The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

so youre mad that illidan is a vengeful badass and mad that tyrande isnt? i mean, screen time is screen time. if you cant appreciate these characters’ stories for what they are, maybe youve picked the wrong characters to idolize. furion, tyrande, and illidan all have deep histories portrayed in gameplay, quests, cutscenes, books. im not here to nitpick every little thing with you, just gave you three extremely central nelf characters who have been with the series since wc3.

How’d you even get to that assumption?

Do you think she is?

Not at all relevant.

Ok, so what I’m getting is this entire conversation has gone so far over your heard that you’re utterly lost amongst the weeds but know you want to try and get into an argument.

I mean, you still haven’t managed to refute, or really even address, anything I’ve said. All you seem capable of arguing is “look, there is a night elf! They are right there, see?? They did a thing!!! Gotcha!!”

Yes. Yes, those are night elves. And yes they did do a thing. Congratulations?


you seem upset and you want me to get on that level, but i’d rather not. the story isnt finished, and i honestly dont know what youre complaining about so vehemently. thats what i was trying to understand but i dont think it is understandable for me since i am so… lost in the weeds? lol.

No, just confused. You genuinely don’t seem to understand what’s being discussed here, but seemingly assume you do well enough to… Dispute it through naming existing night elves?

You’re trying to debunk the argument of “night elves appear a lot in the game, most of the time they get crapped on, and we don’t see much in the way of positives to give meaning and context to the near-constant stream of negatives” by saying “well, look, here are three night elves! They all exist!! Busted!!”

Like… What huh?? Did you not follow the argument here? Is there something you’re forgetting to say? Was there a specific part you just didn’t understand?

I’m not upset, my friend. I’m perplexed.

Help me to help you understand.


its like you havent experienced their stories.

I mean, okay. If that’s literally all you can seem to grasp here, then…

You win, you’re right, I’m sorry?

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It is on the PTR… ?

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Oh no Ethriel, don’t do it! I’m actually kinda fond of you. Please don’t bother with this person!! You’ll hurt your brain trying to make sense of them!!

I have first hand experience here!!


Tyrande - as she was original designed - would have chose Vengeance over Renewal. The WC3 tyrande had litteraly no problem with wiping the orcs and humans out. It was a Charakter designed around the “amazon”-Fantasy of the night elves and to to be a “badass woman” among a cast almost entirely of mens.

now, we have an Charaktere here, wielding the “most ruthless face of Elune” aka the Nightwarrior, a power with one purpose, archieving Vengeance, and even then she ´s not allowed to really touch Sylvanas. To make her “She was to die”, was a bad dessicion for blizz, a dessicin that will haunt them in the end, because they archieved a thing with the night warrior powerup that was near impossibe…to build a little bit hype around tyrande, a tiny little bit, but in the end, everything was destroyed for Sylvanas Purpose and her Plot.

The player lost the patience with the Charakters and the Writer and its exist now a group of night elves that would rather see tyrande dead as continue this constant abuse of this charakter. on Top of it, elune was greatly damaged as well and now? “This plot isn´t Over”

And? if your plot destroy a lot of your fanbase reason to play your game, then change your plot, imidiatly and don´t pretend to be “But the Plot isn´t over”

The night elf player were misstreaten over the entire timeline of wow´s existing…after 15 years (beginning bfa), they lost once and for all their patient, plot over or not, this plot cost blizzard a lot…and us players aswell.

night elves now are Weak
Their goddess incompetent
They are - from an metaperspective - forced by the writters to forgive without even ASKING the audience, knowing that if they would ask the playerbase, most of us wouldn´t choose Renewal but Vengeance against Sylvanas.

So…now, this plot wasn´t worth the cost and anyway what stupid end this plot will have, the climmax is destroyed and even if tyrande kills sylvanas now at the end of shadowland…it feels shallow…bankruppet. Tyrande would be “allowed” to kill sylvanas and not spite her in the soupe and killing her to end her plans…and take a powerfull ally from the jailor, and on top of it, elune and tyrande will play no role by the dead of the jailor aswell.


This vengeance vs renewal thing is also the most ridiculous to me.

