You are proving my point.
No, what I’m telling you is that your weekday queues don’t have weekend warriors in them anyway.
And if faction banners were a thing? Your queues would actually be busier because some weekend warriors would opt to run a dungeon instead of world quests during the week.
I agree but I wanted my Zandalari Pally and Druid.
From when I could solo it (like waaaay after vanilla) it took me like 7 months of weekly boss kills (from Revered, no other rep available). SEVEN MONTHS…many years in total.
The ones where you have to collect things for turn-ins was horrid too. Timbermaw thong-bears. Blargh.
Still have one more Steamwheedle left undone, as well as Ravenholdt…getting 5 rep per kill With DMF buff is headache inducing. I got my 100 exalted rep thru a couple of unique ones on an Alliance char so I’m DONE. For now. Not killing pirates and thieves again.
Today’s rep is So Much Easier and quicker it’s not even worth complaining about.
The reality is that the devs that once made great games are gone. The current devs care about the time played metric and stock holders.
Bfa is s bad expac. Blizzard isnt going to change from your or my pleas. The tabard system was a better system.
The cold hard fact is that we have 2 choices. We can jump through the hoop blizzard puts in front of us. Or we can quit and flip off the hoop.
Our desires don’t matter to the devs and it obvious.
My game time dies in 10 days. Maybe next expac will be better.
I hope you’re wrong. One of these days someone over there is going to need to realize that you can make fun games AND make money, too.
I don’t see this being likely if you can save up all the dungeons rewards and do them on the weekend.
Remember they fired 800 people despite boasting record profits. Gave the ceo a huge bribe. And they took all thier best developers to mobile games aimed at china.
Sadly it doesn’t seem like blizzard is going in a good direction for pc gamers.
Of course look at all the other big wig developers they are going down hill to. The failures of fallout 76, and anthem. The faillings of destiny 2 and more.
When you look at the devs now do you see your fellow geeks, nerds, gamers? I don’t i see suits from corporate.
Remember diablo immortals anouncement and the audiance booing.
A phase. One corporate gaming will adjust to if they want to survive 2020. PC gamers may not seem like a big deal anymore but we still represent a huge share of business for Blizzard. I do think the soured reputation took them by surprise.
I have a hard time believing that given the last two years we continue down this road another two years. If anything it’ll become bullish and we’ll get less crap overall which honestly is the best thing.
Wow, you have a hard time reading, don’t you? You have to not read with that snark in your brain. Nothing Byuck said was hostile or rude. Just explaining.
I guess nothing anyone says will change your mind or make you see reason.
Boils down to this: People are different - we like different things. Your raiding may be fun but it feels like a job to me. I like random PvP but ranked serious PvP is too Serious. Unlocking allied races was something I did because I could. Now, leveling and playing them is a different story.
Everyone plays this game for different reasons. Understand that much and you’ll stop acting all victimized cuz someone disagreed with you.
Time will tell honestly till then theres plenty of other things to play/watch.
True. I’m just working on comps and alts and old raids atm. Probably until 8.2 hits and we’ll see how much that helps BFA.
So, honestly, tell me what I’m missing.
I came back two weeks ago, have been 120 for 9 days and played every day, doing all the quests, WQs and daily WQ bonus. Still only honored.
How are you getting exalted so quickly?
So, did you 100% complete all of the regular quests in tirigarde/zandalar(depending on what side your on and doing)? That alone should get you a good way into honored.
Then, make sure you have a contract up at all times, the 10 extra rep adds up like gas.
Do ALL of the World Quests in that zone any time they are up, they are (with contract) 85 rep a piece and should be prioritized.
Keep an eye on the incursions for those zones as those bonus wq’s they also grant the 85 rep you are looking for.
Make sure to do every Tirigarde/Zandalar (again, depending on what side you are on) Emmisary, don’t miss them ever.
Prioritize the proper rep missions via the mission table, make sure to 200% them or get as close to 200% as possible (Note: there is follower equipment to help with stealth missions now). They are 200-300 rep each and very worth it.
