The return of hard 5 man content

There need’s to be more challenging content outside of mythic raiding. I think having mythic dungeons that are hard and challenging to complete and rewarding normal/heroic quality raid gear will be good for the game.

The constant rush of the M+ environment can be pretty toxic and having an alternative to M+ will only help the game and encourage people to do harder content. Being stressed in a race against time is not fun for the majority of players myself included.

I think it’s been proven that with karazan and now mechagon that the player base wants hard challenging content to do. Instead of turning these dungeons into M+ variants we should instead tune them so they drop the next raid ilvl equivalent in gear when the next season starts.

As it is right now LFR and normal EP is completely face roll and requires no skill to do right? Heroic requires some teamwork and then mythic requiring teamwork is a bit odd. That’s two difficulty levels that require no thought,teamwork or skill to complete in a MMO game basically making it a solo thing that has people in it.

I think we need to bring challenging 5 man content back into the game. Having hard five man’s were amazing in cataclysm before people whined incessantly that they were too hard and killed that content. The hard 5 man content needs to return and be rewarding. Giving us some risk and reward that’s been missing from the game.

Also remove world quests.


Debatable with how many “OMG OVERTUNED” threads there were.

I mean I loved it. But debatable.


Those people just need to get better at the game. We all start somewhere and work hard to get better. But without challenging content there’s no push for them to get better. I view this as a good thing for the game and future of the game. I think it would be fine for mechagon to be harder and reward better gear.

I find it fun to wipe constantly and then finally overcoming a challenge is the best thing ever and this game needs more of that.


I thought this would be coming from a high ranked m+ player thats tired of it or something, guess its not, nothing to see here guys.


Its called mythic plus.


The problem is as the problem was, people will not adjust their play. I wish it were a option, I miss harder 5-man dungeons but they’re not tenable in an LFD environment.

I always hated go go go.

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I don’t disagree. I loved Mechagon. But we’ve also fostered a community that’s been able to hit heroic raid ilvl without ever seeing a “release spirit” button unless they derped off a cliff, and screams that things are overtuned when they chunk themselves against stuff.



Hard dungeons are fine as long as they are not Qable


This seems to be the jetty wall, yeah. Out of sight, out of mind.

There is already challenging 5-man content. And, get this, it can theoretically scale infinitely depending on how challenging you want it! And no, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean we need yet another difficulty setting. You know you can run M+ without worrying about the timer, right?


I don’t. The highest levels of gear should not come from a dungeon.

Magisters Terrace did not reward the highest level of gear and it was extremely challenging.

I’m fine with difficult dungeons. I am not fine with them rewarding end game gear equivalent.


While I do believe the best PvE gear should drop from high end raids, I think the issue we’re experiencing with gearing currently is their attempt to unify all gear into a slot machine model. I suspect there would be less debate if we go back to tier gear and PvP specific stats.


I would support this 100%


Common ground :slight_smile:

I think you left out the removal of world quests and emissary caches.

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I do not like those but I feel that casual players should be provided a path of progression. I would tend towards the belief that the removal of TF/WF would be adequate so raiders would not feel compelled to use it as a mode of gear advancement beyond maybe 1-2 slots of bad RNG.

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Whats wrong with emissary caches and world quest? it gives stuff to do, and emissary caches are useless 99% of the time if you dont play at a meme lvl.


Op could, but who’s going to group for that?

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Heroics in Wrath had blues and an end boss epic that were the same ilvl (200) at the 10 man raid gear (excpt malygos at 213), and 25 man naxx/Sarth was 213 ilvl except for Kelthuzad gear (a difficult fight at level) and Malygos 25, which were 226 ilvl. You didn’t have useless 325/330 gear then a jump to 370 for heroic (roughly equivalent to 25 man tier 7 in Wrath) with the hardest to get being 385, a full 60 ilvls higher than dungeon gear. Maybe if they toned down the ilvl spread they could tone down the ‘catch up gear’ ilvl too. A top geared raider in T7 would have 226s in every or almost every slot, and a dungeon hero would have 200 ilvl stuff in every slot with perhaps a lucky 213 from wintergrasp. The ilvl disparity is out of control.


Slot machine gearing.

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