Let’s ignore the fact that Tyrande never pursued vengeance in the first place, but her choosing renewal doesn’t make her ineligible for justice.

Justice and renewal aren’t mutually exclusive, yet Blizzard wants to portray it like that.

In the end, all renewal the Night Elves got was forgiving those who wronged them anyway. Well, the remaining handful of Night Elves and Tyrande I guess…
No actual renewal to be found anywhere. No positive development.

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to be fair, vengeance and justice are mutally exclusive.

Justice is archieved, vengeance is claimed, to bring it to the core of the difference between this too.

Justice can be some form of Retribution but vengeance will allways be on a more personal level, you yourseelf seek to make the things right and often goes to far in the process, driven by your own pain.

I don’t think Tyrande ever wanted to burn down a Horde city and send the civilians to the maw to obliterate them.

Because that’s what vengeance would be.

Justice would be killing Sylvanas, the war criminals in the Horde, freeing the Night Elf souls, getting their lands back etc.

Sadly, the Night Elves didn’t get either of those.


Kail and Alayna, thanks for realizing what I mean. I’m not sure if people like Drahl legitimately believe everyone on both sides are ecstatic about the story. But it doesn’t change the fact there are parts of the story we all either hate or love. That’s all I honestly meant. :wolf: :heart:


While i don’t get why he is so salty about it, i do get part of hit point. What you may think by listening to forum and video doesn’t always equal what you may see in game.

I thought for years that Wod was such a ‘‘orc’’ expansion for both the horde and the alliance and that the alliance was force to quest with orc the entire expansion because of how people described it on internet.

When i finally levelled my first alliance character in draenor not even two years ago, i realise how wrong it was and how the alliance don’t even quest one single time with a orc in the entire levelling questline. Of course they do kill some orc but you always receive and quest with either draenei, human, dwarf or arrakoa. In all the 5 zone. You don’t even know about Durotan until the fight against blackhand.

Kind of change my mind about the ‘‘horde orc expansion’’ from the alliance side when i realised that blizzard made sure that the alliance player wouldn’t have to befriend any orc until really late in the expansion.


Urg it really didn’t take long before the usual ‘‘we all have it bad but the NE is really worst’’… Why some NE player can’t just accept to be but on equal term for how bad thing are…

And using blood elf is far from the best example considering that it was put in their face in the last expansion in the heritage quest line and it still put in their face in Shadowland with the scourge, Zorval being the one responsible for what happened, with Sylvanas general ranger being back and with Kael’thas…

So no the NE aren’t the ONLY ONE to have that…

I mean… the worgen lost two homes to horde aggression, but because they weren’t massacred in the process, we’re apparently not allowed to talk about it

(I lost count how many times certain alliance players have made excuses for why my pain over teldrassil just isn’t the same or doesn’t matter) :wolf:


The story takes years to be delivered and not minutes like a TV show.
And yes my friend, games make people feel emotion. Whether its tearful moment between a father and a daughter in Last of Us or a tearful moment on a show between a father and daughter about League of Effing Legends characters in Arcane.

Its not 1998 anymore where we play games on the NES.
Every Act in a developing story makes people feel things, and those feelings turn ever more intense over time if they keep getting brought up but not resolved, or the audience gets more apathetic to it. Which is why the writers try to resolve in the next Act to resolve it. Usually anyway… unlike WoW they keep dragging along month after month and year after year. Its demented.

PS. looks like father/daughter relationships stories make me cry. :cry:


Tyrande had her fist pump moment with literally nailing Nathaos t a wall and then executing him.

On her second encounter with Tyrande she gets the further satisfaction of finding out that Nathanos was thoroughly wrong on what killing him would do.

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I am not even going to try to debate you on this, even if you are sincere.
Let’s just say where ever we look that people provide feedback this does not seem to be the sentiment.

I haven’t seen anyone pretend Tyrande or NEs got theirs with Nathanos or the… revelation of his temporary death to Sylvanas :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Anyway Blizzard keeps one consistent message that something is coming but its been taking way too long and the little crumbs along the way aren’t enough or done extremely poorly.


While he was actively mocking her, telling her that she’s doing him a favour and now he’s going to return anyway?