God one can only hope. All the free gear from everywhere has watered down the loot to the point where nothing feels rewarding to do in the game anymore. The last thing I felt rewarded about was operation mechagon and I made a post about how much fun it was and how it could be harder and reward better loot and I’d still be okay with it.
There need’s to be more challenging content outside of mythic raiding. I think having mythic dungeons that are hard and challenging to complete and rewarding heroic/mythic quality raid gear will be good for the game.
The constant rush of the M+ environment can be pretty toxic and having an alternative to M+ will only help the game and encourage people to do harder content. Being stressed in a race against time is not fun for the majority of players myself included.
I think it’s been proven that with karazan and now mechagon that the player base wants hard challenging content to do. Instead of turning these dungeons into M+ variants we should instead tune them so they drop the next raid ilvl equivalent in gear when the next season starts.
As it is right now LFR and normal EP is completely face roll and requires no skill to do right? Heroic requires some teamwork and then mythic requiring teamwork is a bit odd. That’s two difficulty levels that require no thought,teamwork or skill to complete in a MMO game basically making it a solo thing that has people in it.
I think we need to bring challenging 5 man content back into the game. Having hard five man’s were amazing in cataclysm before people whined incessantly that they were too hard and killed that content. The hard 5 man content needs to return and be rewarding. Giving us some risk and reward that’s been missing from the game.
Also remove world quests.