The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

Well i get that some people might have the impression that all i do is to get angry at alliance player. I don’t pass as much time typing on the forum as many people do so most of the time, i just prefer to read and give some like on many type of discussion that people have and i don’t really feel like i have that much add. So most of the time i just feel the need to intervene when i was the same kind of poster writing to much lie for some time that i just can’t let it pass.

On the other hand, i try to always make it clear that i do want good thing for the alliance. I currently have more alliance character at 50 or above that i do with horde so why would i not want good thing for the alliance?

But since i pass most of my time arguing with people like Small, Ethriel, Zair, Aihn, well i end up being see as a unreasonable poster who never wanted any good of the alliance.

And while i do pop on thread and might be toxic on some poster at my first post but i always do it on poster that have show to be toxic on other player and if i do it on someone that didn’t deserved it, i have know problem to apology and say that i was wrong like i did with you and how i did it for a other poster the other day.

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I read what you had said and remembered seeing something earlier in the day that directly contradicted it. I posted it and you took it as an attack.
And whever someone points it out you have two defense mechanism, either you changed your mind or its out of context.

Anyway so I assume that you take ownership of “quoting” me out of context?

Imagine people changing their mind. New concept for you huh?

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Now here’s a out of context question for you Micah? Someone said earlier that you chose Bastion for your worgen. Wasn’t Ravendreth the most tempting choice considering the vibe similar to gilneas and the whole werewolf vs vampire stuff?

Typically once changed they keep at it. They don’t flip flop about it with each conversation.

Always better than never changing your opinion no matter how wrong you can be.

It was tempting. But I love how the bastion mail armor looks on worgens. :wolf:


It’s called context. Go learn what it means. And I been fairly consistent with most of the things I want and like. But you’ll manage to twist my words anyway

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Nope. We done boyo. :slight_smile:
You are not interested in having a good faith conversation.

An opinion is not based on context otherwise its known as hypocrisy.
Rules for thee but not for me is a popular saying.

Make sense. You must still have the problem of having all the human modelling gear not always looking good on many race like worgen. That was 50% of the reason of why my main is a blood elf.

Most of the gear in game looks horrendous on my toon. It’s soo difficult to find a good helmet

??? What kind of bullcrap is that take???

He does this all the time. Takes what I say and twists it to suite his agenda. Certain things like sylvanas are complex and depending on what version of her we’re talking about, yes my opinion will change

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The irony of both of these statements… is just too perfect.
I love it. Best 2021 anime Pot meet kettle moment

Keep missing the point as always smallz. Never change


Yeah like context can change everything. But him thing that context shouldn’t change our opinion just explain why he is so narrow minded.

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For some people, the game being so “us vs them” has transcended into real life. For others, they can’t grasp why people have different opinions and takes than them, so they need to “other” large swaths of players so it makes sense in their heads. For still others, they are just very poor at communicating at a group level, and don’t see the linguistic difference between “the horde players” and “some Horde players” and the implications of those statements.

I’m asserting now that I’m not saying anyone’ in any of the other groups I mentioned, or the hundreds of thousands I didn’t mention. Just putting that out there.


Two faction systems of any sort invoke very strong tribalism, which brings the worst parts of people out in full force and makes compromise very difficult.


Its ironic this whole thing started from me responding to Drahliana’s point about the first pump moment wasn’t nathanos pinned to a wall moment and resolution has been made
That even Blizzard doesn’t pretend that it is…

And what do we have? Lenastus out of the woodwork to tell me that it is and start the… personal dramas.
Which like said he does everytime someone disagrees with the crumbs Alliance gets and he says why they should be accepted or else.

But yeah I am the problem.
Not a single thing I said was othering other players or pitting one side against the other. God this community sometimes.