The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

The renewal is in the going on DESPITE all of that. The renewal is rebuilding… repopulating, and in some cases, respawning.

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renewal is , first and formost, only a word. We will see what renewal in blizzards eyes really means, i mean, they really thought the playerbase would like everything in 9.1 (they even said, this would be justice for tyrande XD in an interview 1 week before release, funny right^^) and were hyped, of course everyone over an certain age could tell them that this will not work.


The only measure that matters in the long run are the sub numbers. Not what a few people post in Blizzard’s most ignored subforum. Most people don’t invest in the story, they just play the game and collect the new shinies.

so why are you here then if this is your position? i mean, it would be a waste of time for you, or not?

You’re the one that’s making theclaim that Blizzard is going to sink or swim based on how players take the story. I’m here because occasionally we do get pots other than repitative threads onhow awful things are for Night Elves… as if they’re the only race that Fate has shafted.


it is interesting to read this because…you post littelary called “The Renewal for the Night elves” right now…and seems to complain that we have #8285728 threads about night elves?

If you’ve been following this subforum we’ve been getting the same thread almost daily from the same posters.


i took a longer break until one of my friend thought it would be a good idea to buy me an subscription…i will use it for talking in the forum :wink: like the last one i received.

It’s honestly kind of… I dunno, tiring. It’s a dead horse at this point

to be fair, she exaggerated it, but without the exaggerated, she would even have a point, the night elf story is not in a good spot right now, i would even argue, somehow, they archieved that it feels like they reached a new low^^

I know. But a lot of races aren’t in a narrative good spot. It’s not something unique to just NEs

Thats not my argument, but the problems of the other races are differently and get not spotlighted or even shown…the night elf problem got somehow dragged in the face of their fanbase…even in a book they descripted how the roads are …empty and thats the reason both of them could travel through the lands seemingly without problems :wink:

it feels …wrong, and no other race have this kind of consequence really shown and descripted, not even the blood elves (90% of their people dead and and and^^)

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Have you played Horde side to max level yet?

Last time I did was in Cata. I haven’t touched a horde character in years.

Then maybe it’s time to stretch out of your comfort zone again. You only grow by pressing against your boundaries. That’s why tree bark is split on the outside.

Anyway, those souls need freeing, once again.

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I like playing my worgen though. It’s the only one I have.


It makes sense that you went Bastion.

Have you unlocked the Mag’har yet? We could do some hunting as orcs together.

Only AR I have unlocked is the Dark Irons. When I say I legit only play my worgen, i’m not kidding. I didnt even bother unlocking any other ARs. The Dark Iron one was a happy accident that I got the one achievement needed to unlock them :wolf:

(this was just before the patch that reduced the requirements)

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Whereas I am constantly running up against the game’s character limit.

If you don’t play both factions, you’re missing at least half of the game’s story.