Finally, when everything else is done and if you want to maximize rep gain then do all the remaining WQ’s each day for an additional 250-350+rep a day (including Warfront zone WQS when up).
And, if you have exhausted all of those sources but want to be an extra try hard (which I wasn’t, personally) you can get 250 rep tokens via Island Expeditions. 100 doubloons gets you a 250 rep token quest, make sure you have the extra doubloons perk learned on your ship, paired with the fact you ALWAYS get some doubloons now it takes roughly anywhere from 7 to 11 islands per 100 (ie 250 rep) so the truly devoted can infinitely farm the rep if they truly want. There is also a small chance you will just get a rep quest item from winning but it’s very slim that you will get the appropriate one.
Also keep an eye on events like World Quest Week which doubles rep gain and the Darkmoon Faire for the 10% rep bonus (which adds up)
Keep devoted each day and it should take roughly 2 weeks, give or take depending on personal devotion.
Edit: Oh yeah, and one more thing. Don’t skip the pet battle world quests either. They are super easy now since they scale off your teams highest pet. Just use a bunch of level 1’s that are strong or tough against the enemy type. Makes it super easy to faceroll. If you already pet battle and enjoy it then disregard this comment.
I say this because I use to skip them because I honestly hate WoW’s pet battling.
whispers Tell Blizz to bring back rep tabards for dungeons
Sure, requirements are great, rewards are great, but…
I’m talking about something (WQs) that basically requires you to clock in and do the absolute minimum. Every day. Like a minimum wage job. Why would you ever want your entertainment to be that?
I mean, but… that’s been Warcraft since day one. Before World Quests and Emissaries, there were handfuls of Daily Quests (which are basically the same thing, only much less frequent) and limited dungeon runs for grinding out reputation. In other words, it was what we have now, only a lot more limited. “Grinding” in Legion/BfA is an absolute breeze compared to the slog of previous expansions (I’m looking a you, Ogri’la and Hydraxian Waterlords) and yet for some reason, people complain about the “grind” in these two the most.
“Grinding” is only a job if you think of it like one and at that point it’s up to you to decide whether or not the time and effort is worth the reward. If you want the reward, well then you’ll just have to put in the time and do the content, even if you don’t necessarily find the activity “fun” (which is wildly subjective, by the way, so maybe stop trying to use it as an argument). That or you can just live without having whatever the reward is.
Personally, I didn’t find having to repeat old raids over and over again to be “fun”, but I decided I wanted mounts like Invincible and Mimiron’s Head, so I did it anyway until I got them. Doing the Shado-Pan achievements for my Shado-Master title was an extreme annoyance, but I wanted the title bad enough that I dealt with it. On the other hand, in WoD (pre-Pathfinder) I decided that while the Crimson Waterstrider was cool and rare, it wasn’t worth the time and effort it would take to fish for it, especially when I already had the Azure, so I simply didn’t bother with it. Ditto for The Insane title; no way in hell am I going to put in the effort for that any time soon.
TL;DR: Content is only a job if you make it one. It’s your decision whether or not the reward is worth doing content you don’t find fun. If you’re unwilling to do the content, you’ll have to accept the fact that you won’t have the reward until you do.
Daily quests were an awful slog, absolutely, not even going to try and disagree with you on that one - everything else you stated, however, is an activity that can be performed whenever you please, save for lockouts.
I’d just like less content that feels like I’m going to ‘miss out’ if I decide to skip a day or three. Being able to catch up is satisfying, being punished for not sticking to big boss Blizzard’s timesheet isn’t.
If standard WQ rewarded 150 rep, and Elite WQ gave 250 rep, like actual quest did, the rep grind would be nowhere near as bad.
75 rep per WQ feels so awful and unrewarding, and really just makes the “journey” feel terrible.
Jesus that is a complete burnout style of play
My life doesn’t revolve around wow, and wow is only one of many games I play
The time commitment is excessive for the rep grinds