The Ret buff thread was blowing up so they locked it?

Almost none of you are in a good guild enough for it to matter - nor is the game hard enough for it to matter.

As does the “back it if you claim it” which as easy as you say it is took you a while to give even a broad definition of the application of the CoC.

They haven’t done this consistently enough for people to take the CoC seriously and the one time they do it publicly is because they gave a really lazy reply and received backlash, surprisingly tame backlash at that surprisingly. While they can’t feasibly moderate every interaction its a bad look that the one they do moderate is one that attempts to save them face.

Have you ever checked the forum guidelines???

Using the words “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or any community team members’ names in a thread topic is frowned upon.

Solely calling them upon is already subjected to have your post deleted. I’m not making this up and neither are them making this up. It’s been there for ages.

What is your question here? I read the thread, the dev replied and the CM closed it due to the high number of replies deleted for violating the ToS. I myself reported at least 5 that disappeared there.

What kind of communication were you waiting for? It happened 15 years ago. Ret pally is what it was, if you don’t know by now you’re a fool or ignorant. Pick up what suits you better.

Hence why the thread was locked. You’re mad because of your ignorance and lack of knowledge of your own class / spec. Either reroll another class or change specs. Or just keep playing ret if that is what is fun for you.

Of course it has to be part of the discussion, you’re asking your SPEC to be BUFFED but your CLASS has already high representation in 2/3 of the roles in the raid and at least 3 of them even in cutting edge raids. All other raids you can have your ret and you’ll be clearing thins just fine and even all the hard modes.

If your guild is telling you that you’re being replaced because Ret DPS sucks, just find another guild with a non-mindless GM, or what makes you play a DPS spec is being top #1, start making multiple characters so you can play the FoTM spec that is on top DPS.

Yes, and you know that Classic was conceived to be played with the LATEST PATCH of the given expansion, so it was 1.12 for vanilla, 2.4.3 for TBC and now 3.3.5 for WoTLK. Guess what, your class is balanced for the latest tier (ICC) and not around Naxx. Do you think devs back then would review and balance the class across all tiers? Of course not.

If you’re just complaining NOW that the balance is bad and it should’ve been balanced again every patch, I’m sorry, Classic is definitely not for you.

You should inform yourself before posting, it would prevent a lot of problems for you.

I can say blue or blizzard without it being derogatory.

But they’re literally stomping out all and any criticism that gets any traction on the forums and its very toxic.

Sure you can. Just because not everything that violates the Forum CoC gets moderated, does not mean that it shouldn’t be moderated.

That thread got closed because people were being incredibly inappropriate in it. It was no longer being constructive in anyway. It had fallen into a state of people just harassing and name-calling others. The thread is still up, and some of the posts have not yet been removed.

Based on your posts here, I suggest you read the Forum CoC, because you seem to be either misinformed, or simply uninformed.

THIS means moderated the thread by removing the toxic posts not shutting down an entire thread cause a couple of people are going wild…

Thats like 90% of the posters on here bud

Why would they ever buff rets though, holy and prot are doing so well, does your third spec need to be great as well?

So what is the point, are you a min-maxer? reroll! change your spec!
Or find a guild that is not min-maxer that would cut off any ret because of their low DPS.

Let’s talk about YOUR CASE.
Are you being cut off because ret dps?
That would surprise me. Your guild is not competing for world first, for server first or even speed runs. And I can tell you for just look at your logs that you guys are not even struggling with DPS. In fact, we’re doing a LOT MORE DPS than we used to do back then and even with the 30% buff on Naxx.

So, where is the struggle? Is it just because you CAN’T be number 1 dps?

There is no question - I was correcting the order in which the Blizzard employees came into the thread.

Perhaps communication regarding the countless bugs in WoW? That’d be a good start for me.

Let’s say I am ignorant of Paladins - heck, let’s say every single person who posted on that thread is; if someone is going to say “Prot and Holy are fine, so Ret’s fine, too,” then they SHOULD be able to answer questions from players asking about that class.

We’re not talking about Protection or Holy in this case - we’re talking about Retribution.

Considering in their response, they cited authenticity as a reason for the no-change, I’d say devs back then aren’t very relevant here.

There is no discussion to be had.

Your spec is what it is. Be happy with it or change the spec.

I reported myself at least 5 posts that were deleted where people literally called R word and worse the developer. I’m glad it was locked.

Isn’t that the definition of a messenger?

Something being frowned upon is different than being against the rules.

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and try to assume that you are being genuine here.

The thread that was locked was locked with the reason, “Sometimes we have to close a thread to stop it from becoming a big job for our moderators.

What that means is that they likely felt that if they simply removed the offending posts, there would be more that would require moderator attention. So, they decided to lock the thread.

Now, again I’ll suggest that you read the Forum CoC, because you will find that there are several areas within it that you could say this thread and many of its posts violate.

There are plenty of threads in the forums that have the same usage of Blizz or Blue without having the threads locked.

I also don’t care all that much because I don’t post enough on the forums to be on the radar all that much.

However my point still stands that while they think it’s not productive to respond in such a way, it’s still accurate that if they cared enough about the community, they would focus on looking over valid feedback rather than locking threads to stifle contributions to the topic being discussed. You need only look at Retail and what a mess it’s become over the years as a result of cherry picking community suggestions while ignoring other valid criticism.

Not everyone needs to be an expert on the game.

The people in discords are wildly more in tune with the specs and classes than the devs are.

This is an old unbalanced game.

No, you’re slightly behind on this topic.

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Regardless, ret is what it is and it is what it was back then, so, stick around and wait for ICC where you’ll do moderate damage and you’ll still not be #1 but maybe you can get your shadowmourne or just reroll.

Yea we wouldn’t want anyone having to actually do their jobs instead of cherry picking posts that they don’t like or agree with to silence.

You’re right - however, given that they used the “Prot and Holy are good, so Ret is fine,” usually would lead most to believe they have some knowledge of the game.

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