The Ret buff thread was blowing up so they locked it?

Nothing against TOS and they locked it?

Can daddy blizz please tell me what I can or cannot talk about on these forums then? Because if you can’t discuss nerfs or buffs needed then what can you talk about?


if u cant see how toxic they were being towards that poor messenger then idk what to say to u.


Ha. They’re not a messenger - it’s literally their job to communicate with us.


So then why didn’t they suspend them off the forums for a bit? Why shut down the mans thread he did nothing wrong.

Victim blaming at its finest.


Calling out blizzard hypocrisy is against tos.


maybe take time away from the thread to reflect upon blizzard’s response and craft meaningful, respectful posts full of logic and reasoning.

cope posting wont help your cause

It all depends on which forum mod is reading it I believe. If it offends them personally they delete it whether its against tos or not.

Read the Forum CoC.

Posting before Aggrend deletes this.

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Umm, we did, and we responded to it.

That first thread violated exactly zero rules.

I doubt that. But again…

How did it then?

His thread was fine I read it. What I am not going to do is sift through all the toxic messages.

  1. I am an adult and words literally do not hurt me.
  2. I can just ignore their post entirely
  3. It’s the job of a mod to remove those posts, not be lazy and shut down an entire thread.

You can’t have it both ways. They can’t remove some posts off threads and leave others up.

If someone is being toxic then they should shut down literally every single thread that has toxic people responding by that logic.

How does 1 thread full of toxicity just get peoples replies removed or silenced and another gets shut down entirely?

The entire automated system is the literal definition of toxicity and we still have that where people are blatantly open about abusing it in and out of game.

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I mean people are rightfully upset about being told Prot and Holy are fine so you must be fine!

Would have rather heard them say that they think ret is in a good spot with the utility we bring and just said nothing about prot or holy.

Additionally they go on to say buffing Ret would be inauthentic to the wrath experience… ret being bottom of the meters is in itself inauthentic to the wrath experience for anyone who played when it was released.

They didn’t like being called out on this and deleted it.

That and someone saying the ret discord is on the way scared them.


i dont think i ever saw an antl/pro RDF thread get removed or locked and those were toxic(and still are) AF!

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If you wish to hire me to do the work of figuring that out for you, I’d be happy to send you my billing info.

So, you’re just spouting nonsense with no evidence to support it. Gotcha.

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They locked 20+ yesterday or the day before because 1 guy was nercroing them

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Like 10 of em got the axe this week lmao, based on the excuse of necroing old thread but it did happen.

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