The rep grinding is just painful

WQs give next to nothing and there are only so many… I’ve been waiting at least 3 days for a GD zandalari quest from my table, and either it’s not been on the rotation lately or I missed the last Zuldazar assault cause of work/life.

Give us ways to focus our rep grinding efforts. /ignore all other table rep quests or SOMETHING. This is just painful.

(Edit) I’m happy to put in 20+ hours to get those sweet, sweet druid forms but let me do it over a couple days off and not an entire month an hour at a time. It’s not like I’m unsubbing immediately after I unlock the race…

I was thinking about taking advantage of the sale to faction change an ally druid but I’ll never hit exalted in time and I’m not paying the ludicrous regular price.


Must be missing something… I literally didn’t play a majority of BFA and came back to start rep grinding. I did all major quest chains and did all the other quests that reward rep towards Zandalar and Honorbound. It took me maybe a 4 weeks of casual play for an hour or so after work and then I hit exalted. I honestly think its good where its at, it was pretty easy and any easier would make it trivial imo.


Rep displays the entire design problem with WoW today.

  1. Gotta do it their way.
  2. Gotta deal with time gates.
  3. Gotta do content you really dislike to bump their participation metrics.

When you really think of all the problems with WoW today all of it is summarized in those ways.

Why it doesn’t work:

Players want a game they can play their way.

  • Whether we’re talking Pacman or Dark Souls player freedom is apparent with enjoyable games. Players can choose what direction they want to go. They can go A,B,C or B,A,C or C,A,B without doing it a specific way every time.
  • The game simply had more engagement with players when things like rep had different ways to be acquired. Want to do dailies? They’re there. Want to do dungeons? They’re there. Want to just mindlessly grind a bunch of mobs in some random location? Toss down a banner and go to town.
  • When players are not given agency they tend to do a thing once and never again. Think of all the single player games not like Dark Souls where the player has one way to do something. How many times do you play those games? Exactly.
  • Replayability is central to the RPG experience. Having different ways to do different things increased the engagement a player feels with the world.

Players want to do things when they want, not when the game tells them they can.

  • In the same vein as being restricted to doing one thing is the inability to do it when you want to. Want to play on weekends only? Too bad. This inflexible daily-specifc schedule Blizzard has locked progress to has obviously deterred people from playing the game.
  • Dailies are chores. Let’s not beat around the bush here. When you tell gamers you’ll do your dailies or you’ll get nothing you are no different than a boss telling their workers do X, do Y on their time not yours.
  • Nobody pays to do a job. Nobody. So a game should not feel like a job.

Players who don’t want to do something shouldn’t be punished for not doing it.

  • Punishment is everywhere in this design. Want crafting professions? Want tabards? Want mounts? Want to just have a random variety of ways to earn rep with a faction? Tough luck. It’a all progressively locked to revered (was exalted at launch).
  • In BFA the best you’ll get are contracts which only work with questing anyway.
  • Another huge deterring factor here. People who DESPISE these quests take one look at that punishment and the requirements and say no thank you. It’s one of the most boring, contrived and punishing ways to make players play the game.

And this doesn’t just apply to rep. Things like warfronts apparently got smacked with every bad idea around WQ / daillies right in the face.

Any future content developed should steer far, FAR away from this design philosophy.

  • Give people multiple options for progressing on gear AND rep.
  • Give people the freedom to play on weekends if they feel like it without losing any progress during the week.
  • Real simple if you give a daily reward have it stack every day until reset on Tuesday. If people can’t manage to play WoW for a solid week then that’s their problem.
  • Emissaries shouldn’t be a problem as-is. Nor the world quests.
  • Set a rep cap on what a character can earn per week. Like 1500 total rep for Champions of Azeroth.
  • Add faction banners that people can drop anywhere and earn rep by killing things.
  • Once you hit 1500 rep gained you’re done for the week. Anything after that is 0.
  • People will still do WQ for other reasons. Gold or items or whatever.
  • People who hate WQ who want to just grind dungeons all day will get rep they want.

Win / win.


If it’s painful, you’re doing it wrong.

It takes 10-15 minutes a day for 2 weeks max to earn the rep. If you’ve done the war campaign, you should be half way there.


Coolest allied race reporting in!


I struggled with this as well. Good news though. Once I hit exalted the mission table exploded with Zandalari missions feelsbad. Keep plugging away and don’t give up. It’s worth the grind.




Getting there.

Found your problem. People loathe dailies because… they’re daily! And don’t get me started on mission tables :slight_smile:


The rep is fine. Don’t burn yourself out on grinding it, just earn it naturally.

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Rep grinding lol this isn’t rep grinding go back to the days of Burning Crusade then talk about rep grinding.


Really? Did they nerf those? I’ve earned all of those in the last few years. They were all different. None of them were 75 rep world quests.

These two cancel each other out. If you leave emissaries they way they are, you’d get 1500 rep per emissary. And yet if you put a cap on rep for the week, you can only do 1 emissary of each kind per week, and you’ll have a day per week where doing any emissary would grant zero rep (because there are only 6 emissaries) ?

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This is World of Warcraft now. Players telling other players to suck it up and get over it just because they don’t want to do a tedious rep grind.

“Only a few weeks!”

That seems awfully convenient considering our subs renew every 4 weeks. It’s so ridiculous how working for weeks just for reskins or skeleton changes is accepted and normalized now. Mission accomplished I guess


It’s not about capping em rewards. Rep is one of the rewards not all of them.

1500 for the week when the expansion launches. For the first few weeks. 1500 is just an placeholder value. Maybe 5k a week is the cap. IDK. It’s debatable how many weeks it should take. Then the cap lifts permanently allowing you to grind as much as you want, when you want.

The WQs will exist and people will do em caches for the rewards.
The people who HATE WQ will skip them altogether and just use faction banners for rep.


I’m not the one with crying they have to actually earn rewards in game by playing it. I’ve unlocked all the allied races by playing the game as was intended. So no you haven’t found my problem.

My problem is with those who want rewards without earning them.


if you had did the content from the start of the expansion you’d been done by end of October for all reps.


Looks like you missed the point I was making. Playing the game vs playing it the contrived way it is now isn’t really the same thing.


Idk. About a month before 8.1.5 I logged on my garbo horde toon and spent about 10 min a day doing world quests. Friendly-exalted in about 3 weeks. There is no grind, no time investment, just a rep gate from dailies.

This is not something new either. Ogrilla was the same way, spend 10 mins on a couple dailies and go about your business.

Do the chores or don’t play your reskins. Just stop whining about the path.


The whole game is pixels at the end of the day. It’s all nonsense from top to bottom. Do you want to participate in recreation or not? Because there’s plenty of other types.

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My Gnome Hunter, Omelette-Archimonde, earned exalted with Proudmore Admiralty in 2 weeks of play as a fresh 120. 2 weeks is not long at all…

Yeah, people talk about how crazy modern day WoW is gated by this stuff, and I am just sitting over here going “Yall never experienced the Hydraxian Waterlords, have ya?”

I know, its so wrong and horrible that you have to put in the time to earn the rewards you want, huh?


You guys never played pre-Cata smh. Reps were a req for dungeons. Be glad that isn’t the case.