The return of hard 5 man content

Kinda hard to prove what players want since they usually only say something when they don’t like something. Not to mention that running any form of content repeatedly doesn’t necessarily mean players enjoy it.

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With triple RNGesus titanforging bonus

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m+10 drops 430 base, weekly drops 440, heroic EP is 430, still talks about ilvl disparity OMEGALUL.

Way to ignore my entire post. omegafail.


I mean if anything the ilvl disparity should be way bigger, eventually LFR heros catch up to mythic raiders and high m+ pushers by doing trash content nowadays so.

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The opposite is true, and you can’t possibly not know it. Wanting to force casuals to play all hard content all the time in order to force them to improve is actually just you trying to force the overwhelming majority of players from the game.

You want more elite one-time-through content. That’s the most expensive content for the game, because it gets little use, since you do it once and done, while casuals will never do it.

Maybe start your own game.

Wrong. Only faceroll for skilled players.

Wrong on so many levels. The majority of people who were unhappy just quit the game quietly.

Kind of like is happening now.


What are you talking about? I’ve seen so many groups and joined so many operation mechagon groups on my alts and completed every single one. It’s been a blast and amazing to not worry about a time limit =)

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I agree, would be nice if there was more challenging 5 man content that wasn’t on a timer. Normal mythic dungeons are too easy and, while I don’t mind using mine, I don’t blame other people for not wanting to “waste” their m+ keys.

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Indeed, with the system we are in now, that would be reasonable. However remember, the poster I was responding to was referring to the way things were in the past.
325 ilvl in a heroic dungeon ----> 445 ilvl in current mythic raid now

232 ilvl in ICC heroic dungeons ----> 277 ilvl in heroic 25 man ICC (in Wrath 3.3) and
200 ilvl in base heroic ----> 226+ in 25 Ulduar with a few hardmode gear pieces.

The disparity is larger than it ever has. Mythic dungeons and keystones are not catch up methods, they are challenging difficult content with equivalent rewards. The fact that LFR heroes can catch up is why benthic and WQ emissary rewards are as high as they are, which is a counter to Rhielle’s point. The system as it is, works with the wide gap, but if they stuck a 60 ilvl disparity between heroic dungeons and mythic raids, without mythic dungeons, without warfront gear, etc. it’d be outrageous.

Meanwhile I’ve yet to encounter a single pug that can down more than 1 boss in OM. At a certain point you just give up and just go back to raiding. Which is what I did.

You started this thread to brag about being an elite player who needs to have more elite content. And all non-elite content should be removed to force non-elite players to become elites like you. How does the fact that elite players are able to complete elite content mean in any way that people who aren’t like you and don’t want to be like you will suddenly want to start playing with you?

I fail to understand why you think that will happen.


WoW’s peak had queueable content harder than some of the stuff you need a premade for right now. We taught and warned each other instead of getting impatient, pulling the whole dungeon, and wondering why we died – a mentality M+ is pretty much squarely to blame for.

Hell, people still whine about Timewalking of those same dungeons, and that’s after multiple rounds of nerfs, normalized ilvl, and tons of AOE and live control skills that didn’t exist at the time that utterly neuter entire dungeon mechanics.

No, sorry. LFR is faceroll, with the exception of one or two bosses per dungeon that haven’t had all of their key mechanics entirely removed.


Have you even bothered to look up my toon? I’m a casual player. Quit being so offended and leave room for others to be offended.

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I also fail to understand whats the elitist part about what the OP wants outside of “delete world quests” part, your elitist hate is way too obvious, are you one of those meme casuals?

My recommendation:

Normal stays the same.
Heroic = Mythic 0
Mythic +

I think everything is fine except for Heroic. Heroic is still faceroll. Increase the difficulty to Mythic 0 (which some will still say it’s face roll) and increase the quality of the rewards. Any quests that were previously mythic only should now be heroic and above. Still allow for Group Finder for Heroic.

Maybe you’d be happier with a game like wildstar than trying to force casuals to suck up to the right GM or have no access to any content in the game whatever.

As it is right now elites pride themselves on helping people in their guild, when actually they’re remembering the one alt of a buddy they helped once last year. Most players not already elite have no option but to pug everything while getting trashed by elites who despise them.

You are in no position to speak for casuals.


I was a casual at the time (I didn’t start raiding till Cata). We didn’t wuss out when mobs bothered doing damage.


Please link to your proof that you led a community of casuals who all agreed with you at the time and still do.

Looking at how many people left the game during cata and were gone for multiple expansions, I’d say that trying to force everybody to play elite only content has been a disaster for the game every time it has been tried.


You keep using the word elite like you understand what it means. I’m not elite and nor is anyone else in here. Why is it that you have the mentality of being a victim and everyone else is the oppressor. I’m not oppressing you nor am I an elitist. I’m a casual player that enjoys having challenging content in the game.

As for the bragging thing I don’t understand at what point I was bragging but feel free to let me know from your perspective.


Sorry but those “elites” that despise casuals on pugs are as casual as you, cause ill tell you a secret, the elites you hate dont pug at all, so the people you actually hate are vanagloried casuals while “elitists” do their thing in their core raid group and/or m+ group, shocking truth i know.