The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

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It was linked to me on a lore discord. It’s going to be an IGC.


Thus far, what’s known about it is 9.2_[SFA]_Sylvanas_faces.

Oh, no. That is actually apparently Sylvanas’ Facing the Arbiter. Hence the acronym SFA. It comes after 9.2_[SFA]_CrowdPrescene_IGC

There is more to it that I didn’t post.

It involves Tyrande confronting Sylvanas. Look, I’m trying to be lite on spoilers. I think that should be fine to share since its just datamined stuff?


unknown.png (861×360) (


As far as the Horde is concerned part of Ashenvale is theirs by right of conquest and possession. They’re not going to end their access to their logging efforts right next door.

That will probably be a perception that will change within the Horde, or least Zekhan will probably work to persuade the Horde Council to work on changing within the Horde, as Zekhan thought about Rexxar’s comment in the following way in the latest book:

    Garrosh marched on Theramore Isle once more for war. The Horde of those days willingly followed its Warchief, even when he sought nothing less than total domination . . . the “might makes right” way of the old Horde, as Rexxar says. The war hawk Garrosh was a reminder of the cursed Horde he abandoned. Though it not be the same, I can understand a bit; I left the Horde for a time, too, when Sylvanas lead us astray.

That’s funny I definitely recall Rexxar being around when my Blood Elf Warlock made her first landing in Stormsong Valley. Said he’d left the Hunter’s Order because there was more interesting things to hunt in the Valley, meaning Alliance.

And Rexxar realized he was wrong and joined Jaina’s side again.

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I have seen this already, and it’s just going to be the same as the fight against Nathanos in Darkshore or against Sylvanas in Ardenweald where Tyrande ends up losing or getting humiliated since they won’t let her kill Sylvanas. Sylvanas isn’t going to die or get out of the story anytime soon either.

I don’t want to see any of that, I don’t want to see Tyrande get embarrassed yet again. What’s most likely is that she will attack, get stopped by the others and then throw her glaive on the ground or something angrily, mark my words…

Why do they repeatedly show us Tyrande losing or failing to get justice against Sylvanas and Nathanos but refuse to let us free the Night Elf Souls for example?
No Night Elf fan wants to see Tyrande go through more humiliation at the hands of the abusers of her and her people, we just want positive development for once. Not only suffering, tragedy, abuse and humiliation at the hands of those that inflicted this misery upon us.


Funny thing is that even The Shatterspear got their lands back, and have restored their tribe (quick reminder, that tribe is the only enemy which Night Elves managed to defeat after Warcraft 3, and Blizz roll even that victory back).

But not Night Elves. They are in “almost wipe out”, “empty roads”, “aggressive actions”, “no new home city”, “druids again neutral”, “missing revenge”, “missing in the last raid battle”, “disappearing Dark Moon army”, “need god to defeat trolls empire”, “their god does not helps them”, “Sylvanas got redemption and looks for the same thing for Nathanos”, “still growing pumpkins in Stormwind”, “still no children models”, “the only one who have lost civilians in the war, and their souls obliterated” bonuses.

People keep saying that other races got it worse. Nope, Blizzard just punched them once, and stopped. But in Night Elves case, Blizzard just cant stop. It seems that they actually enjoying to do this. It seams that they actually dong this to rise a hype on forums.
Negative campaigning still makes you popular (c).


Well Rexxar is a fool. I hope he gets killed off. Together with Baine and Thrall. The faster we get rid of the useless baggage the better the Horde will be off in the long run.

Which is true. Trolls and Tauren lost their leaders then get ignored. Then they replaced the better leaders with useless turds which might be just alliance puppets who don’t care about their people. Baine and Rokhan are traitors. And it needs to be called out otherwise nothing will ever get better for them.

Their “lands” is one stinking village in a mountain crevice.

Night Elves like Humans are a front and center race, so that means they’re going to be targeted that much more often. Then again however no other race has an entire covenant looking out for them.

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I don’t consider either of these to be good things. The more a race gets development, the worse off it becomes.


We’ve been freeing Night Elf souls all expansion.

There was a major quest for it as part of the campaign, and then a Night Fae only quest that was up whenever there was a Maw calling to go save more.

You’d grab it from Ysera.

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To settle this once and for all, even ingame the npc said…that the majority at this point is either fully destroyed or…in ardenwaeld, or should i say, had no hope remaining that we still can save night elves.

i don´t share the feeling to overblow this, but i´m for accurat lore, and it is indeed ingame said from ysera, after the third quest

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There’s no doubt that we’re not saving everyone, probably not even a majority of those who were still in Darnassus or the rest of Teldrassil when the Tree went down. But we’re saving some and a significant number were evacuated via portal to Stormwind and some by ship.

The Night Elves took a hit a major hit. The Blood Elves took an even bigger percentage hit when Arthas paid them a social call, but they recovered. So can the Night Elves, it’s just that recovery isn’t going to be overnight, nor will it be a reversal of what happened.

But a new focus on making babies is definitely in the cards.

By the third quest, I assume you mean the third extra quest?

Because as it stands now, for any of the extra quests, she doesn’t say anything like that that I’ve seen.

No Wisp Left Behind - Quest - World of Warcraft (

It brings me joy to see more souls freed from that dark place.

Thank you Maw Walker, for continuing to help us.

The Lost of Teldrassil - Quest - World of Warcraft (

Thank you, Maw Walker.

You have brought back a little bit of the light from the darkness.

We will make this right, no matter how long it takes.

From a Dark Place - Quest - World of Warcraft (

I thank you once again, Maw Walker.

These souls are finally free of the torment and pain.

There are still so many more, but I am optimistic that we may yet save them.


The problem isn´t only solved by “making babys”, the problem is still existing, and nothing have changed atleast, nothing from realy value.

The horde is still in a mood to cross the line (even if its dump lore but… Exploring Kalimdor proofed that behavior), the night elfs don´t have one important thing: time.

it will be much more difficulty to come back because they need so long to regrow and even then…they are not known to be very reprodactive compare to orcs or trolls


Your point? This is still a PVP as well as PVE game. The Horde/Alliance will always be a threat to Alliance/Horde anyone who thinks that there was the least chance that the basic Blue vs Red dynamic was going away is at the kindest… extremely mistaken.

Once upon a time… England and France literally engaged in a Hundred Years War. Life went on… people made babies… and to some extent both co untries even continued trading while they were skirmishing with each other.

This is a World of Adventure, a Crapsack World… it’s NEVER supposed to be comfortable.

that the one faction still threatend the entire existing of an entire race…and are still able to threaten them…and even show, they still occupied land of the other faction by force…even on their holy places as the biggest display of disrespect toward them…yeah, this sounds like reneval, right?