The RP Community Megathread

Out of curiosity, why would you not want the community you’re taking part in to have standards of what behavior is acceptable and what is not?

Because while you may be a part of a community, you may not nessisarily agree with it. And putting that kind of power in the hands of players is not a good thing in my opinion.


whatever dirty erp i get into is my business and good for my toons development!

Three words why community enforcement is a bad idea.

Salem Witch Trials.


I actually would love a community led moderation, so long as I get to make the decisions and no one else does!

I’m an abolitionist, so I do not believe in jails- real life or imaginary in the internet.

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Then what do you do with bad people?

Not enough room for a Courthouse, with the new Sylvanas statue being built.


Give them the tools and resources necessary to lead fruitful and productive lives and they don’t need to commit crimes. Those that do can be put into programs that focus on rehabilitation and mental health. No jails or prisons doesn’t mean no accountability. There’s plenty of literature on replacements and real life applications of abolition


Right, but what do we with do with Kotick?

There can be jails on the moon

If there was to be a system like this, then, what would your suggestions be to make it work?

I legit actually believe that the WoW community is incapable of self moderation, and don’t think something like this would work. I consider myself fair and objective but I also know I am unwilling to bend my morals or ethics to be considered so by the community in general

To be clear I think that is the best way to moderate a community but I don’t think it would work because humans are actually garbage. Great idea but it wouldn’t work because humans are fallible


Would you disagree with the prior statement that Blizzard is incapable of hiring enough GM’s and community support to moderate, and that a system like it could work bolstered by a large enough faction of moderators, game masters, and other such community outreach departments?

I don’t think you can pay someone to be objective and follow rules without bias. There’s always going to be problems with moderation no matter what. Blizzard moderation is clearly corrupt, in regards to philosophy. I have no faith in them, but hardly think a moderation group of our peers would be better.

So if GM’s cant moderate us, and our community can’t self moderate, then do you think this system is worth implementing at all?

No I don’t, but I already said that. I think that I should be a moderator- but I know that I am flawed and would love to ban every bigot and white supremacist on world of Warcraft dot com, but I know that cannot come to pass.

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To be honest, I was mostly just theorizing a fun way to add the system if it were to be- I remember sitting in the courthouse in Archeage and watching the trials and having such good laughs with my buddies at the hilarious offenses and…really crappy defenses. Watching XXXpwnyouXXX try to defend himself in a (Meager facsimile) of a court of law was a great way to spend an evening.

I mean, let’s set up some in game trial courthouse thing for fun, where people can RP themselves the villain and people can RP themselves the good judge or jury- sure. That’s pretend or fun. I thought you were talking about community moderation with real punishment or something

No, that was an actual system back then…though it only punished people for killing players of their own faction or “Stealing their crops” according the wiki- my memory is a bit hazy, it was years ago. This was in some really short lived MMO called Archeage.