The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

Would have happen anyway without faction. Everything always end up with one group vs a other. Raider vs pvp, casual vs elite, pro flying mount vs non pro flying mount,etc. that just how society work. From politic affiliation, to language, to racism, sexism or even just sport. Everything end up in a ‘‘us’’ vs ‘‘them’’.

Yes, because we have not evolved past the compulsion to form into tribal units to defend ourselves. It is an unfortunate aspect of being human.


Yeah, you won’t read this. I know that. But yes you do. You frequently refer to anyone disagreeing with you as “Horde players”.

Statements like:
“I tried to work with Horde players.”
“Night elf fans agree with me, but Horde players disagree.”
“The only ones who feel this way are Horde players.”

The character I have the most /played time on is a human priest. My third most played in my night elf druid. If you tallied up my /played across all my (far too many) alts, it’ll be a close match.

I’m not a “Horde player”, though you’ve frequently labelled me as such. I’m a World of Warcraft player. My opinions and feels span both factions, wanting for better for each. Regardless of that, you’ve repeatedly diminished me as a “Horde player”.

And while I can only speak for myself, I’m sure others have had this same experience too. I know at least one exclusively Alliance player that you continue lumping in with “Horde players”, because that’s just the language you default to.

You once told me that “everyone here hates you”. Maybe there’s something in your use of language, something you aren’t even aware of, that provokes this reaction. Maybe you could reflect on that.

Or not. Again, you won’t even see this post because I got tired of these same manipulation tactics and that upset you.


Sure, the blood elves have this tradition of remembering their dead and bringing the light of the fallen to the Sunwell, but that’s not the same thing I was saying in the first place.

The blood elves are confronted with the fact that many have died and that those are honored, precisely because there were so many, and all the victims are remembered to never forget Artha’s crimes. But it is not thrown in your face ala “Two alliance members - despite the ban - can sneak through all areas because the area is more or less…completely empty”.

Besides, I didn’t say anything about “who has it worst”, but I mentioned a fact that really happened just now, and is even described in EK Kalimdor.

I mean, if all the races as you say share the same fate, why was such things never written about them :wink: ? Should it be not written about the other races too, if “all races share the same fate” ?

if you speak about me, i don´t remember that i did such a thing even once?

Not you. Had others do or say something similar to me

Never forget the Howling Oak.

It also sounds out of place, like a goblin going to kill Sylvanas due to a broken contract.

And has been repeatedly stated, he was wrong. Went straight to the maw, an act by the Jailor that eventually undermined Sylvannas’s loyalty to him.

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Ah yes that tree that had the awesome lifespan of … three years?

I liked it. It was a nice, secluded area filled with Gilneans. I enjoyed going there on my Worgen characters.


When the worgen were first introduced, I remember a bunch of us running to Darkshire, and we all rped as a bunch of semi feral worgens living in the area. I miss my pack guild so much :frowning: