The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

Well, its what I have my fellow lore nerds for :heart:

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It really is NOT the same.

And too many of your “fellow lore nerds” have axes to grind.

We all do to be fair hun.


Please spare me the “all sides are the same” trope.

Wow, you are kinda… salty, huh? The doggo means well, no need to be so snappy.


It’s something that rubs me raw because it’s very rare that “both sides are equally valid” in any discussion or debate.

Micah’s comment essentially lumps me and others with the worst abusers on this subforum.

And Youtube.

you people act like writers have to hate their tragic characters. tragedy is a foundation of drama, people, get over it.

Pretending there aren’t people on both sides (Horde and Alliance) with axes to grind is frankly naive, especially when they absolutely are people on both sides. Alliance has a group who are so upset about Teldrassil, they’ll twist and manipulate every event into somehow being about crapping on night elves. Horde have people who are so upset about constant villain-batting, they’ll compare Camp T to Teldrassil as equal. We’ve all seen both of these groups of people.

Micah isn’t grouping anyone into either group. They’re simply stating they choose to get the Horde side of the story from reading others’ summaries. Micah isn’t stupid. I fully expect Micah can read the multiple dozens of posts people often make for every story development, ask a few questions, look for answers they know tend to be (relatively) unbiased to reach a reasoned conclusion about what those story developments actually were.

I think it’s an overreaction to assume you’re being lumped into any group here.


Generally the tragedy leads somewhere either bitter-sweet or somewhere satisfactory.
What Blizzard is leading it is frustration and rage.



We were literally talking about how Blizzard loves the night elves (in their own twisted way) in the post this is a reply to.

And they do. They have made sure to present the night elves in nearly every expansion in some form or other. But Blizzard loves to hurt their darlings, and if you show up in nearly every expansion? You’re going to get smacked around in nearly every expansion you show up in.

You mention tragedy, but you miss the key element that as WoW is an ongoing story, for tragedy to be meaningful, there must be joy to contrast it. Seeing characters suffer and suffer and suffer again stops feeling tragic and begins feeling abusive towards those characters. You need uplifting stories intersparsed to avoid those tragic characters looking pathetic.

Blizzard has always been terrible at creating uplifting stories. They promise them (MoP’s ending being a “fist pumping moment” for the Alliance), but they never quite stick the delivery (Varian walking away after making a vague threat to Vol’jin). Instead of a moment of joy, it becomes a moment of derision, and a tragedy of its own (after all the deaths and lands destroyed by Garrosh’s Horde, Garrosh’s life is actually spared because of Varian’s actions, thus allowing Garrosh to later escape and for WoD to happen).

The night elves were made a centerpiece of the instigating issue of BfA through the tragedy of Teldrassil. The moment of joy Blizzard thought would uplift the players who love night elves was… A poorly animated cinematic of Tyrande saying “we won Darkshore through the power of friendship!!”

So when you’re always making sure to show off your darlings, then cutting your darlings to evoke emotions, then never really managing to show your darlings’ joy, it stops coming across as tragedy. It’s simply abuse.


the story isnt finished… if you feel frustration and rage over a plot development, seek help.

It is finished with 9.2 and the Night Elves aren’t even part of that patch :woman_shrugging:

illidan is a nelf and has had two expansions illustrating his baddassery. furion had a badass cutscene in bfa and lots of lore build up. tyrande is also not forgotten and received a really well made and moving cutscene in ardenweald culminating her night warrior arc. the idea that blizz only bashes night elves is really silly. they are one of the biggest focal points. even the burning of teldrassil led to a lot of lore development, and yes, renewal of a fairly weak capital city. its not supposed to have fans tearing their hair out, man. its a common struggle, it led to development, action, drama, new scars and eye styles for your ne toons, new reasons to fight the horde.

a patch that hasnt even been released…

Illidan - Illidan. Not a night elf. He is related to them, like a satyr or a naga, the story of Illidan is not part of the story of the night elves.

have you… played the game?

Yes. Not in the Legion. Shadowlands only.

legion has development of illidan. also warcraft 3.

Illidan got beat up in TBC and was portrayed as an unhinged megalomaniac who now was enslaving people; hardly anything remotely uplifting there. In Legion, he gave up the rest of his life to spend eternity guarding Sargeras. Arguably uplifting, and the only thing you could find that qualifies.

He killed some caravan guards. Don’t pretend this is more than it is. BfA did not build his lore up; they showed he can trounce the kind of guys the PC trounces in a world quest. Showing he’s competent is hardly uplifting.

You mean the cutscene where she was denied her vengeance? Or the cutscene where Elune possessed Tyrande to talk to the Winter Queen, so that Tyrande could learn that vengeance is bad (even though Elune gave Tyrande the Night Warrior powers to gain that vengeance)?

You get that you’re not refuting my statements at all here, right? Unless you’re arguing that Teldrassil was an uplifting moment for night elves.

Is that your argument?

Darnassus 1) is not weak, and 2) is not renewed. It’s gone. It has not come back.

Nobody has disputed the intent.

Like, I get it. This is some highbrow stuff we’re discussing. Balancing continually throwing crap at people by giving them an apple now and again might not make sense to you. But I can assure you, it’s very basic storytelling. Books, movies, TV series, comic books, they all do it all the time.

But arguing that things like Malfurion savaging a bunch of nobodies in a warzone is an uplifting moment?

Come on, man.