The reclaiming Gilneas questline was great!

We get a scene where Tess plays the wounded party at Genn after inviting the Forsaken to what was to be a good moment for Gilneas, only for her abject callousness to be rewarded with a crown.
Then we go and talk to King Sad-sack in front of his son’s grave again, and have to remember to pick up the teleportation toy (every other race gets it automatically after relogging).
That’s about it.

Like Ken said, just ignore them. You are amazing Fuzz. :heart:


Oh I am. Just wow what an interesting way to start the day LOL

Also for those interested, ya’ll can add me on discord.
Dragula_uwu :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I opened up the thread and was like “Um…what is happening right now?”

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Can I add you on discord?

You know what? Sure you can why not.


I’m not upset with you in any way. I think it’s just miscommunication. We saw the situation differently from one another and went about it in the wrong way.

I shouldn’t have made that last comment. That was rude of me and I apologize for that.


I’ll have to go through it on both sides to see how it plays out.

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Apology accepted :people_hugging:

I’m sorry too for any miscommunications as well.


No, I’m sorry!

It was me all along!

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I like what they are doing with Calia in that she’s a kind of reverse “ugly duckling.”

The Forsaken have problems integrating because of the decay between death and revival leaving the looking a scary and damaged both physically and, to some extent, psychologically, especially when it comes to empathy. Now we’re having someone whose revival left her mostly intact trying to fit in with the Forsaken. It is an interesting take on the whole outsider wanting in.

It is one of the reasons I find Lillian Voss so fascinating is that she hasn’t forgotten how painful life, death and revival can be. She’s had a long, hard journey and is the better for it, unlike most folks.


Yeah, like I said, I don’t hate her. What they are doing with her is also fine. But where’s the plot? lol It feels like we skipped half the book and ended up where we are currently.

Yeah, Genn is a King, which is typically a lifelong appointment, usually when a King steps down it’s because of some shameful act. I for one am not impressed by him making his daughter the leader of Gilneas, Genn is a phenomenal character with so much depth, feels a bit forced. The dialog for Calia and the forsaken lending a hand felt forced as well, the concept is a hard one to make work but the elements are there to make it compelling, I just didn’t find it compelling or convincing. The even as a whole was a lot of fun, at least with War Mode On, and I’m glad the city was reclaimed I think it was over due. Maybe 3 stars?

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What if I stole your bagel?




I did enjoy the questline, but I did think the ending was so hokey. It felt milquetoast.

First time seeing Gilneas, i was shocked by the size of the wall. Hopefully they will rebuild it.

I feel like the questline could’ve been a bit longer or something, but it is what it is.

Share the bagel?
hopeful eyes and wiggles toes

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Shares bagel

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