The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

That’s not what I call a hot take. I admit when I speak of pain and regret in the game, I don’t think of the horde side. Though I do empathize with your guys plight too. The kaldorei and worgen are the only races I really enjoy, so I have a bad habit thinking from that perspective

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Dont put all of us together. Those Sylvanas ‘‘fan’’ are the extreme one the same way as Nefpa are the extreme NE fan or the MHP paladin are the extreme human fan or those ‘‘garrosh did nothing wrong’’ are the orc extreme fan.

Many Sylvanas fan like me just hated how they used her since BFa and Shadowland won’t save her or bring her back for us. Even if she was to came back as the forsaken leader, it would just not be the same. For me, the Sylvanas that i liked just doesn’t exist anymore. The one we have now is just Danuser tool.


I am happy that Sylvanas will return to the Horde and yeet Calia out.

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I said weird sylvanas fans, I meant only the weird ones


Don’t lump all us weird Sylvanas fans in with those other weird Sylvanas fans, Kat! :heart:

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A lot of us are sad about what blizz did to sylvanas. She was one of the best characters in game at one point. Though I’m upset that side characters like Ivar and Darius get no screen time :wolf:


Really? it feels more like this:


The fight in Ardenweld where they do their silly not-Harry-Potter smoke flying? Felt like a real cop out and Sly had it in the bag but bailed because lmao writing.

I mean we all know the reason the other races weren’t specifically touched on was because just one race in particular was genocided. Kind of a weird point in this thread which feels like:

“Well you see your people got wiped to near existence, so the vast majority of your souls went to doublehell but we saved a few so actually you guys got the better deal because you’re still almost wiped out because genocide. But it’s okay because we saved a few from eternal torture”

Maybe the real story was the genocide we committed along the way :heart:

Whoever greenlit the tree burning to Eluna actually showing up should be fired, a terrible narrative decision that’ll lead to player butt mangle for years.


Come on I know you are better than this.
Why are you baiting this debate again?


I’ll need to rewatch it, but p sure at the end she was losing her night warrior powers and she would of lost of Sly didn’t plot-armor bail.

The debate of Tyrande vs Sylvanas fight was a great display of Tyrande beating/dominating/punishing/winning/powpow/destoryed/insertadjectivesherebecauseiamrunningout Sylvanas so night elves should be happy to get that amazing Tyrande cinematic.

And for the next 50 posts we are going to get YUHUN and NUHUN


I strongly disagree. Nothing about that cinematic felt good.
More salt on the wounds, actually.

In the end the only victory the Alliance and Night Elves in this case have is “wow you survived the Horde/Sylvanas! Lucky you!”

You know what you did you sneaky devil.


In regards to Teldrassil, they already have, though not because of the story. Alex Afrasiabi was Senior Creative Director up until 9.0 was well into development. As I understand it, he was the top person in the narrative department.

For something to be positive it has to be good otherwise I could start arguing that BFA was a positive expansion for the Horde because they got so much focus in the story and had positive changes developed within.
I am sure I can hunt enough positive nuggets in BFA and frame the whole expansion as a positive development for the Horde.



Your point is wrong and that is what I was trying to communicate to you.
Tyrande fighting Sylvanas in equal measure was NOT a positive. And the cinematic was not good at all which you agree as well.

Now you might ask why it isn’t a positive. Well simply because this was, is and will be the only physical confrontation between Tyrande (and all the Night Elves) against Sylvanas.
And her sole take away from this fight was she was fought to a standstill and survived. Like last time. This is not a great thing to communicate to a victim. Considering the things Sylvanas has done and we are going towards the Renewal any form of corporeal punishment against a war criminal is denied.

I do understand them. I reject them.
Because if I were to do that then by the same logic I have to begin saying that BFA was a positive for the Horde.

The cinematic in question was a positive for Sylvanas and her fans.
She completely controled the entire fight except for two instances.

  1. when she found out Nathanos is dead.
  2. when she got pinned down for like 7 seconds before Tyrande’s power collapsed because of the sheer strength of Sylvanas.

Sylvanas basically fought a god’s avatar of vengeance all on her own and got away with yet another edgy line and a smirk while achieving the goal she had intended on the whole time.


Again, you win. I’m done, Smallz.



You win, Smallz. I’m done arguing with you. I’m done with these weak as hell attempts to gaslight me, when I can just scroll up and see what I’ve actually stated, and see that it’s not at all what you’re trying to manipulate things into, just so you can ascribe a bad argument to me.

I do not have the fortitude to keep at it with you.

You win.


Wasn’t trying to win. Just having a conversation.
Have a good day. :slight_smile:


That is always like this with him. You can’t say that NE ever had anything good even if you agree that they overall need more to make up for Bfa. Everything have to be the worst thing ever. I already had similar discussion with him.

The Warfront cinematic can’t be good because x reason.
Tyrande just beating Nathanos can’t be good because x reason

Its like if admitting that NE had one single good thing mean for them that they admit that the resolution is enough, which is wrong. You can say that one thing is good but not enough.

But i don’t even think that Small en Ethriel really want good thing for the NE more than they just want to whine about them. Which is why they are so quick to diminish anything the NE get.