The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

He is 100% right on that one. You entire argument back then was that Nathanos was going to join Sylvanas and that what he wanted. That was every NE poster argument for why the cinematic of Tyrande beating the crap out of Nathanos was good.

Turn out that Nathanos is dead and isn’t with Sylvanas. You whole argument is now dead. But off course you still won’t see it because it wouldn’t fit you victim agenda…

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He will be in 9.2 :woman_shrugging:

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Difference being it’s ranger general sylvanas that will be looking for nathanos and not banshee queen sylvanas.

Not sure if that makes a difference to you.

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Wait a minute. The “Nathanos was aiming for Sylvanas” argument was intended to negatively assess the video, right?

Whatever argument you are saying I made or didn’t make. I honestly could not care.
You have typical behavior of misrepresenting what I say and other me whenever I enter your peripheral vision.

Most of your posts are attempts to gaslight people, typically Alliance and NE fans, that whatever they have gotten they should be happy with and no more should be coming their way.
You have no interest in good faith argument or understanding what the other side is saying, and I doubt you care frankly. So no, I don’t have any interest in actually seriously discussing this with you.
Now go back to your regularly scheduled Alliance player bashing unless it lines up with your own wants.
Bye bye :stuck_out_tongue:

Except that he won’t? There is still no sign of him in 9.2. Saving he soul doesn’t bring him back. 9.2 is probably the last patch so even if we save his soul at the end, there won’t be other content with him and we’ll just let him behind in the shadowland…

Just as a note: She isnt the Ranger General, or the Banshee Queen anymore. Though by her own wording, she is still a Windrunner. The merger produced a not so omnicide happy version of the same person we have known and (hated/loved) for so many years.


So you are playing dumb in other for people to forget what you did say? Well it not like you had history of understanding the conversation you are in so…

No, we don’t just attack alliance or NE player. We attack the toxic unreasonable one like you, Aihin, Ethriel, Vuldezei. We have no reason to attack people like Adamis or Micah. The same way that people attacking Erevien aren’t attacking horde player.

But sure continue to make countless claim only to run from them as soon as they end up being wrong…


I literally tried working with Horde players to try to find a compromise in the story that we are both happy with. The Horde players… you chief among them had no interest in that. NOTHING be given to Alliance/NE players and the few crumbs must be accepted as enough, other they are the ones being unreasonable.
Basically, you decide what they should like and be satisfied with. You don’t get to gatekeep what you think other fandoms are interested in. You don’t see me going around telling Horde players what true Honorable Horde is and how it should look like and they should be happy with Baine leading them to a new loving and peaceful future.

I don’t bring up Micah anymore because they asked me not to.
Anyway, this highlights how little I value your gatekeeping and trolling behavior.

If your whole point in replying to me was to get me to engage in a 30 post debate about character assassination, then I tell you now as I told you before. Your opinion and thoughts hold the same value as Erevien’s rants.

Lol I don’t care but if it makes you feel good little man. Good for you. Be sure to take a cookie from the cookie jar. You deserve it.

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PSA: I do not really think we should be attacking anyone. Debate the message all you like, but leave the messenger out of it. Just say’n.


Certain players like Lenastus are not interested in what people are actually saying. Only what he can twist to into thinking what they are saying.

I think he is under the impression that ostracising people and making players fight other players somehow Blizzard would deliver on what he wants.
Just look at his post.

What is it besides some childish “Oh haha you were wrong!”
I remember my issues with the Nathanos kill and verbalized them why they felt wanting but nope. Mr. Lenastus decides what is valid and what isn’t and if you don’t view things as he does or feels well then… how terrible to be wrong all the time right?

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Not really, because Nathanos was just as bad as the evil Sylvanas, so why should Sylvanas still want him and why should he get a pass?

To bring this a step further, why would Ranger General Sylvanas want to return to the Horde after seeing what they did?

I just retrieve some of them:

That was a respond for why it was a good cinematic.

And here are other claim from you a Ethriel.

That is also you claiming that Lordaeron battle was a win for the horde…

just because you hide your history doesn’t mean that it is erased from the forum…

Here we can see you and Ethriel claiming that the cinematic isn’t satisfying because Nathanos is going where he wanted… Which ins’t true since the place he wanted to be was with Sylvanas, not in the maw alone being tortured.

And there is also you trying to claim that Darshore isn’t really won by the alliance.

And on the top of that is you trying to make the claim that losing undercity was a win for the horde and worst, you called silly someone who didn’t think that…

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I don’t know why you are quoting me.

I fully stand by the statement I made, especially with Nathanos returning in 9.2.

Honestly? She wouldn’t. Wouldn’t make sense for her too

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Yeah that why i must never had those conversation with Micah and other about how i wanting them to kick the forsaken out of Gilneas, how i wouldn’t have mind horde out Ashenvale and NE out of Azshara. Must also be why i never claimed many time the i wanted gnome to retake their city back. Or how i really didn’t wanted the NE to lose their city first and how i would like for them to get a proper city in Hyjal.

But yeah you, who always ask to punish the horde, made so much post about wanting a solution that doesn’t require to spit on horde player. Because you are of course so reasonable.


What is factually wrong with what I posted?

He had left the Horde.
And as Tyrande was going to kill him he was giddy about it because he thought he was going to Sylvanas.

This is how pethatic you are. I am literally saying I don’t put much stock in what they say in interviews because BLIZZARD SAID THAT ALLIANCE LOST LORDAERON. jesus christ. holy christ…

Indeed. And people can go back and check the actual context of what I said.
Without your messed up biased view of me.
Because when I said the same people claim Darkshore was a Win for the Night Elves I will say that WoT was a win for Horde.
Is anyone happy about it? Feel good about it? Fistbump in the air? No? Ok then. Point made.

Now that everyone can actually see what I said and its context this post of yours appears as unhinged as it is. If I was still conversing with Alynsa this is what I would be pinging them with regarding the toxic behavior of this community coversation we had last week.

Instead of coming together as fans and a community we get into petty fights like this. Taking things out of context and doing… this…
It is honestly sad.
Anyway I am done wasting my saturday morning on you. I would typically say good day but… no. bye now :slight_smile:

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I’ve had plenty of good conversations with you and other horde players. Sure we clashed a few times after BfA happened. But than again everyone was angry and not thinking straight.

I don’t get why some alliance posters want to paint every horde poster as being unreasonable :wolf:


Yup… so much generalizing of all horde players. Two peas in a pod you two are.

You’re very first action when you came back was to attack me. And you constantly take everything I say out of context. I wouldn’t be calling anyone out if I were you