can’t use any means to leave but being ported out by a GM.

Troublemakers could log into the game but could only sit their toon in that cell. You swap toons only to find that toon in a cell too. No chat, or anything either.

After you serve your time your toons are ported back to where you last left them and restrictions are lifted.

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That actually reminds me of how griefing or breaking the rules could have you put on trial and temporarily jailed in the MMO Archeage. I think you could still chat but only /say, so you could shout at people who got within earshot of your cell. I remember trying to jailbreak a friend once but I don’t know if it was actually possible or if I was just being a dumb teenager.


Concept image of a player pondering his decision to use a racial slur in response to a party member pulling an extra pack accidentally in a dungeon

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Lets incentivize Blizzard into making this a thing by suggesting they add a gold bail to jail terms.

So either a GM has to release you once your term is up or you can pay a hefty gold bail. Gold bails increase by the frequency you land in time-out jail which would make it more and more costly to get out and hopefully discouraging people from calling me a slur when you’re that one rogue or druid in AV that stealths into the enemy base and accidentally pulls drek while your team is still very clearly not there or hasn’t capped the GY and immediately dies and gets mad at me for not healing them

Been reading up on it- things that can be discarded is the fact that it was primarily a punishment for killing players of your own faction(Griefing) and stealing resources owned by another player.

Things that can be included! An infamy counter that does not ever go down no matter what, and when you reach a certain infamy rating guards in cities attack you.

This would never happen as it would require Blizzard to pay actual people to police their game.

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Hrm, then lets think of things in terms of the Courthouse that was a part of the system in the game mentioned. In that game, the courthouse was merely a place for the trial to happen(Selected by a jury of 5 peers, all of which required no infamy, or disconduct points) and to be observed by either friends or the aggrieved parties.

So, what if a courthouse building was erected in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Within that courthouse is a UI mounted to a clickable object, like a podium, or a clerks desk, or something…within that, is listed every “Grievance” filed. Think of this as taking steps from the Overwatch System in Dota!

Every Grievance filed on characters from your server. You can read through the grievances and select one to place a stamp of approval on- enough stamps on a grievance then flags the selected player for arrest. In order to prevent abuse(Mass flagging a WF player to get them arrested while raiding) The Arrest happens the next time a player shows up to a friendly city or the next time they are honorably killed in PVP combat. This system would also flag them against members of their own faction.

Once they respawn, they respawn inside a temporary cell inside the courthouse, where 5 jurors are summoned, and the person who filed the grievance gets both an email and an automated whisper saying the person they reported is currently on trial at X server if they wish to attend.

Here, the case is argued, evidence is presented, and a jailtime sentence is decided. Oooh, let’s say that the sentence is decided by the amount of approvals gotten on the initial report. The more heinous the crime, the longer the sentence! 0 option for jailbreak, but you can walk around in a cell and ocassionally kick a ball. The jailhouse could even be an actual building somewhere so people could walk up to the cell and be like, “Hey loser, how’s about that time you called me a slur for not doing MDI strats in a +2”

It’s not a perfect system but it is a way for a community led moderation to enforce behavioral standards using tools that just need to be programmed into the game itself and not require tons of manpower.

Yeah, hard pass on that.